Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ho to Increase Google Page Rank ?

google pagerank [google rank checker]

Ho to Increase Google Page Rank ?
It's a nice thing when a blogger has a blog with high PageRank. It's no secret why almost all bloggers around the world are competing to raise the
google pagerank blog in various ways. If our high pagerank then the quality of our blog will be well in the search engines and your blog will be more famous. In addition to using page rank checker, bloggers also have a lot of tips and tricks in trying to raise their index blog on search engines.

One way in terms of content or blog articles are below :

1. Make it informative and valuable original content

I really appreciate the blogger who painstakingly made the content of the original article and useful as well as informative. If we are more likely to copy and paste articles from other blogs, Google will prioritize other blog articles first by the search engines to index it.

2. Blog Walking

It is no secret that blog walking is an effective way to spread our link. Blog walking term itself is taken as a blogger will put commentary from one blog to another blog by leaving a link to a blog that blogs alone visited.

3. Join the community

Communities or forums are an effective way to spread our link. Many communities are available. But of course to post a comment in the forum should be a polite way, by not directly advertise our blog. Start by slowly, as deemed appropriate time we start to show the blog on the signature of every post our comment.

4. Checks and use webmaster tools

Check and treat your blog using webmaster tools. We recommend to use Google Webmaster Tools, so it can check the blog page errors, broken links, and HTML validity. please study alone tools that are in there because if the error pages left alone, it can cause decreased SERP on search engine pages, and even index pages can be lost from the circulation.

5. Submit to directory

Do not forget to register your blog to search engine websites, simply by registering on the major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. But if it is still not able to register on Free Web Submission that with one click you can already register your blog to some services Search engines and other directory sites.

6. Link In and Link Out

Try to manage the number of links that came out less than incoming links. Keep the incoming links that point to your blog more than outgoing links. Our intention when creating a post not too many outgoing links without you obtain backlinks. Usually occurs when many outbound links you follow the program review and paid to the link. Because the program usually requires installing anchor links on our blog, as we put the link is not necessarily anything to do with our blog. That's why Google hates those programs.

7. The links in each post

Actually there is no term in link post, but this is though it's easy to refer to the link in the post. If you look at almost every post we must have a lot to spread the link in the post. Normally we slipped post the previous article, in the hope that visitors read back our old posts.

So that the article can still be visited and to improve the content popularity because it is often seen. Anyway do not forget to create anchor links that point to your blog it self. To increase the number of blog url to google index and also create a trap if anyone copy paste our article, can be backlinks

8. Learn SEO to Increase traffic

Please increase your blog traffic with SEO learning. traffic when it's harvest usually blog more popular, so often a favorite of visitors to your blog and so the chance of obtaining bookmark coffers more and more backlinks.

9. One Way Links

Actually good links are links that are one way links. alias link we posted another blog, but we do not need to put a link to that person. You can exchange links with other bloggers (link exchange), if it could be that a topic with your blog. If it is difficult because finding arrogant blogger who does not want to exchange links, you can just create a junk blog (blog dummy) and related to your blog, it's easy is not it ?

10. Post and update a regular and ongoing

Post the regular and sustained, lest your zeal 1 month post to 100 posts at once, but the next month you do not post the same once. This thing is not liked by google and could be mistaken for spam by Mr.Google. If can update the blog on a regular basis, 1-2 days once it has been included good.

And the following tips may also not lost in the event to raise our blog google page rank on search engines, namely:

Honestly I was not very used to also understand the same thing as PageRank, which I think is just how I can promote best to generate a lot of blog traffic. But after I felt, if I did not promote visits to my blog is very little different from that when I actively promote. Well now that I think turned out if I had to constantly campaign certainly cape, so be it I just try searching for articles on how to increase google pagerank visitor who knows the same influence. And after I tried, although I have a pagerank blog but this article by posting directly to the index in the search engines, especially Google. So from there although I did not actively campaign diligently but still a lot of visitors every day.

Well, this is some way increase
google pagerank blog my results in my friends blogs. Search results are then I try to summarize again with my own language.

  • The First, Friend Should Learn to Write Articles Or post the similar (disconnected) By Theme and Title Blog.

For example if your blog title related to computer ya posted an article on computer wrote, do not post articles about automotive.

  • Exchanging Links with Other Bloggers.

Before I was not too concerned with that name exchange link, but one of my best friends that invites exchange links, so I can not refuse an invitation from a friend. After I try, it turns out my pagerank so up and adds more visitors, because blog link exchange with me is also a blog that is already god.

  • Make Some Dummy For Backlink Blog.

That my friend made a blog zero whose content contains links that point to the actual blog buddy to be backlinks.

  • Do not Like Change Template Blog use.

If my friend to change the template, the template is not necessarily a new buddy blog more SEO Friendly with your blog and also the possibility of an error or a search engine to be familiar with your blog. But if my friend was convinced by the new template so one should not really, but do not forget to backup your template first long already just in case.

  • Update Articles Blog Buddies In Regular, Plus Value Because It Gives The Eyes Search Engine (Google).

In addition to search engine "google", visitors are also more like a blog Up to Date and always brings something new.

  • Commenting On Other People's Property Blog Good Dofollow Or Nofollow.

In Essence, Commenting On Blogs Dofollow Or Nofollow same Gives Positive Value. While We're Not Getting Backlinks From Blog Nofollow But We're Still Adding Friends Fellow Bloggers Gathering at a Time Adds Interwoven. Cooments with The Good, The Owner Who Tau Blog Or Other Visitors Attracted To Visit our Blog.

  • Blog Design Make feel Maybe Dan is offline Confusing, How The good Made Site Map Content And Or Also Breadcumbs.

Do not make the blog too much, because it will make the visitors bored to wait for loading. But do not also create a blog too simple, because it is not a pretty sight to visitors.

That's it from me some tips to improve
google pagerank blog. But most importantly we must also monitor the development of our blog, our work is in vain or not. For that I also have an article on How to Check PageRank Blog to ascertain how the development of our blog. Well, just so my post this time about how to easily improve google pagerank. We apologize profusely for any shortcomings.

Here are the best place beside some tips above, to increase our blog index in search engine. By ping and submit our blog to hundred search engine and other blogs.

Here are the few most important and popular search engines :

1. Google Search Engine      
2. Yahoo Search Engine       
3. Bing Search Engine       
4. Baidu Search Engine (China)   
5. Rediff Search Engine (India)       

The following sites pings or notifies Services such as Blog Search Engines and blog directories that your blog has been updated. Thus enabling them to index your blog fast and make your content available for a larger audience. And to place or ping website is best among them as follows, namely :

1. My Page Rank
2. Feed Shark
3. Ping in
4. Ping-O-Matic           
5. Submit URL           
6. Ping Gates           
7. PingMyBlog

Submit RSS feeds to RSS directory

Here are few links where you can submit your RSS feeds :

1. Goldenfeed           
2. RSS Network           
3. Search4RSS            
4. Feedooyoo           
5. FeedAge           
6. Freefeedsdirectory       

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