Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Observing Kinds Of Child Life At College

Observing Kinds Of Child Life At College - The life of a college kid so colorful. Even though the college has entered in adulthood, many of the students were not aware that they had actually grown. Thousands trinkets happenings child's behavior starts going to college is often done as a demonstration of proof of its existence. Not infrequently, too many children are just entering the campus is actually lost control. Usually no one is watching, after not being watched they actually get stuck into a terrible life. Promiscuity and the world of the night to be a part of themselves.

Parents Hope, Hope Nation

College kid or a student is expected to become the next generation of leadership reins of this nation. Being a student is certainly an important instrument to get a decent education for lunch later life. With proper education, it will bring the life of themselves, their families and the state in a broader context to be developed.

Inevitably, a student and will graduate in accordance with an interest in the art is the hope of every parent. Anyone, any parent would want their children to be successful in later life wade. Every parent wants their children a decent life and can even contribute to the benefit and good of the nation.

Armed with that matter, many parents are willing to do anything as long as it worked hard his children go to college. The fields willingly sold to pay for her children to college. A pity if the sacrifice is wasted and even betrayed by the boy who was a student. Students also became a milestone in the nation's future expectations. Bung Karno in his lifetime once said: Give me ten young people (including students) then I'll shake the world! Thus, the role of youth, where students go in it no doubt is expected contributions to determine forward-pullback one nation.

Not All Can Be Students

Expensive and inadequate academic skills sometimes become obstacles to become a student. As a student it became a dream to be buried forever. It is supposed to be a mirror for students who have tasted the campus. They should be grateful to have been selected among the few people who can feel how beautiful it was time to seek knowledge. After being a student, they should make use of all the facilities available to make themselves more qualified and will be relied upon to do many things for themselves and others.

Do not be, a student is only postponement of time to get married or even cover up the unemployment rate. As a student, they should can build relationships and create a network of friends who support each other so that in time, the network is what will be the economic power that can be directed into another larger force. They should not just calm after no lessons on campus. The remaining time is used to search for other science chiefly science achieve financial viability.

This capability will manifest skills. Finding these skills will be very useful not only for a better future but also will increase student understanding of themselves that without the skills grounded, they will just be one of the job seekers. No one wants to be an unemployed. All wanted to have activities that make money after college. For this reason, those skills are not achieved in just one night. There are thousands of hours of drills and exercises that will make a person become very skilled.

Apprentice to the great entrepreneurs and attend seminars to further arouse the fighting spirit to excel in life, should also attended. In a variety of seminar speakers are not only listening but also cooperates with other participants. Do not be shy to start a conversation. Sometimes unintentionally even met the person who searched for it. No luck if you have not tried. Sometimes luck is just a form of expression that pleases only. All arranged by the Authority. Certainly not going to change the fate of a person if he himself does not want to change.

Looking for job opportunities while a student is a flaw. First, when it has the money, the students often miss college instead. Though this should not be happening unless it's already decided not to go to college as happened to Bill Gates and other intelligent people. But if you are not sure, you should not betray the life of the campus. Fixed college and still work in a harmonious rhythm and harmony. Secondly, when it has to work, students often arise sense emotion against his parents and theme. They feel more independent and therefore should no longer be regulated. However, if they are humble, their lives would be better.

Negation Confidence

Seeing the students that sometimes life is not as expected, was it already so familiar with what the duties and responsibilities ? Really appreciate everything they struggle to study for a future devoted to the good of themselves, their families and the nation ? I do not know, because there are still many students who do not realize that they are the future leaders, candidates for state officials, candidates for the priesthood, family succession and nation.

Can be seen, students now many are negating all forms of belief. Any hypothesis that reflected what he was doing. College kids to college is not a thick book that brought Blackberry mobile phone but the latest series, not a huge dictionary containing millions of words, but the new iPad you just bought for your parents or girlfriend. No longer stay tune library as a place, but a coffee shop, cafe or arena play play station (PS), which became his favorite places.

Reading, discussion and writing was no longer his favorite. Nothing is more important is going out and playing PS which became the main agenda of defeating important agendas that support college activities such as seminars, discussions, writing, etc.. If it is so, is there any hope the content is hung on the shoulders of college kids ?

Hopefully college kids soon realize that his family and his country so expect a real role to build and at the future society and the state. They left and were allowed to seek knowledge so that the knowledge that they will be the generation of a strong and powerful substitute that could bring the nation to the actual competition ladder. They will provide a confirmation that this nation is not a nation not a nation of beggars and slaves.

Campus Life Ideal
How is the ideal college life ? The ideal college life is life pursuits and true mastery. They studied the science of the world and also to find eschatology. Balance is very important that they are not complacent. If they fall asleep, then they won the science world that even just going to separate them from eschatology. And if they just mastered the science of the world and forget about eschatology, they can be a leader that can not inhumane and corrupt leader.

When they separated the spiritual life with the life of religiosity, then they will only believe in the existence of God without going gracefully and with sincerity deepen their religious knowledge. Eventually they just want to be a good person, but do not understand the religious harmony and regulations in the truth. In fact they may end up marrying outside religion. Even those with same-sex marriage. Thought that only controlled by the brain would be a terrible idea.

Conversely, if the idea was based on the liver and heart, then are led into thinking it will be a stopping point, the science that is really useful. As his knowledge grew, they will be more responsible and more faithful. They will use their knowledge to themselves and their environment. The students are familiar with things like this is expected to be the successor of the good and great nation. The student or a college kid should be guided with the right guidance so they do not feel constrained by the very tight. They have been able to think systematically and critically enough.

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