Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Structure of the Human Organs - Human Organs

The structure of human organs is a set of cells or tissues that can be structure to the function of anatomical structures in humans. There are several kinds of cells found in the anatomy of the body such as the muscles that have many cells as in the eye. Organs associated with many cells called anatomical systems. There are also some anatomists stating that endoktrin not included into the system anatomy. Based on the anatomy in biology, an organ is a collection of tissue incorporated into the existing structures in the human body. Humans have a major network is called a network such as unique in the anatomy of the heart myocardium, while sporadic network is called the network of nerves and blood tissues. The function of the anatomy are interrelated and work together to form a system of anatomy.

Organ - Nervous System

Anatomy of the nervous system is a system of nerve cells associated with sensory sensation. Activities in anatomy or tissue share physiological processes in the body. If you look at neural networks, the neural network is the most complicated. Because the neural network consists of millions of nerve cells connected by vital tool, for the development of the memory unit of the nervous system are called neurons that are bound by the cells.

Organ - Digestive System

The digestive system is the system of organs within multicellular who receive food and digest food into an energy. The rest of the food that enters the body oran processed issued through the anus. In the human digestive system, the digestive tract along the process by are divided into the following three processes.
  •     The process of destruction of food in the body continues into the stomach.
  •     Then with absorb food juices into the intestine.
  •     Then removed the remnants of food through the anus.
Of the digestive system above, there are sequences in the gastrointestinal tract such as the following.
  •     Salivary gland
  •     Parotid
  •     Submandibularis (lower jaw)
  •     Sublingualis (under the tongue)
  •     Mouth cavity
  •     Tonsil
  •     Tongue
  •     Esophagus
  •     Pancreas
  •     Side
  •     Pancreatic duct
  •     Liver
  •     Gall bladder
  •     duodenal
  •     Bile duct
  •     Kolon
  •     Transverse colon
  •     Ascending colon
  •     Kolon descenden
  •     Ileum
  •     Allies
  •     Appendix
  •     Rectum
  •     Anus

Organ - Circulatory System

Circulatory system serves to move the organ systems of substances into the cell. This system balancing body temperature. In the circulatory system, there are two types of such an open circulatory system and a closed circulatory system. The circulatory system is pumped to the heart and blood vessel tissue formed. The system is supported by every cell in the body to maintain body fluid. First blood carry oxygen into the lungs and carbon dioxide in the opposite direction. And the second digestive tissue in taking appropriate process saved.

Understanding the Reproductive Organs

Reproductive cells possessed male and female anatomy requires reproduction. In men, the hormone testosterone is more dominant males that produce sperm cells, while the women have ovaries that produce female hormones. Experts explain the discovery of the SRY gene on the Y chromosome is dominant males, while the state in the embryonic gonads develop into ovaries. Formed male hormones encourages further development of the male genitalia internally and externally. In the absence of the Y-chromosome-functional gene SRY, ovaries develop.

Early embryo has a channel structure called Mullerian duct and Wolffian duct that makes both male or female genitalia or internal transport, depending on the genetic and hormonal sex embryos. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube embryo until the embryo into the uterus. Vaginal opening reproductive tract during sperm find the egg. Provide developing embryo to the uterus and placenta produce that produce food of the fetus for nine months until birth.

Organ - the Female Reproductive System

In the process of reproduction in humans there are two sexes or gametes could be called sperm. Female reproductive system is formed into a new individual. The system of men and women into cloning to reproduce. Cloning is to fertilize the egg in women. To create a generation of parents to offspring through genes, so the presence of this gene, the child born to these parents because of the similarity of male and female sperm produced by men and women.

For the organization of living things, the organization is made up of cells, tissues, organs, systems, and individuals. Surely you do not know the cell would ask if it was a cell? Why is the cell part of the anatomy? To learn more details, we describe as follows.

The study of cells is called cytology. Science is the discovery of the electron microscope. The experts cell research is to learn more about what is actually inside the cell. In organizational life, the cell is the rate at a low level as in
    Tue - tissue - organ - system - individual

Judging from the general structure of the cell, small cell prepared with the following sections.
  1.     Plasma Membrane
  2.     Cytoplasm
  3.     Nucleus (cell nucleus)

1. Plasma Membrane

Plasma cell membrane that separates the cell from the surrounding environment especially for animals, while the plant still has the outer layer called the cell dingding. The plasma membrane serves for the exchange of substances between the cytoplasm and the solution outside the cell.

2. Cytoplasm

The substances found in the cell nucleus and the plasma membrane. Cytoplasm plays an important role in the metabolic process called anatomy. Anatomy consists of Golgi complex, chloroplast, retiklum reticulum, and mitochondria. Surrounded by a membrane organelles such as ribosomes and centrioles. Anatomy-anatomy has a function to each structure that can support the activities of the cells.

3. The nucleus (the cell nucleus)
The membrane that separates the nucleus of a cell to the cytoplasm. This membrane has two layers of nuclei in certain areas such as pores that serve as entry of chemicals. While the outer membrane associated with rektiklum reticulum membrane.

Muscle tissue

Muscle tissue functions to move the body. Muscle tissue has a special cell with the main function contraction. Muscle tissue has four functions:
  •     Elastic
  •     May be stretched
  •     Can be stimulated
  •     Contraction

With this
Contraction main network, then the network can move a limb muscles, heart rate, and intestinal peristaltic. With this muscle tissue the body can withstand a certain position and can warm body temperature. In addition, the muscle tissue is divided into three such as smooth muscle, striated muscle, and cardiac muscle. Cell has a small structure of living things. Organization of both animal and plant life is a collection of millions of cells that are related to one another. With cells that work together to make a special structure for the cells that form into a complecs network that consists of epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and connective tissue.

These networks meet each other each other to form an anatomys and meet each other and work together to form a system of interdependence thus forming an individual. In addition, in mammals there are 11 organs like circulation, respiration, lymphatic, immune, endoktrin, reproductive, nervous, integument, skeleton, excretion, and muscle.

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