Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Aspects of the English Language Training

Aspects of the English Language Training - Doing exercises every day English sharpen your communication skills in the English language. However, fluent English language skills can not be found that easily for people with mother tongue other than English. Because the language is part of culture, to become fluent, one must also understand the cultural mindset of the country whose language is being learned. Even so, there must be easy if there is a will.

How to Learn English Language ?

When thinking of all the hard, then all will be difficult. When the brave beginnings through adversity and continue to exercise, then it would be easy and would be very nice. Style of thinking like this should be owned by people who want to make English second language. They assume that English is a part of it. Speaking in English, although still covered here and there, not a barrier. Until whenever this English exercise will continue until any difficulties in learning are no longer perceived as being difficult.

For example mindset DM (described-explaining, for example blue shirt) in the Indonesian language as opposed to MD (explain-described, for example blue dress) in English. Things like this will no longer be a burden as possible even for children who are learning English early on sodium absorption ratio've thought so far. They assume that it is the naturalness of a language that does not have to think a pattern of DM and MD's.

Grammar is important, but if you are just starting out, the grammar does not have to be a burden first. Learn grammar while learning another so grammar will follow. After going through the basic stages and is getting used to the English language, then the grammar learned little by little. The ability to use grammar properly it is a sign of increasing proficiency. If you want to use English, the better and more understandable by others especially if they speak English, the grammar exercises are necessary.

However, if for conversation, studying grammar as needed only. For example, say the practice has occurred, then the grammar is learned only a Past Tense and Present Perfect Tense just before. Similarly, when studying the events to come, grammar is learned, for example, Future Tense. By learning little by less, long, grammar is learned is also getting more and more understand when to use it so that no one. So that training does it right and does not deviate from the way the correct use of English, studying only one or two books will definitely lacking.

Therefore, learned through the course or at school will make independent practice performed outside the hours to learn the better. How to learn is usually taught in the course to make the spirit of learning English. Can not learn it all at once. Just follow every level are available on the course it patiently. Believe that every point of an English course that has designed all of the topics and lessons as simple as possible so that it can be followed easily by all students.

For example, if a course in LBPP LIA, then to English for Adults program, there are 12 levels. To-12 level were all topics and discussions have been adapted to the abilities of students. By adjusting these capabilities, then LBPP LIA hold a placement test prior to a student taking lessons. This placement test than to see the beginning of students' abilities, as well as to better satisfy individual learners. Maybe some of them had studied English elsewhere. It is something that is boring if you had to learn from scratch again.

LBPP LIA teachers who always get the training, will know and adjust to a class he was teaching. In addition to adjusting the topic and material, creative teachers will also guide how to learn the proper way so that the vocabulary and techniques of speaking, writing, reading, and writing can be mastered after completing all the levels of it. Age students are also adjusted so that no psychological impact that may be experienced by students in their interaction with other learners.

Children as young as elementary school, should not enter the English for Teens learning though probably the same topic, vocabulary and learning situation would have been different. Treatment teachers for every student is different. This is the importance of practice using English in accordance with the age and level of English proficiency of students or learners. The number of levels it is set up so that for 3 years learning English, students are expected not only speaks English, he also knows about the culture, communication procedures, and know how to use the right vocabulary in a particular moment or situation.

Skills Speak

There are some aspects of English language training that can be applied in order to speak English fluently. It involves four aspects of language skills that must be mastered. If all four language skills that have been advanced, the students will be able to develop their own skills because they have been provided with learning techniques and how to find material to learn. This is one of the advantages of learning English in the course as LBPP LIA. The four language skills are:


Listening is one of the passive aspects of English language proficiency. In listening, you are only required to understand and concentrate on what is being said by the other person. To train your hearing, the easiest and most fun was listening to English songs. Sure you have a favorite song in English. Watching English-language television is also one form of exercise to listen to English. The condition is that you do not see the Indonesian translation of text underneath.


Reading too passive aspects of English language proficiency. To practice reading English, especially if you are a student or a student, read text books in English. Textbooks usually have a more complex sentence structure than you normally learn in school and the course.


Practice this one would make English Language proficiency increased. The exercise involves speaking ability. Speaking is an active aspect of English language proficiency. Most people are smart English is less fluent in English dialogue. This happened because he was hurt so considering grammatical structure and use, as well as diction (choice of words) if it fits in the context of the sentence or not. This is actually good, but in conversation, the main thing is whether the other person understands what you mean or not.

Sentences with correct grammatical structures and if pronounced stammer can cause the other person to not understand what you mean. Therefore, speaking in English is essential training. So important to a lot of English language teaching institution to open a special class of dialogue or that we know the Conversation.

One way to practice speaking in English is practicing with sparring partner. Find a friend you both want to practice speaking in English. Make a deal with him that it would be a dialogue using English every time they met. Feel free to make mistakes, the important thing is how you want to find the right one.


Writing is an active English-language aspect of the hardest. Not only grammatical structure and demanded to be right, but also the choice of words that fit the context of sentences and describe something that is easy to understand the reader. One simple exercise is to write a diary or agenda in English. Another is how to exercise with a native speaker correspondence with your contacts (those with English mother tongue).

Part of Life

If you've completed a course of education in the English language, and how to practice so that lessons had been occupied for many years were not forgotten it ? Make English as a part of your life. Keep practice what you have learned it by using it in everyday life. Even if there are no friends to talk to, always make writing as a way to keep remembering English.

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