Saturday, August 4, 2012

The length of the Petroleum Formation Process

Petroleum is a source of energy utilized for human survival. Petroleum formation process does not just happen happen. It takes a very long time in the process of formation of petroleum oil that can be exploited by humans as an energy source. Discuss the process of petroleum formation, can not escape the discussion of the theory of petroleum formation and state formation that makes oil specifically and not the same between a petroleum oil with the other.

If viewed from the eyes of a scientist, the formation of petroleum can be learned from the process of its formation in chemical and petroleum formation process viewed from the perspective of geological sciences. Understanding of the processes of petroleum formation is necessary for consideration of the identification results. Regarding the formation of petroleum, there are many theories that explain the formation of petroleum. Here is the theory of petroleum formation.

Theory of Oil Formation - The theory of biogenesis (Organic)

An expert named Macqiur who came from France was the first to put forward the theory of petroleum formation derived from plants. Subsequently in 1763, an expert on Russian nationals, M. W. Lamanosow also suggested the same thing. The expert's opinion is supported by other experts, such as New Beery, Engleer, Bruk, Bearl, and Hofer. In the expert's claim that oil and gas derived from marine organisms that are dead millions years ago to form the inner lining of the bowels of the earth.

Theory of Oil Formation - The theory of abiogenesis

An expert named Barthelot states that have oil content of alkali metals. These alkali metals when in a free state with a high temperature will come into contact with CO2 to form asitilena. Furthermore, Mandeleyev stated that the process of petroleum formation occurs due to the influence of the steam work on carbide-metal carbides in the earth. In addition, there are other experts who promoted to the process of forming an opinion on petroleum has been happening since time immemorial, or it can be said that the formation of petroleum occurred since prehistoric times, long before the Earth formed. The statement was based on the facts found meterial hydrocarbons in some rocks and meteors in the atmosphere.

Among the many theories about the formation of petroleum, petroleum biogenesis theory is a theory of petroleum formation is often raised. As time went on and the development of increasingly advanced technology, the theory of the formation of petroleum is growing. In addition to the theory of petroleum formation, analysis of the formation of petroleum continues to grow. Based on the theory of biogenesis, the formation of petroleum from a small leak permanently. Leak occurred in the carbon cycle. Carbon cycle occurs between the surface of the earth's atmosphere is described by two arrows in the opposite direction when taken in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). The first arrow indicates that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to assimilate.

That is, the CO2 is extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthetic organisms land and sea.On the second, carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere through respiration of living things, bleak animals, plants, and microorganisms. In this process, there has been a small leak that allows a small fraction of carbon dioxide is released back into the atmosphere in the form of CO2, but instead is experiencing a transformation that eventually become fossils that can be burned.

Fossil fuel in number a very bit. Organic materials which undergo a process of oxidation during burial. This will result in a major part of organic carbon in the form of a very small amount of carbonate in sedimentary rocks. At first, the compound, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are produced by living according to his needs. For example, to defend themselves, breed, or as a component of the physical and living things. Component in question can take the form of cells, membranes, pigments, fats, sugars, or proyein derived from plants or animals can come from either cold-blooded and warm-blooded.

If the living dead, as many as 99.9% carbon that is in the living body will experience a cycle of the food chain. Meanwhile, 0.1% of carbon compounds will be stuck in the ground or in the sediment. This is what is the origin of fossil compound known as a source of petroleum. Fossils of the embryo formation of petroleum will experience displacement and will accumulate in one place most likely to be reservoir. Or is there a float with the flow of water so it accumulates in the seabed.

The process of petroleum formation occurs daam three levels, namely :
  • Formation itself is composed of natural sediment organic matter collection, preservation of organic matter, transformation of organic matter into petroleum.
  • Migrating petroleum are formed and dispersed in the layer of sediment is trapped.
  • Accumulation of oil drops in circulation in the layers of accumulated sediment to become an international gathering.

How Long Oil Formation Happen ?

About 30 million years ago or at the time of the end time of the dinosaurs, more than 50% of oil reserves that exist on this earth was formed. In fact, other oil reserves estimated to be older, an estimated age of 500 million years ago. In general, the geologists agree that the formation of petroleum deposits occur as organisms, plants, and animals for hundreds of millions of years. If the marine organisms die, the body renic will settle on the seabed, and then buried in the sand and mud. Furthermore, it would form a layer of rich organic matter that would eventually become rock sedimentary.

This process continues over and over that would be. One layer of cover other layers. Then, over millions of years later, the oceans of the earth there is a shrinking or turning point. Substances that form sedimentary rocks generally do not contain enough oxygen to break down organic material to the fullest.

Bacterial decomposition of these substances into the material to hydrogen and carbon-rich substances. Pressures and higher temperatures are from of rock layers above it, then do the process of distillation remnants of organic materials. Next, slowly turn it into crude oil and natural gas. The rocks which was estimated to contain 600 million of petroleum resources. Thus, it can be concluded that the formation of petroleum due to the organisms that decompose by bacteria.

Petroleum formation process influenced by several factors, namely :

1. Thermal Degradation

This is due to the accumulation of sediment exposed, then there will be changes in pressure and temperature. Temperature changes is one very important factor.

2. Reaction Catalysts

Presence of a catalyst will cause the acceleration of chemical processes in the formation of petroleum.

3. Radioaktivasi

Radioactivastion form paraffinic hydrocarbons. This suggests that the influence of organic substances radioactive.

4. Bacterial activity

Bacteria have an important role in the formation of petroleum. Not only that, the bacteria play an important role since the demise of organic compounds to the formation of petroleum.

Lengthy explanations of the above, it can be concluded that the formation of petroleum originated from organisms and micro-organisms that died and buried in the ground or sea. Furthermore, with the help of bacteria or bacterial microorganism decomposers, organisms (plant and animal fossils) is converted into petroleum. Petroleum formation process is very long, it takes about 100 million years. It's a very long time ago. So, to keep the existence of petroleum in the earth, we have to downsize and use the energy from oil well and wisely. In addition, the use of alternative energy must be applied.

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