Saturday, February 9, 2013

Example Of Broader house with Minimalist Furniture

Example Of Broader house with Minimalist Furniture. The house, both of which have been able to buy, it is still in bank loans, or contracts still need to be addressed so that we are happy to live in it. One way to enhance your home is by presenting a minimalist furniture. Shape is minimalist lately very popular due to limited land to build a house or other building designated as offices, schools, malls, gyms, to the restaurant. Not only the buildings are made minimalist shape but also the furniture was transformed into a minimalist furniture.

Minimalist Furniture

The use of furniture in the form of a straight line, assertive, minimal, and chic can not be denied will make a room seem wider. Minimalist furniture can be placed in every corner of the house from the patio, living room, bedroom, living room, kitchen, to the bathroom. Who is not interested in anything that smells minimalist included with minimalist furniture, the costs are not how much like the Roman and Greek-style home, a result that appeared was also fresh, efficient, and flexible as a modern society.

Criterion Furniture Minimalist

Here are some characteristics of minimalist furniture that can be located to beautify the room :

1. Criterion Furniture Minimalist - Slim Form Irit Use Room

Minimalist furniture is usually performed with a slim form factor that does not make full room in our small house. If the furniture is placed in a home or a wide breadth was kind, beautiful, petite impression still feels light and free and flexible. Let us compare the form of a bed in the 1990s that many use or Pasuruan, Jepara carving motifs. Gorgeous anyway, but seemed heavy and hard to clean. The bed is 180 x 200 m wide and open a few tens of centimeters. Furniture is definitely not minimalist furniture.

Compare with minimalist furniture that has a rectangular shape bed. Plain unadorned rely on sending the good of wood or multiplex so visible light and do not meet the narrow space for rooms. Similarly, what happened in the living room. The era of 1990s-style living room with sofa look great, wide-backed, and there are hand-shaped strut broke out on the right and left. Impression indeed luxurious, but again will only create the impression narrow and filled the room. Furniture in the living room is too far from the impression of minimalist furniture.

Minimalist furniture sofa comes with a more streamlined shape and beautiful. Variety of color choices also make buyers do not have to worry about its existence would seem monotonous. Similarly, the first wooden chair carved shaped widened, now appear more slender and had no engravings, but such is as practical and efficient as possible.

2. Criterion Furniture Minimalist - Furniture Compact Space Sweeteners

Minimalist furniture usually comes in the form of compact furniture that is made to order. For small residential course in this way to make an impression of space in the rooms in it. Latest minimalist furniture can be found on the world contractor in the field of interior design. The booking fee compact furniture minimalist furniture ranges US$150,00 to US$250,00. All costs depend on the choice of design, materials, and capacity as well as experience in a designer make the room look charming.

2. Criterion Furniture Minimalist - Furniture Makers Materials Minimalist

Making furniture is minimalist, it should not be in a furniture factory. Home industries engaged in the field of interior and furniture maker design can also create your own. some materials commonly used to make furniture minimalist, among others :

a. Ingredients for Creating a Minimalist Furniture - Wooden

Wood still remains to be excellent in the manufacturing of home furnishings, including furniture minimalist. Likewise, minimalist furniture manufacture. Fiber strength is firm and made of wood has its own place in the hearts of fans. It's just, it must be admitted, since the form of minimalist furniture, the shape, pattern, and color of the wood furniture changed much. The form of wood furniture that was once synonymous with carvings always be more simple.

Furniture producing areas in Jepara, Central Java and Pasuruan, East Java also many models of furniture to replace the furniture condition minimalist, beautiful, and sexy. Some commonly used as a wood furniture are: teak, mahogany, coconut, and sengon.

b. Materials for Making Furniture Minimalist - Plywood

Sawdust is processed in such a way as to resemble wood. Plywood is not as strong furniture made of wood. But the choice of color and fiber plywood makes this product much in demand by the designers minimalist furniture in managing their client's room. Neat and precise impression also be obtained by putting plywood on the dining room, kitchen, cupboards or book in the reading room. One that makes the plywood easily damaged when exposed to water. Therefore, minimalist furniture made of plywood should not be used outdoors or exterior of the house. Especially exposed to rain water seepage will make furniture made of plywood rot and then broke.

3. Criterion Furniture Minimalist - Furniture Finishing or staining the Minimalist

To create a minimalist furniture is not difficult, but if you want to produce furniture that is good and look good indeed need to account eventually finishing or coloring. There are several ways to acquire color or finishing, among others :
  • Tacon
  • Taconsheet
  • Decosheet
  • Melamic
  • Duco paint.
While the usual colors chosen for minimalist furniture finishing, including black, brown bark, brown, white, lime green, bright orange, and red Ferrari.

4. Criterion Furniture Minimalist - Furniture Minimalist Types

Several types of models that can be created with minimalist furniture are :
  1. Kitchen set minimalist. The kitchen has a typical minimalist neat and precise. Compact minimalist furniture that includes all the kitchen equipment. Starting from the stove, cupboards ice shelf plates, cups, to a variety of pots and pans. There is also a minimalist kitchen is made with bar shape that makes airy dining room. Clean and spacious impression can be seen from the kitchen are laid out using this type of minimalist furniture.
  2. Wardrobe (wardrobe, shoes and accessories). General election or wardrobe cabinets are used as a place to store all types of equipment ranging from dress to dress, sandals, shoes, veil, and various other accessories. With a wardrobe that was made in the bottom of the stairs, corner bedroom, or other indentation where the concept of minimalist furniture, it is airy and neat impression will come from a small residential home or being.
  3. Bed set (bed one set). Minimalist furniture allows us to have a compact shape bed with dresser and closet in the room. Very charming, looked neat, and of course make a distinctive feel to the room.
  4. TV set (TV Wardrobe, and Entertainment). TV shelf and all the trimmings are made with minimalist furniture system raises the glamorous and very charming. The family will be very comfortable space to mingle with the family.
  5. Office set. Some office furniture that can be set with minimalist furniture system including office desks, desk manager, desk counter, teller desks, filing cabinet, computer table, up to the pantry.

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