Thursday, August 30, 2012

Indonesia Exotic Tourism Places

This country, The Republic of Indonesia is many surround with an archipelago that has five large islands, the island of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi and Papua Island, as well as the small islands that surround the country. The area in Indonesia is divided into three, namely the western part of Indonesia (Sumatra, Java, West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan), central part of Indonesia (Sulawesi, Bali, South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan), as well as any part of eastern region of Indonesia (Moluccas, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua).

All three areas have an hour time difference. Each area of Indonesia has attractions. Indonesia tourist places spoil the tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists, with its beauty and of course be one of the sources of state revenue.
Religious Tourism Western Indonesia

1. Fort de Kock

The fortress was founded in 1825 at the time Troepen Der Commander and Deputy Governor General of the Dutch East Indies Hendrik Merkus Baron de Kock is located on the Mount Jirek, Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Fort Fort de Kock is used by Dutch troops as a defense and refuge from the attacks of Minangkabau people Padri War. By the colonial era, the fort was used as the center of government and the resting place of the Dutch officers. Dutch exploit the situation to help the indigenous people when it clashed with the indigenous religion and asked to agree to the construction of this fort as a military defense base.

Fort Fort de Kock became the symbol of the Dutch who had mastered Bukittinggi, Agam, and Pariaman. Since renovated by the local government, the castle turned into a park area of Bukittinggi and Tropical Bird Park. The tourists can enjoy the beauty of this historic hotel with a small cannon at the four corners.

2. Borobudur Temple

This temple is a Buddhist temple located in Magelang, Central Java. Shaped stupa temple was founded in the reign of Dynasty dynasty by Mahayana Buddhists. This temple consists of six square terraces. Biggest stupa located in the center surrounded by three rows of circular 72 stupas in which there is a statue of Buddha. Each year, the Borobudur Temple was visited by Buddhists to commemorate Vesak Day. According to the archaeologist, Borobudur was built in four phases. The first step is leveling the hill and expansion of basic court. The second stage is the addition of two square steps, balustrades, and one step circular stupa was built directly above a huge single.

The third stage is the demolition and replacement of the circular steps and a single stupa with three railroad circles. Construction of stupas, the smaller the steps the court. The fourth stage is a refinement relief, the addition of the outer balustrades, stairs and arch changes the wicket doors, as well as the widening of the foot. For centuries, the temple was once buried in the ground, volcanic ash, and shrubs so neglected. However, the existence of the temple was rediscovered by H. C. Cornelius, envoy Thomas Stamford Raffles.

3. Lake Toba

This lake is a volcanic lake located in North Sumatra and became the largest lake in Indonesia, and even Southeast Asia. Lake Toba was formed by the eruption of the recent supervolkano. After the eruption, the caldera formed which filled with water to become a lake known as Lake Toba. In the middle of this lake there is an island formed by the upward pressure of magma that has not come out. The island is known as the island of Samosir. The tourists who visit to enjoy the beauty of the lake as well as this charming island.

4. Ambarawa Railway Museum

Initially, this museum is the train station that was built on the orders of King Willem I to transport Dutch troops to Semarang and known by the name of Willem I. Stations On October 6, 1976, the station is a museum that has a collection of steam locomotives in 2502 and B 2503 B made Maschinenfabriek Esslingen. This locomotive is one of three remaining locomotives in the world, namely in India and Switzerland. Besides locomotives (two can be operated), the museum is collecting antique telephones, morse telegraph equipment, antique bell, and some antique furniture. The tourists can experience the fun of enjoying the tourist train route Ambarawa museum-Bedono, Ambarawa-Tuntang, and lori Ambarawa-Tuntang.

Place Tourism Indonesia Midsection

1. Bunaken Marine Park

Bunaken Marine Park is located in Manado, North Sulawesi is a habitat for coral reefs, various species of fish, mollusks, reptiles, and marine mammals. In the marine park there are five islands, namely the island of Manado Tua, Bunaken Island, Island Siladen, Mantehage Island and several children his island, and the island Naen. The tourists can explore a marine park with diving and will be treated to the beauty beneath the sea. However, the first marine park in Indonesia suffered some damage from coral mining, use bombs in catching fish, and trash. To keep the preservation of the marine park, the WWF conservation assistance.

2. Komodo National Park

This national park is located in the District of Komodo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. National park dedicated to protecting this dragons, covers an area of land and sea with the five major islands, namely Pulau Komodo, Padar, Rinca, Gili Islands Montang, and the island of Nusa Kode along with other smaller islands. In addition to land to protect the Komodo dragon, in the national park there are marine parks to protect marine life. Visit to the region defined as the Komodo National Park on March 6, 1980, it became an unforgettable experience.

3. Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot is located in the village of Beraban, district of Kediri, Tabanan regency, Bali. In the north of Tanah Lot, there is a temple situated on a cliff jutting into the sea. This cliff temple connect with the land and shaped like a bridge. According to legend, Tanah Lot temple was built by a Brahmin, Nirartha, from Java. He spread the teachings of Hinduism and it turns out, many of his followers. Ruler of Tanah Lot at the time, Bendesa Beraben, envied Nirartha. Bendesa Beraben expel Nirartha and he also agreed. Before leaving, he moved to the middle boulder beach and build a temple. Finally, a follower Bendesa Beraben Nirartha. Many tourists come to this resort to enjoy the beautiful sunset.

Tourist Attractions Eastern Indonesia
1. Lorentz National Park

Largest national park in Southeast Asia is located in the province of Papua. This national park is one of the three regions of the world that have glaciers in the tropics. Lorentz National Park has a high biodiversity, supported by an amazing cultural diversity, and is thought to be the residence Amungme, Asmat, Dani West, Nduga Tribes and Tribes Sempan. Unfortunately, not all the attractions here developed optimally and facilities are very limited.

2. Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is becoming a trend among the tourists is located approximately 50 miles from Sorong, West Papua. Raja Ampat has four major islands, namely Batanta, Misool, Salawati, and Waigeo. Usually, foreign tourists spent his time off in Raja Ampat during winter in Europe. Exploring the beaches of the exotic Raja Ampat be an experience that will not be forgotten because the tourists will be spoiled by the beauty of Raja Ampat owned.

Similarly, a brief explanation of the tourist spots are very indulgent Indonesian tourists. Hopefully this brief explanation to benefit and inspire the tourists to visit tourist spots in Indonesia. Happy browsing !

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