Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Learning English Language as Early as Possible

Learning English Language as Early as Possible - Learn English Language along with native language learning. Will wear ? Too difficult ? Children can have a great brain beyond the memory capacity of unusually large. Definitely funny to see a kid that is able to sort out when, where, with whom should speak English or fine or Javanese rough or in Indonesia language. As said Agus Salim, a national hero who control at least 5 languages of the world, "He's like a parent. Parent bleat, bleat son. "That is when his parents speak English, English-speaking children. If parents speak Mandarin, Mandarin-speaking children.

Learning English-World Communication Tool

Language is a communication tool. Want a certain fluent, use in communication. Needless course, no need to buy a book as long as it is used continuously, then the language will become a part of life and does not feel heavy and it goes without saying vocabulary grammar much thinking. Thus, children who are exposed to many languages as early as possible will not feel that language is something loads. For the child, the language he uses is the language of everyday communication. By looking at the style of the language of his parents, the child will understand when to use what language.

Many do not agree to teach foreign languages, especially English language learning along with the mother. But, from the empirical data and also proving some research with qualitative methods, the child will not be confused with so many languages it uses. What if a parent is not proficient in English. When children should learn English ? Although the existing school English program since first grade to international standard school and grade 3 or grade 4 national standard for school, according to the experience of some teachers, the child should learn English in terms of actual learning, especially for writing and reading, when children are can write and read in their mother tongue. If for Speaking, the child may have been exposed as early as possible.

Learning English Language is Easy

The number of English language books are cheap, English-language films, people increasingly understand English has made the teaching of English was easier than teaching other languages. How methods of learning English ? Level study made several levels. For example, for a beginner, there are 6 levels. For Intermediate also have 6 levels and beyond. This is to facilitate English language learning itself.

  • Initial Level (Beginner)

At this initial level, the children were given exposure to the vocabulary-simple vocabulary, such as numbers, names of fruits, food names, and others. Command word or words used by the teacher asks still very simple, and sometimes do not use complete sentences. For example, I ask questions about the name does not have to wear or questions. If children do not understand, repeat many times. Repetition will make the children remember the purpose and how the use of a sentence.

  • Intermediate Level

At this level, children are taught simple concepts in English. For example, the concept of past tense and present tense. But, teaching remains a simple and direct method is used in the context of the conversation.

  • Advanced Level

At this level, along with age, more and more children have experience and be psychologically ready to learn more complex concepts. So at this level, the teaching of grammar (grammar) has more depth by using terms that are more in need of understanding and review.

Learning English - Use Media Studying

So that children can quickly and easily learn English, the teacher should use instructional media, whether at beginner, intermediate and advanced. With the utilization of instructional media students can easily remember what he learned. There are some media that can be used in learning English.

Quick Communication

Communication quickly is learning media that aims to produce the word quickly, logically and precisely. Communication is patterned media learning game. Because students are required to be observant and conscientious hear the words mentioned by a friend earlier.

For example, with the mention of the word teacher Cook (cooking), the last letter of the mention of the word is 'K', then the next student to continue vocabulary beginning with the letter 'K'. And so on. For example, students I replied, key (key), the second student replied, 'yellow', the third student replied, 'woman' and so on.

Bingo Words

Bingo is a word learning media that can be used by teachers to facilitate students remember memorizing vocabulary by using images created and presented. How to play, teachers make images of what he was looking on the internet and put in the box next to the question mark given. Students were asked to mention what English teachers of the images contained in the box.

Hunting word

Hunting is a media word learning that can be used by teachers to train students know the vocabulary back previously memorized or recognized. In addition, Hunt said also serves to train students develop vocabulary through the imagination by combining letters to each other.

So the task of the teacher to create a table of letters in which there is a word that has a meaning and never learned by the students. words can be arranged horizontally, vertically and cross.

Moving Picture

Moving pictures are learning media model to match images with vocabulary. How to create it, teachers looking for pictures from google and students were given a paper containing the words English. Then they were asked to show the images corresponding to words in the students' hands.

Call Words

Call the media says is a model of learning by teachers preparing drawings, and students to the English language. Indeed, this is called word learning methods that are commonly used.

Crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzle is a media that can be used by teachers for students who are learning English are at intermediate level. Because teachers can create questions with long words and the students mentioned it.

To make the puzzle when it's pretty much the medium. Teachers can download the software crosswords eclipsecrossword.com site. how to create a crossword puzzle using this software will allow teachers to create a new learning model for students and nutritious.

Broken Square

Broken-shaped square is a game that broke the word. Students are asked to sort the words into the correct sentence. This is important to train students' ability to formulate words. For example:

A thirteen-year-old boy, two men, and, are, being, safe, rescued, after, now, boat, Greenwich, from, their, had, adrift, been, in the Gulf of Mexico, for twenty-four hours .

If students are arranged properly, the results collected by the good word would be the sentence:

Two men and a thirteen-year-old boy are now safe after being rescued from their boat roommates had been adrift in the Gulft of Mexico for twenty-four hours.


Comics can also be a learning media used by the teacher. In particular, a class to teach students advanced. Here the teacher can teach English Language not only at the stage of grammar, but also an English accent. Teachers can also slip slank english in the comic.

Not difficult for teachers to make English language comics, because it has quite a lot of websites that allows teachers to create comics. So teachers can still provide comic in accordance with the curriculum vitae.


Selling fun is learning media that teaches students to present their goods. It can be used as teachers in honing ability students in speech. Simultaneously, taught them how to promote their goods properly.

Master's enough to bring items to be presented by the students to use English. In addition, teachers can ask students to describe the abstraction of goods held.

Of course, the model of selling fun it would be interesting if done by students who are already at an advanced level, because they already have enough vocabulary. So that their conversation was not stiff anymore.

Indeed, there are many more media that can be used by teachers to make students proficient in English Language. Not only teachers, parents could do it. It is time for our children to learn English from an early age, because of the sophistication of the technology and information was very supportive once.

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