Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to resolve Hair Loss and Cause of hair loss

Talking about hair loss ? hemmm....who is the afraid from hair loss first, man or women ? Hair is the crown of women. Therefore, women are always trying to keep her hair from loss. Not just for women, hair loss or baldness is often referred to scare even the case for men. In fact, someone willing to produce hundreds of thousands to treat and care for the beauty crown.

What is the Hair Loss Problem ?

Human hair loss is indeed timely. Will experience normal hair
loss of 100 strands per day. Hair can fall out when hair follicles stop producing hair growers cells. The loss of hair is usually not all at once but gradually. Become increasingly numerous and increasingly spread to various parts of the scalp. In a healthy scalp, hair loss will be replaced as soon as possible, because the hair is part of the second body of the fastest growing; first is bone marrow. Scalp we have approximately 100,000 hairs.

Healthy hair can last for 4-7 years and grows ½ inch per month. Hair loss problem usually occurs if your hair is very fragile and easily detached from the roots. Compared to women, men are more susceptible to hair loss problems due to hereditary factors. But now women are already in trouble with hair
loss because too often 'manipulate' hair. Normal hair loss that occurs in age from 35 to 50 years. Problematic hair loss can happen to anyone, teenagers, children, or young adults.

Cause of Hair Loss

The problem of hair loss has many causes. However, in principle, cause of hair loss there are two factors.
  • Descent or hereditary factors. This hair loss is obtained by hereditary. Therefore, there is no other way that can be done to prevent other hair loss prevent so could not run fast.
  • Factors obtained. The loss hair obtained is that it must be due to errors in the case of illness or hair treatments.

However, people can not avoid both of these factors. However, it does not mean there's no way that can be done to cure or at least reduce hair loss. Simple way, you must provide accurate treatment and exercise regularly for hair health is not much different than the health of the body. Other causes of hair
loss is aging and the amount of hormones in the body. In addition, external factors and treatment. Here are some other aspects that cause hair loss person :

1. Side effects of medical care and drugs consumption. Some drugs are known to cause hair loss are :
  •     cholesterol-lowering drugs (clofibrate and gemfibrozil)
  •     ulcer drugs (cimetidine and ranitidine)
  •     Parkinson medication (levodopa)
  •     gout medication (allopurinol)
  •     anticoagulant drugs (coumarin and heparin)
  •     drugs from vitamin A (isotretinoin and etretinate)
  •     antiarthritics drugs (penisilamin, auranofin, indomethacin, naproxen, sulindac, and metotreksat)
  •     antidepressant medication (tricyclics and amphetamines)
  •     anticonvulsants drugs (trimethadione)
  •     beta-blocker drugs (atenolol, metoprolol, nadolol, and propanolol)
  •     antitiroid drug agent (carbimazole, iodine, thiocyanate, and thiouracil)
2. Stress and depression

If you are experiencing hair loss only occurs when you're in a psychic that down, are under stress, or trauma, hair loss is the body's reaction to your psychological state. When a person experiences stress, a lot of hair follicles do the rest. As a result, a few months later follicles that release the hair in many volumes simultaneously. So, last month stress can cause hair loss this month, does not feel the consequences directly.

Some people are not aware of this, because they consider their stress and psychological conditions have improved. New hair to replace the hair, new hair loss will appear a few months later.

3. Lack of protein and iron

loss due to lack of protein relative to the same way it works with loss of the hair due to stress (just felt a few hours later). Due to less intake of protein, try saving total body protein possessed by placing hair-loss phase of the lift and a few months later. Iron deficiency usually occurs in women, especially during menstruation and pregnancy. This leads to women suffering from hair loss. If required, the consumption of iron supplements to keep hair stronger.

4. Pregnancy, childbirth, and the use of birth control pills

If at the time of pregnancy hair loss is caused by lack of iron, at the time of labor and post-birth to a woman will experience hair loss due to hair loss suffered and rest phase in the total lot some time later. Birth control pills cause hair thinning. Especially in women who did have a simple hereditary hair loss. Consult with your obstetrician about this.

5. Infection on the scalp

Unhealthy scalp and dirty, would wintering range of diseases such as ringworm, dandruff, and so on. The presence of infections in health affect scalp hair roots. If the infection successfully removed, the hair will come back healthy as ever.

6. Thyroid disease and autoimmune disease

Thyroid imbalance (too active or actually not too active) can cause hair experience
loss. As for autoimmune disease called alopecia areata causes hair to be some loss and hair follicles stop producing new hairs. Not yet known causes of this autoimmune disease.

7. Incorrect treatment

Some simple treatments to cause hair loss. For example :
  • Tying hair too tight. Strong-tied hair fragile and strong will fall out.
  • Using a hair dryer, hair straightener or curler. Hot air from the equipment can damage the protein in the hair, making it brittle and cracking.
  • Combing hair roughly.
  • Impose a cap (hijab, hats, robes, etc.) while the hair is still wet.
  • Too often decorates the hair with chemicals, like coloring or straightening.

Tips to Reduce Hair Loss

Given the importance of the role of hair as support your appearance, you should take care and prevent hair from
loss. Here are some tips that you can do to reduce hair loss.
  1. And consume nutritious food rich in protein and iron.
  2. As much as possible, you should avoid stress because stress can damage the hair due to metabolism of the body is not smooth.
  3. Avoid various drugs that can interfere with hair growth.
  4. Athletics is a great way to treat hair. Regular workouts can afford improving blood circulation of the scalp that can provide nutrition to the hair.
  5. Adequate rest able to optimize your hair growth.
  6. Reduce the consumption of caffeine-containing substances and reduce smoking. The second substance is not good for hair growth.
  7. As much as possible, do not shampoo with water that is too hot.
  8. Avoid using hair dryers. Keep your dry hair using a towel or safer-winds enough.
  9. Do not comb the hair in wet conditions.
  10. Protect your scalp that are not exposed to direct sunlight.
  11. Use shampoo that is made of herbal ingredients for shampoo made from poor chemicals for hair health.
  12. Reduce use hair oil in the form of a gel or cream, hair spray and hair dye.
  13. Use sharp scissors when shaved.
  14. Do not get pulled hair for no apparent reason.
That's some simple tips you can do to keep your crown. Befits human hair has a tendency protest even if not treated properly. Therefore, treat your crown before hair loss. Hopefully useful !

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