Sunday, February 10, 2013

Home Interior and House Floating Stage in Palembang

Home Interior and House Floating Stage in Palembang. The stage house interior is in villages and surrounding areas seem Palembang be made lightly. The walls are covered with scars calendars and pictures of Chinese artists or artists from Indonesia. The furnishings were used to complement the interior of the house as long as there was impressed Stage seats only. There is an assumption that the house is a traditional stage for people periphery. And if the interior of the house is a little bit of stage art designing apply, of course, the unique stage will look pretty good.

Interior - Home Interior Stage

The stage house is a need for people who live in swamps or near the watershed area as mostly found in the outskirts of the Musi river, the river Lematang, Komering streams and large rivers in South Sumatra. Most people living in rural watersheds and wetlands are indeed not from the middle Palembang. But this does not rule out the possibility that the interior of the house they can not stage set up with more neat and beautiful.

The house was big enough stage with 3 bedrooms, one living room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, and a wide veranda, but not least also the stage is only equal to the type size 21 with a very simple piece bedroom . Responding to the stage is very simple is to not make the interior of the house is complicated. Enough furniture was well laid out. There should be no seat but enough carpet or mattress folding mattress which is typical of Palembang. The mattress is not too soft but more comfortable than plastic carpet.

The interiors of the house look natural but beautiful, the walls should not be plastered with various images. If want a slightly colored walls, use a specific wallpaper for a wooden wall. Choose a simple pictorial wallpaper in soft colors. No need too many kinds of images as well as to the entire wall covered with wallpaper. Naturalness residential interior will look when the wood walls are not too tampered with.

For large stage house, home interior could be more diverse. The living room is made wide can be filled with 2-3 sets of tables and chairs. However, the selection of tables and chairs should not interfere with the natural wood. It is better not to use the interior furnishings are made from massive iron. Keep choosing interior furniture made of wood.

It is better to arrange the furniture as possible so that there is still space to just lay back and enjoy the breeze from the window. Placement of some flower pots in front of a window or near the door of a second after the main door can be a great interior options. For placement chandelier, should not be done unless the ceiling adorned with carved wooden interiors such as ceilings contained in the Joglo or gypsum layers.

Interior living room can also be arranged without a reserved seat but enough large cushions or loveseat shaped fruits are coated with a very soft foam. Can adjust the color of the chair with the dominant color furniture. Beautiful colors will be more harmonious with the color of the wood. Interior colors are considering in the house would make the mind more calm and peaceful as the human subconscious pleased with the order and harmony.

If you want to add home interiors stage by making a small pool in the house, can also be done as long as the technology right so that the house does not get wet when there is a leak. But it should be enough with a medium-sized aquarium.

Floating Home Interior

In addition to the stage, there are also many floating houses on the river and in the creeks Musi Musi. Near the Ampera bridge across Market 16 Ilir, there is a floating house with interior and exterior design is very beautiful and eye-catching. Floating house is not very big, probably only amounted to 70 square meters. Limas house shape typical Palembang some lanterns with hangers add to the beauty of home interior Floating deliberately not painted but still maintain the natural color of the wood plank.

Floating home interior has two seats in the front and two seats on the side of the house, where the host is often accompanied by the sound engine fishing boats sometimes very noisy. The interior is clearly visible from outside the house when the front door opened wide.

To make the house remained floating, used several buoys. Interior of the house looked quite beautiful and look beautiful. There is a bedroom 3x4 square meters. The bedroom is equipped with a padded mattress covered with a mosquito net. Mosquitoes are very vicious put the hosts had to sleep under a mosquito net is light green. To beautify the interior of the house is equipped with a floating living room given partition of carved wood. The family room is equipped with the interior of the loveseat and brown striped carpet symmetrical. Television sets and karaoke equipment make the family room was quite comfortable.

Not many pictures or paintings on the interior walls of the floating house. The walls seemed to be left empty because when the days when the windows were open looks stretch of river Musi landscape with ships and boats passing by. So the landscape is considered more beautiful than the pictures looked dead. Interior kitchen was not made very well. Enough with simple kitchen set with a brownish color. Interior and exterior house naturalness Floating does not reduce the beauty of the house is so unique floating.

If only this Floating house so arranged, the floating house with beautiful exterior and interior, as illustrated by one of the existing floating near the bridge, then the compound could be floating a new tourist destination in the city of Palembang. In China also there is an area filled with floating houses are furnished with nice interiors. From Figure seen that the floating house interior is well laid out. Palembang can also learn to better organize the interior of the house floating in their area.

Floating homes are often wet because of the activities of family members living in the house should provide a convenient dry areas that can be used to simply rest the body from fatigue. The area was laid out dry so beautiful interiors that will make the mind more calm. One medium-sized aquarium can be one pretty good interior fixtures.

Home Interior Floating a Holiday Home

Floating house interior is used as a rest home course different interior houseboat used as a dwelling house. Floating house layout like this should not on the way busy a river. It was built on a lake is quiet and not much business. Building size is not too big. Simply measuring 45 square meters with two bedrooms.

Floating house could be made at two levels. The first level can be made partially open so that when the night can be a place to gaze at the stars in the sky. While the bedroom interior is simple but is equipped with a mosquito net to sleep uninterrupted mosquito attack. Wall left plain because more activities done outside the home. With a wide room without much furniture, holiday atmosphere will be felt more and more exciting.

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