Sunday, February 10, 2013

Cheap Housing - Not Stop Dangling Hope

Cheap Housing - Not Stop Dangling Hope. Affordable housing a dream for the majority of poor people in this country. It sounds weird. A prosperous fertile country with incredible natural wealth is abundant, but realize to own homes in low-income housing into a very expensive nightmare. Not surprisingly, low-cost housing program for people the government had exhaled, a rekindled hope that wishful thinking. But apparently cheap housing remains a hope and a living hope, because in practice the residential houses still inaccessible for poor communities in the country.

Price does not lie, as are home prices. The more expensive the price of a house, the quality will be good, otherwise, the cheaper the price of a house, the quality offered is also impressed potluck. The developer would want a profit from this business, is not it ?
Housing Program for the People's Budget
Since the reform era of the New Order until today, actually at the level of the concept of government always looks serious to address affordable housing for low-income people. Not only have established ministries, since the Ministry of Housing New Order era, to the agency that handles low-income housing at the time of reform. The agency called the Housing Development Agency Budget, is more public service agency that is not for profit. The agency is expected to seriously address the issue of affordable housing for people mayorita underprivileged in this country, so the view stifling slum areas of cardboard or a house in a very dangerous river Bantar eventually will not be seen again.

According to property analysts, Panangian Simanungkalit, actually a new program initiated by the current government, the Housing Development Board Cheap is not effective especially when incorporated into the program for the Ministry of Housing's housing problem in our country has always unfinished. If the first program just is not complete, especially when coupled with the new program. One of the obstacles in the rolling program for low-income housing for the people hit by the bureaucracy. Thus, the workload of the Ministry of Housing are already full program will be abandoned. But if Development Agency Housing Program is an independent agency that reports directly to the president, it would be more effective.

The agency is responsible for specific builds affordable housing with absolutely no profit. Workload will be measured. The agency that will not be entangled with self-Secondly convoluted bureaucracy. In other countries, this is sort of independent agency was already working. In Singapore, there is such thing as Housing Development Board, or the Housing Development Agency in Thailand. The agency could have been targeted by the president as within 3 years, to build the many low-cost housing, and the agency is working.

In the field could have been working with local governments, state enterprises, enterprises, and other formal institutions have the same goal which is providing low-cost housing for low income people. Having achieved its target of building low-cost housing, the agency does not have its main office immediately disbanded because everywhere.

Construction of affordable housing, including the thorny issue in the country. From time to time, who lived under a bridge and or are silent for years in homes that are not worth the cardboard box, a heartbreaking sight. In fact, in the glittering city of Jakarta, just a few dozen meters from the luxury or five star hotel, will be easy to find this heartbreaking sight. On the basis of concern and compassion for people's housing conditions that are not worthy of that, the President of Housing Offers rolling program for the people. According to Yudhoyono, the basic idea with the example of the success of the government of India that has successfully addressed the thorny issue of housing for poor people. In the plan, the construction of low cost housing program is to be built with funds from 5-10 million for a housing unit.

The house is then reserved for the poor or the underprivileged that have not had a house livable. Stage more luxurious than a simple house with a construction cost of 20-25 million dollars, will be built for farm workers and fishermen and lower class workers. Some have criticized these programs initiated SBY who built low-cost housing for the poor based on the self-pity and not an integrated effort of development during his reign. Though the 1945 Constitution has mandated as in Article 28 paragraph 1 H that everyone is entitled to live physical and spiritual prosperity, residence and get a good and healthy environment.
Some Cheap Housing

Having a low-cost housing is necessary to have certain tricks. The first step you should do is determine the location of housing. There is a growing trend away from the city center, where housing is cheaper. But even away from the city center, residential complex whose name still has good road access. Even terminals, public transport and railway station to be one of access is also selling the low-cost housing. No need to think about the issue of access is too complex outside the city.

The second step in order to obtain affordable housing by conducting a survey first and compare with neighboring residential house prices. Consider supporting facilities and of course select plots that in the near future will quickly become a crowded environment.

1. Green Garden Sawangan

Green Garden Sawangan including developers that offer affordable housing. Although offering cheap housing, but still meet the minimum standards of a shelter. Roads and sanitation to be one of the developer's attention.

2. Ambassador Asri Palm 5

Ambassador Asri Palm 5 also includes developers who provide affordable housing. This developer has a package of low-cost housing program for the people. As described marketing housing, affordable housing is one way to help people have a good home but at an affordable price.

