Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Enrich Your English Vocabulary

Enrich Your English Vocabulary - English vocabulary is one part of the English language is important but often overlooked. People who are learning English formally for example through the course or at school, always prefer the grammatical structure and vocabulary instead. For more grammatical structures and concrete and resolute to learn because it has a specific formula.

While vocabulary is rather difficult to determine right or wrong because it depends on the context in which the sentence is used. While people who are self-taught learning English vocabulary and often had a lot more English. This is because they direct the practice and study and grammatical structures while using it.
Parts of Speech English Vocabulary

Parts of speech are the types of words in English. There are nine parts of speech, ie noun (noun), Pronoun (pronoun: eg I, you, they), Verb (verb), Auxiliary (eg can, may, must), Adjective (adjective), Article ( a and an), an adverb (adverb), preposition (preposition: eg in, at, by), and conjunction (conjunctive; example and, then). Every word in the English language certainly belongs to the first group above. Some parts of speech are uncertain or have a certain sense, but some have meaning changes depending on the context of the sentence.
How to Train English Vocabulary

Verb consists of regular verbs (irregular verbs or patterned) and irregular verbs (verb without a pattern). Irregular verb and preposition are parts of speech that needs to be studied specifically. Irregular verbs can not be learned by rote. While the use of the appropriate preposition must often be trained to construct sentences. Hundreds of irregular verbs can be mastered by memorizing it slowly. For example memorize 5 words today, plus 5 more words the next day so it becomes 10, and so on. This pattern can apply also in children of elementary school age.
How to Increase English Vocabulary ?

Many ways can be used to increase your vocabulary. Because it is the language of habituation. This must be done continuously and not stop. Because if you stop doing this then it is tantamount to complete the learning of the language and means understanding that there will also be lost and gone by the time.

Here are some ways you can do to enrich your vocabulary, especially the English.

1. An easy way to increase vocabulary is to read a lot of reading in English.

Reading anything, can the advertising brochures, newspapers, literature, and novels and textbooks. Every time you find a new vocabulary, write on a piece of card or paper size of a business card. Write a big word here's how to read it and kind of part of speech in the bottom on one page, and an explanation and example sentences on the opposite page. Collect these cards in a box for you to read again in your spare time.

Reading there is the most powerful way to new vocabulary. By reading we will find many new words. The new word is what will make us more about or richer in vocabulary. In addition to adding new vocabulary that exists, we are also able to apply all the vocabulary that we already have. By reading we will find a lot of words that we already know its meaning. And it will continue to be able to hone our English skills.

2. Listen to the song

In addition to reading, listening is a component that has an important influence in language learning. A more convenient and exciting thought is to listen to the song. Indeed, the basic concept used is the same as reading a book or novel, we'll get a new word that we do not know and do not know its meaning. And we will hone our skills will mean vocabulary already known.

By listening to this song, it would be more fun language learning. Because there are many people who like to listen to music. So from hobbies and passions can be used for learning methods. Even the song, because it's easier to remember it will be easier to provide facilities to store the new vocabulary. Fun but can be used for teaching methods, fun is not it ?! ..

3. Viewing the film from outside the English-speaking.

We've used components, reading and listening, and the components that one is talking. Speaking is also one component of the language so that it can be used for learning methods.By  watching the film we will also be able to add to our vocabulary. Maybe at first we will stagnant existing movie Indonesian language translation. With this, we are there as a guide in understanding every word and sentence pronounced. And we will hone all the words we already know to understand all existing conversations.

And to language or words that we do not know it means it will be many that will be encountered. With the existing translations at the bottom of the screen will guide us to understand what is the meaning of the word. Meanwhile, when did we have sufficient language skills and have felt better, then we are able to watch the movie tries that no longer exists Indonesian language translation.

With this we will try to figure out what all of the spoken word. Even if we are not able to understand all the words spoken at least we will try to find a global or outline of all the meaning of the spoken word.

4. Doing conversation or conversation in Indonesian.

Components can also speak we do ourselves. We can try to have conversations with ourselves. This is to see how much of the vocabulary that we already understand. Of course, in this talk, we will use all the words we already know. And we'll see how effective all these words for our use. To start, we might be able to talk with ourselves. For example, is to use glass media. We can speak for themselves in the mirror like we were talking to someone else.

Furthermore, we are able to ask our friend, who must have had knowledge of the English Vocabulary to talk or chat with us. Or when we already have a high confidence, we can be to go to a lot of attractions that thought would meet the foreign tourists. We can engage with them a little and make small talk to be able to practice our English skills. Perhaps for the first we will feel little difficulty when talking to foreigners in English. Especially did they come from English speaking country. Because they will use dialogue or how language tends to be more difficult to understand in conversation.

For foreign tourists who are also learning English as a second language, they like with us. It would be easier to understand the language they use. Because sometimes use language more clearly understood than it is to use English as their mother tongue.

5. Another way is to follow the general course of English classes, not the kind of special classes such as conversation or TOEFL preparation.

In general English courses, each meeting is thematic. So you will learn about different themes and this course will enrich your English vocabulary and grammatical structures while improving your well.

Language is habituation. In learning must done continuously. Language should be used in everyday life. There should be no word in the language to stop this because it could leave all understanding, especially of the vocabulary is already understood or controlled.

Many ways can be done to enrich the English vocabulary. All this will lead to the existing language components, ie reading, listening and speaking. By using all of these things it will be easier for us to gain a better understanding of the English language which is English is our second language, in addition to discussing Indonesia as our mother tongue.

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