Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Know Mandatory Rabbit Breeders

"Leave it all to the experts!" Phrase is apparently applies to everything, including the breeding of rabbits. Yes, breeding rabbits will be successful if the farmers know the things that are directly related to the business that they do. On this occasion, I will invite the rabbit breeders and prospective breeders to know the important things, especially in the case of rabbits. Although not classified as an expert, if knowledge of all matters relating to the proliferation of rabbits has been compromised, the breeding rabbits being cultivated will coming maximum results. Here are some things about the proliferation of rabbits that must be known by rabbit breeders and prospective breeders. Listen.

Age Rabbits Mated Start

Rabbit breeders can begin mating rabbits if signs of estrus has been shown by the rabbit. Typically, signs of estrus rabbits can be found in rabbits aged 4-5 months weighing 2-3 kg (rabbits local) and at the age of 8-10 months weighing 4-6 kg (rabbits imported). Age is not absolute because there are also signs of lust that has seen before come to age already mentioned. If the rabbits are already showing signs of estrus mated late, rabbits are likely to experience infertility due to body weight obesity. Rabbits who are obese will have a lot of fat in the body so that the female egg and the male sperm duct constriction will experience. If this happens, then the course of the marriage will be hampered.

Set Marriage

Marriage arrangements need to be done in order to maintain quality rabbit breeders and rabbit breeding results. Do not let the mother rabbit who just gave birth with the mated again, as this would interfere with the health of the mother earlier. Also, the reason marriage was not recommended taps children birth to new rabbit has not enough time to weaning. In order for the possibility of mating females and males in the near future does not happen, then the rabbit breeders are required to separate the mother rabbit just gave birth to a male. Both rabbits must be placed in two different cages. This is done because the adult male rabbits have a very strong power mating. Because of the power of this mating, if we keep the 10 rabbits, then simply provide one male only.

Within a year, a mother rabbit can give birth up to four times. A rabbit takes 31 days for a period of about 56 days pregnant and to make parenting and breastfeeding their children. However, if the mother rabbits assessed are ready to breed again before the care and giving milk finished, the farmer must ensure that the supply of food for the kids rabbits fulfilled.

Egg Cell and Fertility

An adult female rabbit (lust) can reduce some of the egg in the womb. Likewise with a male rabbit can produce thousands of sperm cells. However, only one sperm are able to fertilize the female egg. The fertilized egg cell sperm will grow into a fetus. This growth process takes about 30-32 days. After that time passes, the child was born a cute bunny. More or less the result of breeding can not be separated from the fertility factor. A fertile rabbits may produce up to 10 kittens in one pregnancy, but there are also only produced 4 pups alone. Usually the mother rabbit who gave birth to children in large quantities would be bothered by the process of parenting and breastfeeding children. In fact, often neglected and some children not receiving care.

Rabbit fertility rate is strongly influenced by quality and food availability. When the nutrients that rabbits need not met with good body condition and health will be disrupted so that the rabbit becomes sick easily. But keep in mind, too, if the food that rabbit breeders give too much, then the weight will be increased so that the rabbit cause the declining fertility rate. Feeding rabbits to be really fit.

Old Rabbit Bunting or Breastfeeding and Parenting Puppies

Generally, the old rabbit is 31 days pregnant. However, in some cases that's ever happened, others may take 30 days to 32 days. The period is usually very pregnant rabbits factor determined by the environment, food, and rabbit breed itself. The larger types of rabbit breeders keep, the longer the time also the pregnancy. Meanwhile, time needed a mother rabbit to care for or feed the baby around 56 days or 8 weeks. As already mentioned above, the time to care or nursing is not absolute, but 8 weeks is the ideal time. Within 8 weeks of age, most children have been able to eat their own rabbits.

Causes of Failure of Breeding

If you are a rabbit farm not being pregnant, pregnant failed, or the quality of children born are not as expected, there might be some cause. Some of the causes in question are environmental factors, diet, age, and pregnant fake. How these factors may lead to breeding failure? Here is the description.

1. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors greatly affect the life of the rabbit. Eve is too high or a very sudden change in temperature will affect the fertility of rabbits. To that end, in order to get a good environment for the rabbit, the cage should not be made of zinc material and not to hit the walls of the cage directly breeze. Not only that, very noisy surrounding enclosure are also less favorable for rabbits. Especially if the enclosure is within reach of children. Usually the area around the cage that often makes noise startled rabbit. For that, put the cage in a quiet, roomy cage match with a number of rabbits maintained. Keep in mind, a pregnant rabbit requires a quiet atmosphere. If the things mentioned above are ignored, then there is a possibility of breeding failure.

2. Food

Less nutritious foods that will cause a decrease in body condition, so often these rabbits have a miscarriage or death after giving birth to her children. the older the age of the content of the rabbit, so the more the nutritious substances required. Attention food nutrients are not only focused on betin rabbits, but also in male rabbits. Male rabbits get better food intake will have a good sperm quality too.

3. Age

Parent rabbit still considered productive if it was aged 2.5 to 3 years. After transcend age, usually productivity will decline. To that end, in order to avoid failure of breeding rabbits over the age of 3 years should no longer married. You can sell rabbits meat or harness.

4. Fake Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition that often occurs in female rabbits. Pregnancy fake usually have signs similar to the original pregnant, but in the end none of the children were born. The length of time this fake bunting around 16-22 days after mating. This fake Pregnancy signs can be observed from the doe activity seen busy preparing the nest by plucking the feathers as if to have children. During this fake pregnant doe not want to marry the stud. After Pregnancy false ending, then rabbits are willing marry again. The cause of this is the failure fake bunting fertilization process. This is because there is no fertility in female rabbit sperm quality males or bored.

Well, that's a few things that must be related to known breeding rabbits rabbit breeders. With an understanding of the things you just described is expected farmers more desensitized to pet rabbits, especially being in prose breeding, so that the rabbit had produced numerous and healthy puppies. Hopefully useful.

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