In the low-cost housing program for these people, Developers Ambassador Asri provide some preferred locations and types. However, the average modern minimalist style, supported by a beautiful environment. Developers are also concerned about access to both the width and road conditions in the housing itself and the access road to get out of this housing. Ownership cheap housing is assisted by a bank that provides mortgage facilities are free some cost items.

3. Castle Complex Harmony

In the castle complex Harmoni also available cheap housing specifically for Type 36 with 3 bedrooms. This type of housing can be had with a subsidized mortgage. According to the marketing developer, this is the type of affordable housing 36 with the first subsidized mortgages in the Cullinan.

Despite belonging to the category of low-cost housing, but not built with cheap. Building materials remain qualified, lightweight steel roof truss. So even enough support facilities available everyday activities, including a swimming pool facilities and family recreation.

4. Cluster Earth Padjajaran

Cluster Earth Padjajaran in Tangerang also claimed as housing is cheap but not cheap. There are several types of housing that is type 36 but with a wide choice of different lands, there are 60 square meters, 66, 76 and 90 meters.

With a variety of options available, land also allow scope for potential customers to think of development in the future. Housing complex also has facilities that are complete, not flooded area, the access road to the Ciledug also easy.

Another picture of Cheap Housing

As explained above, the price is never a lie, it raised a lot of public perception. Perception regarding the quality of the cheap house itself. The quality of a home built with quality construction materials are not very good. Seeing the materials used are very different, so instead of disbelief with the developers, but the houses in low-cost housing settlements have resistance is not too good. In fact, there is a house that has not been occupied, was cracked here and there. This is because due to materials and workmanship are also lacking to make the low-cost housing.

In addition, drainage crudely made with waste disposal that is not clear to make affordable housing looks rundown and lots of mosquitoes. Especially with the narrow land and houses small and medium facilities are very limited or even nonexistent in turn make low-cost housing such as a grouping of people with low incomes. Cheap housing having types ranging from 16, 21, 27, 36, and 45, are sometimes inhuman. But, what can be done by people can not afford. Just surrender and willingness to live huddle in between the walls of the narrow nan. There is an anecdote that says, especially type 21 that when we entered, we were out again. It's not wrong because it is arguably the very narrow.

Sometimes for crowded anticipate that happening in the house, the living room is outdoors on the patio with just alias spread mats. Sometimes low-cost housing developers do not provide the extra land altogether. There is only the remaining area of 2x4 m2 or 2x5 or even 1x4 m2 m2 in front of the house. For developers themselves, it is very difficult to obtain adequate profit margins when all building materials rose. It is impossible to sell a type 36 houses priced Rp25 million. Unless the price of land and building materials are very cheap and get a subsidy from the government.

Once again, the role of government here is very great to bring home a cheap but decent place to live. With large subsidies, is expected to lower middle citizens can get home at a price that is affordable and livable amenities.

Role of Private

Most of the people of Indonesia are employees. In order to meet the housing needs for their employees, many companies that provide soft loans to employees who have worked for a certain period of time. It is quite helpful because flowers usually employed by companies that are not as big as applied by the bank in general. Not only from the companies themselves should come into play to hold the loans for its employees, developers here can also give a role to the public. For example, for the developers of luxury homes, is also required to build housing for the lower middle with a pretty decent building.

So not only cheaper housing built by developers who are engaged in low-cost housing, but all developers are also involved in the construction of houses for the middle to lower. It could also be cross-subsidization of the construction of luxury homes for the construction of affordable housing for the middle to lower. With the attention of all parties, it is expected that low-cost housing is identical to the lower middle can be lifted from the feasibility.

Bank Assistance

Another way that can be done so that the homes are purchased can be obtained at a cheap price is to contact the bank. You can pick one Islamic bank. Islamic bank is a bank that uses a system of religion in this religion to set financial traffic. Islamic banks will provide the results of a humane than equal installments throughout the year. Of course, the presence of a fixed installment will not make consumers feel overloaded if interest rates go up, not least because the installments to be paid is fixed. This concept is a concept that must be followed by Islamic banks that have not implemented the Sharia system.

Another advantage that can be obtained from Islamic banks in addition to feeling comfortable, safe, as well as negotiations go back and not too burdensome. We can choose how we are able to pay the mortgage per month. If the credibility of the prospective recipient to be believed, the desired funds to be disbursed quickly so desired house will be faster also obtained.

Many ways that can be taken to get cheap housing habitable. If all the parties together to resolve the housing problem, of course, there will be no more homeless people who roam the streets and in a doorway or under a under a bridge. A home is a basic requirement, it should be more readily available and not being goods that are difficult to reach because the price is very high.

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