Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Benefits Scholarship S2 Program

Benefits Scholarship S2 Program. Scholarship S2 Program is now being offered for scholars who want to continue their education to higher levels. Whether it's a scholarship to pursue a master's program at the master abroad. However, each donor has a different concept in the process of scholarship.

S2 in the scholarship program, there are donors who only give tuition assistance, without providing assistance for living expenses or the cost of purchasing books. However, some donors are willing to bear the whole process of implementation of the S2 student learning, including in their daily lives during their study. Of course this is offset by the stipulation of a maximum target of one's study time.

Typically, S2 scholarship program is divided into two categories. The first category is a scholarship aimed at those who already have work experience. For this type of scholarship, usually provided by institutions outside educational institutions. Like the Sampoerna Foundation, the scholarships require applicants to list their work experience.

The second category is S2 scholarship program given to those who are still a fresh graduate and do not have work experience. For scholarship is usually done by the institution, the institution that organizes the program S2.

S2 Scholarship Program Benefits

Although in order to obtain S2 scholarship program must go through a rigorous selection, but not discourage scholars to try their luck. On the other hand, the existence of this program has a great role in the development of Indonesia, among which are :

  1. Improving the quality of public education, so expect more and more Indonesian people who have extensive knowledge and savvy to be beneficial to the environment.
  2. Stimulate the interest of scholars to continue learning to a higher level.
  3. Providing facilities for underprivileged scholars materially but has potential in academics to continue to learn and optimize their potential.
  4. Indonesia uplift the nation by increasing the minimum educational standard that is owned by the Indonesian population.
  5. The process of opening practice of the Constitution 45 by way of the nation's intellectual life.

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