Saturday, March 16, 2013

3 Term Scientific Writing

3 Term Scientific Writing. In the academic world, especially college writing papers is everyday language. That is, anyone who is in the scope of academics or carefree college should understand scientific writing requirement. An understanding of scientific writing requirement is very necessary to keep socialized. That is, do not let them blind at all about the condition of writing this paper. If this happens, then the reputation of the Human Resources (HR) college is unquestionable. Why ?

In the world of academia, scientific writing is definitely an important factor to make appraisal. Imagine, if academics in the higher education world has never had not even done writing scientific papers, of course, that person does not have any scientific authority recognized by the general public. But imagine, if for example a teacher or instructor in a college writing. Whether it's in scientific journals, magazines or newspapers both locally and nationally, the degree of their academics will always increase or acknowledged, either among themselves or recognized academic public.

3 terms of writing

Indeed, when examined more in terms of scientific
writing papers was so tight. But at least, will be presented three terms in the writing of this paper. This requirement is a fundamental reference when you write scientific work that you dedicate to the public.

These Conditions are as follows :

1. Own ideas

Yes, any scientific work is the idea of self. Once you plagiarize ideas or simply repeat a similar idea hatched by others, then your reputation will be questioned. For that, you need to build a reputation with original ideas spawn or your original ideas. If your idea of interesting and new, that has never existed before, soon you will be considered a scientific work and get more attention from the public. Neither the public nor the academics themselves from the general public.

2. There are data and analysis

A scholarly work, of course, have the data and references. This data could be a survey about something. It could also be a result of your own research. This data can also mean showing various types of literature from books, journals, and other scientific resources related to the work that is being created. This data can also mean thinking leaders who support a pressing issue you review, in order to strengthen your argument. In addition to the data, another important factor is the analysis. Analysis is the sharpness of your logic in viewing a problem. How can you review a problem and trace systematic way so easily understood by the reader.

3. According to the rules of Language

Last requirement is you need to use scientific principles Spelling Language or enhanced. Which refers to the rules of Indonesian language properly. That is, you may not use slang or even the language that is currently busy low used by young people in Indonesia.

That's a small scientific writing requirement. Try to understand three things first and practice. Hopefully you get the papers extraordinary acclaim from readers. Happy writing, good luck.

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