Sunday, February 10, 2013

System Purchasing Houses in Citra Indah Housing Ciputra

System Purchasing Houses in Citra Indah Housing Ciputra. For those who want to buy a house in Cibubur, try to visit the office developer Citra Indah Cibubur East. Housing developers in the office, we will get different information about this housing, the types of homes available in Citra Indah, the facility obtained by the price of each house type available. Citra Indah is one of the housing built by Ciputra Group whose owner is Ir. Ciputra. Citra Indah located on highway 23 km Jonggol Cullinan was built in an area of 600 hectares. Areas where housing is built Citra Indah is a cool area with the contour of the land is hilly. Citra Indah housing design is made in such a way as to zoom as if at one with nature.

Citra Indah which is a developer PT Ciputra was already preparing for this beautiful modern housing that has aesthetic value in the display housing built. Aesthetic value was seen at the main gate Citra Indah built statues are releasing birds. In one corner next Citra Indah, also built a statue of a happy family. This statue is a symbol of Citra Indah housing mission to provide a comfortable place so that families who live in Citra Indah is a small family that is always happy.

Areal Distribution Citra Indah Housing

Of the master plan, Citra Indah would eventually be divided into several blocks of housing are given unique names like Raya
Hill, Permai Hill, Alamanda Hill, Green Hill, Menteng Hill and others. In addition, in the area of Citra Indah is also contained Citra Indah Square and waterpark are a means for family play. In addition, a variety of amenities for the occupants Citra Indah is also available and is expected to further complete development progresses this facility.

Existing facility in Citra Indah is a wide range of Alfa Midi mini market, Alfa, Arundina and Indomaret. In addition, school facilities, markets, gas stations until futsal was already built and available so that occupants Citra Indah is not necessary to go all the way out from Citra Indah housing just to meet their daily needs. Of the total land available in this wonderful Citra, 300 hectares of which have been processed and the units that have been sold already more than ten thousand units, plot and shop.

System Purchasing Houses in Citra Indah Housing

To have a home that we yearn in Citra Indah this, it is very easy. There are many different purchasing system provided by the developer Citra Indah, that is able to make purchases in cash, installments or twelve months can also purchase home with a mortgage system.

1. Cash Purchase

If we buy a house in Citra Indah is a cash purchase systems, stages to go through the first day we have to pay a sign so buying a home in Citra Indah. Signs so this purchase also referred to as booking fee.

Then fifteen days later we are required to pay the DP or cash payment on a house whose value is 20% of the total price of the house minus the sign so. If within fifteen days we have not specified a down payment for the purchase of a home in this beautiful image, our booking fee will be forfeited and developer Citra Indah will be entitled to sell or offer the units we have chosen to others who are interested in the unit .

However, if within fifteen days specified and directly perform the second step is to pay a down payment on a home purchase Citra Indah, we will proceed directly to the third stage of the repayment phase deficiency in the amount of payment home purchases 80% of the total price of the house . Usually this third stage is thirty days from when we make payment or booking fee so sign the housing developer Citra Indah this.

After making 80% payment of the deficiency, the house that we have chosen in Citra Indah will immediately be ours. But if we do not qualify this settlement within thirty days specified, the purchase is considered null and payments and advance sign so they can not be restored by the developer. Therefore, before deciding to cash purchases, design carefully whether we are able and capable to meet the three-stage system of cash buying it.

2. Purchase To 12 Months

We can also purchase a residential home in this beautiful image with 12-month installment payment system. There are three steps that must be overcome when we have a system of payment to buy a house in Citra Indah. The first day when we agreed to buy a house in Citra Indah we have to make a payment of money or the sign so booking fee. After that, on the fifteenth day of pre-determined, we are required to make a down payment on a home purchase Citra Indah 50% of the house price shall be reduced by a sign so that we pay.

In the third phase we have to do in a 12-month installment payment system is the rest of the payment for the purchase of the home in Citra Indah we gradually by 50% or we Cicil for twelve months. This is as of the thirtieth day one when we made advance payments or so mark.

3. Purchase with mortgage

Dream house is in Citra Indah can also be owned by the mortgage buying process. Indeed, there are requirements that must be met when we want to buy a house in Citra Indah residential mortgages manner. Its terms are as follows.
  • The certificate works (if it works or status as an employee).
  • Fill out an application form from your bank or institution selected to apply for a home purchase mortgages in Citra Indah.
  • Prepare a copy of the identity card, copy of family card, marriage certificate (if the purchase is married).
  • Payslips for employees to assess the status of the institution are we will be able to pay the mortgage each month in mortgage payments system.
  • Bank account for three months.
  • Personal Tax ID.
Once we meet the requirements to apply for mortgages, there will be parties of institutions that have been selected to conduct a survey of the truth of the data that we write in the mortgage application form for the purchase of a residential house in this beautiful image. After the filing of mortgages approved next steps should be passed about the same as stage payments on installment system and cash system.

The first day is the day of payment or booking fee so the sign. Then fifteen days later stages of the advance payment must be made in accordance with the minimum amount of payment is determined by the bank or institution. Next is the mortgage payment in accordance with the rules specified by the mortgage provider.

Do not wait to have a house in Citra Indah. With easy payment systems and availability of homes at a low price, then this is Citra Indah housing is able to realize all our dreams about a house.

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