Sunday, August 5, 2012

Oil, Essential Components for Machinery

All types of vehicles, both two-wheel or four-wheel drive requires fuel in order to operate. However, not only an important fuel for vehicles. One other important element that can not be forgotten in the operational sustainability of the vehicle is lubricating oil or grease. Lubricating oil or oil is used to support the performance of the machine. Engine lubricating oil or engine oil has many kinds. The use of engine lubricating oil or engine oil depends on the machine. Basically, the engine oil or lubricant serves to increase or maintain the service life of the machine.

In general, oil or lubricants can be defined as substances which are among the components that keep moving in order to reduce the friction that occurs anta components in the machine. Including engine lubricating oil or essential components in the lubrication system. Basically, any type of oil has the same function, namely to keep the machines remain durable and hassle free. In addition, the oil also serves as a cooling and sealing machine. Grease or oil is composed of delicate layers that serve to prevent metal to metal friction in the engine to a minimum.

In addition, for certain purposes, grease or oil are required to have additional functions. For example, oil for diesel engine oil of course different from a gasoline engine.

Oil Types

Oil or grease has two types, namely mineral oil and synthetic oil. Here is an explanation of both types are.

1. Mineral oil

One type of oil is the oil mineral. This type of oil is made from oil or oil basae basis. Base oil or base oil is derived from petroleum that has been processed and refined by mixing. Mixing was done with a substance that serves to enhance the functionality and capabilities. The experts explained that if the machine has been accustomed to using mineral oil for years and want to replace it with synthetic oil, do not immediately replace it with synthetic oil. This is because synthetic oil is generally able to scrape the remains of the abandoned oil meniral. This resulted in the value of remaining of mineral oil was up and will flow into the gap so that the machine can disturbing engine performance.

2. Synthetic oil

In addition to the type of mineral oil, the oil was there a type of synthetic. Generally, this type of synthetic oil consisting of Polyalphaolifins. This substance is then mixed with mineral oil. This has resulted in synthetic oil can be mixed with mineral oil or otherwise. Please note that this synthetic type of oil does not contain reactive carbon. Reactive carbon compound that is not good for oil. This is because the compound is likely to be binding of oxygen to produce acid (acid). Basically, synthetic oil is designed to produce effective and maximum performance in comparison with mineral oil.

3. Vegetable Lubricant

Plant-based lubricants are lubricants made from kind of animal fats or plants. Lubricants of this type have important properties, namely sulfur or sulfur-free. However, the type of vegetable oil or lubricant is not resistant to high temperatures. So, to get good performance from this type of oil should be mixed with lubricating materials derived from mineral oils.

Oli characters

As part of the oil lubrication system has a character. Here is the character of the oil.

1. Oil Viscosity

Oil as a component of the lubrication system. Therefore, the oil has a viscosity or viscosity. Viscosity oil is one important thing to note. Why? Because the viscosity of oil associated with the thickness of the oil or how much its ability to flow at the machines. In addition, the viscosity of the oil was associated with the function of oil as a substance that protects the clash between the components of the machine.

Grease or oil will flow when the ambient temperature within the engine. It is intended that the oil or lubricant can flow sufficiently so that the moving components inside the machine secure the oil supply. Can be notarized that the more viscous oil, which caused a layer of the more viscous Smooth layer of the oil that has a good viscosity will provide extra service to sweep or clean metal surface repaid.

Instead, the oil is too thick will result in excessive resistance to flow of oil at low temperatures. This could lead to disruption of road oil to the engine components that are needed. Thus, it can be said that the engine oil or lubricant must have the proper viscosity when the engine is operated, both when the engine when the engine at high temperature and low temperature.

2. Viscosity Index

Low high oil viscosity index indicates the level of the oil viscosity to changes in temperature. It could be argued that the higher the index number or lubricating oil, the smaller the oil viscosity changes when raising or decrease in temperature occurs. Viscosity index is divided into three parts, namely:
  •     HVI or High Vicosity Index with the index above 80
  •     MVI or Medium Viscosity index with an index between 40 and 80
  •     LVI Low Viscosity Index or the index below 40

3. Flash Point

Flash point or flash point is the lowest temperature as a lubricant or light oil. This flash point measurements using standard tools, but the method is different depending on the product as measured from its flash point.

4. Pour Point

Pour point is the lowest temperature when the oil is not able to multiply and then freezes. Characteristics of the pour point is to note that the use of lubricating oil or a match for the temperature reach or operate in the cold environment.

5. Total Base Number (TBN)

Character of the total base number indicates the level of oil resistance to the effects of acidification. Typically, the index of the lubricating oil TBN made new or fresh oil. After the lubricant used role in a certain period, TBN value will decline. For machines with gasoline and diesel fuel, decreased TBN should not be less than one. So, more bai replaced with new grease or oil. This is because the quality of lubricating oil, which fell TBN is not worth taking anymore.

6. Carbon Residue

One character is a carbon residue of oil. This character is an index of carbon buildup if grease or oil diuaokan on a particular test.

Quality Oil

Each product has a specified quality standards. Likewise with oil or grease. Quality oil or lubricant is symbolized by the API or the American Petroleum Institute. API consists of two, namely S and C. S or service is defined as the Spark plug ignition (spark plug wear). Type S is used for this type of car or MPV type of car pick up the gasoline. Meanwhile, C or Commercial use for heavy duty trucks and diesel-engined vehicles. Examples of category C, among others, CF, CF-2, and CG-4.

If using a diesel engine, the oil used should be appropriate for different characters diesel engine with a gasoline engine character. Character of diesel engine combustion produces much higher. Thus, the category of oil type C requires an additional substance in the form of dispersant and detergent additives that serve to keep the engine to keep them clean.

Benefits of Oil

In the explanation at the beginning of the article, has described the functions and benefits of oil briefly. Here are the functions and benefits of oil as an important component of the machine.
  • Serves to reduce friction and prevent wear. This is done by forming a thin layer of prevent friction between the metal that is in the machine.
  • Oil serves as a media machine penndingin. This is done by absorbing heat from the parts that get lubrication.
  • Oil serves as a cleaning agent. How to remove the dirt on the engine.
  • Oil or lubricant prevents rust on the machine.

That is the explanation of the engine lubricating oil or engine oil. Thus, the role of oil as a lubricant for the engine because the oil can not be step son including the most important component to support the performance of the machine.

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