Saturday, March 16, 2013

How To Writing Research Reports ?

How To Writing Research Reports ? Being a student means to be prepared given the task of writing a research report. This task is in all faculties and departments. This task is even present in almost all courses. Actually making it easy to research reports. That challenge is the research process itself. Many things can be learned from the research process both for the social and natural sciences. Scientific method in the study it makes people think systematically and consider all the possibilities.

Exciting discoveries

Writing a research report is obviously not a free writing activity or penmanship. Writing a research report should be based on the truth that can be justified scientifically. The writing itself is based on data that have been found. The process of data discovery is exciting. When any sentence must be accounted for and should not be just empty words, then science and reading materials that support the report should be studied carefully.

For example, how does a researcher discovered a belief that when under stress, the right foods to eat are fruits that contain lots of vitamin C. Apparently vitamin C may reduce the levels of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is a stress hormone that makes sense and the brain does not work properly. This conclusion has been through continuous research. The conclusion of a study could be wrong or no longer used after the results of a recent study that more could be acceptable.

At the beginning of its emergence Penecillin regarded as 'the god of medicine' that is able to cope with all kinds of diseases. However, after the discovery of a lot of people who were given an antibiotic is experiencing a severe allergy to the level, research has now led to the discovery of antibiotics with different levels. However, antibiotics are still used in the treatment of infections. All conclusions were reported by a systematic pattern of writing that can be re-analyzed and studied again to stimulate other studies. However, further research is to obtain better results for the welfare of mankind.

At the time Professor Poorwo Soedarmo, the leaders of Indonesia nutrition throwing ideas PERFECT FIVE HEALTHY FOUR term, everyone followed the slogan. They believe that what is defined it is the intake of food should be consumed by a person in order to have a healthy body and strong spirit. The slogan or the term itself survive long enough until there is a new study proves that in fact, the most suitable at this time instead of eating in a way that Four Perfect Healthy Five, but eating with balanced nutrition.

Eat it when it is hungry and stop when it has not felt very satisfied. Although no longer used, Prof. Poorwo Soedarmo still appreciated as a nutritionist who contributed. Of course the term was not made with the shallow thinking. The term that has been through some deep thinking after conducting various observations and research. There is another study that provides a theory that is now fixed, that is, research that finds Tjokorda Sukawati raka Sosrobahu method. A method used in the manufacture of the overpass.

Until now these methods are still used. How can a method that has been aged for decades can still be used today. That is the result of tireless research. Outstanding results were still useful. Former President, BJ. Habibie also issued an aircraft manufacturing theory. This theory is called Habibie Method. Naming is not something unusual. Naming it as a reward as well as the recognition of the world that the method can indeed be used. It is also the result of the untiring research.

No sir Mujair field of fisheries to develop a type of fish that can be freshwater fish. Fish that developed eventually be named according to the name. Probably not many people know that the name of the fish Mujair turned from the name of someone who is very intelligent. Of all the stories it could be said that the research was fun. Many benefits can be get of a study.

All Fields of Life

All areas have their own uniqueness. In the field of research as well as that. For example, the most important in the field of social science research is the questionnaire both high validity and reliability. This questionnaire is one way to obtain research data. Than through questionnaires, interview techniques can also be done. Then there is the survey technique. All the techniques to get the data that should be written exactly in the research report. This sampling technique can also be tested so that others can follow the research.

Many things to do in a study, it should not loosen spirit. Instead have more spirit to what would result from the study is useful for others. For example, research conducted by prof. Khairul Anwar who found the 4G telecommunications systems. From all the data obtained he was able to patent his invention. Certainly not an easy task get patent, however, that patent no more important. But the usefulness of research results.

If you think not having the time or lazy to do something, imagine that this life is not for yourself but for others and the environment. With this kind of thinking, it will move the hearts and bodies to do things for others. What is done it will not wasted because every kindness will come back to the person who did it. Examples Mr. Mukibat makes experiments to develop superior cassava. Until now Mukibat technique is still used.

Language In Writing Research Report

To be able to understand what is being investigated, the research report should be made with great accuracy and detail. The ability to use written language is needed in writing a research report. Besides of course the ability to think logically and systematically. Ability of good writing does not come suddenly. It should be a continuous exercise and never despair in order to produce writing that communicative, easy to understand, but does not eliminate the value of scholarship. Use language that is not communicative or even too complex will make your message difficult to digest.

Scientific language acquisition is communicative even more indispensable in the study of the social sciences are more likely to use exposure (description) rather than numbers. Talk more letters, not numbers.

Research Report Writing Structure

Writing research reports does not mean simply writing research results, but also the research process itself thoroughly. The research report should be written in a systematic and structured, continuous from start to finish, jumping from one discussion to another discussion.

Alternately, research report writing structure consists of:
  • The title of the report
Write the title of the report is brief, concise, and describe the content. As far as possible avoid the use of the title is long, rambling, and potentially obscure the contents. Unfortunately, in many universities there are many lecturers who prefers the title long. It is better if the teachers had to re-learn to write research reports communicative and not simply "there should be two or three research variables listed in the title."
  • Preface
Simply written a one-page. In the preface to this there is also a thank you to the parties involved or help the course of the study.
  • Table of contents
Indicate the parts that are covered in the research report. If the study reports that there are tables, diagrams, maps, and so on, put in a separate table of contents.
  • Introduction
Contains a problem definition, scope, methodology, and usability studies.
  • Discussion
An essential part of a research report. In this section there is a review of theoretical and analytical issues.
  • Attachment
Included are photographs, tables, maps, diagrams, etc. - that support research but disturbing if inserted / incorporated into the discussion because it is too long.
  • Bibliography
From this bibliography will be seen how the insights of the researcher. Is the use of library resources is the latest (up to date) or the results of the study 50 years ago ? Embed only books and other resources that are actually used in the conduct of research and writing. Avoid acknowledgment of the source - the source libraries that are not used just to keep the list looks long and impressive bibliography.

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