Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Attractions : The beauty of Mount Bromo

Attractions : The beauty of Mount Bromo - Who does not know that a lot of beautiful sights in the area of ​​East Java? It was started from end to end, a variety that we can enjoy a panoramic tour. Start of the tour the mountains, beaches, historic buildings tour, museum tour, temple tour, up to a culinary tour. Everything is beautifully presented fun sense of the traveler.  Let us trace the start of the first mountain attractions. More precisely the famous mountains will fire active crater, but still safely visited by tourists. Yes, Bromo Mountain attractions.

Bromo is one of the mountains tourist attraction visited by many tourists from both domestic and abroad. This mountainous region is known as one of the mountains are still active. Serving not less interesting scenery that is a stretch of sea sand covering 10 square kilometers. This sea of ​​sand covering almost the entire surface of the mountain. In fact, often if you're lucky, you could be caught in a storm sea of ​​sand in it. These vast mountains about 800 km2.  As the largest volcano in East Java, smoke containing sulfur can still be seen directly from the crater of Mount Bromo. Some time ago even showed its activity to Mount Bromo eruption.

Although not as Mount Merapi in Jogjakarta, but the effects of the eruption was felt locals. When the eruption of Mount Bromo is not spending a lot of volcanic material. The eruption of exhaled more material in the form of sand. Although there were no casualties, but considerable material losses makes losses. For example, some farmers who lost crops or houses that are covered with fog of sand. In addition to physical terms of a charming, beautiful mountains of Bromo also be seen from the indigenous culture. In certain times in the mountains was held Kesodo ritual ceremony.

Kesodo ceremony is a customary ritual Tengger tribe, the tribe that settled in the mountains of Bromo. This ritual is usually held every 14 or 15 in Kesodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar, or rather early morning of each month Purnama. In this ritual Tengger tribal elders gathered while reading prayers or mantras. Prayer is intended as a request to be kept away from the host, invoke a bountiful harvest and cure of all diseases. Interestingly not only pray but also the expense or dedicate the offerings are thrown into the crater of Mount Bromo.

The offerings can be many different forms. There is a form of agriculture, there is also a form of livestock. The beauty of this ritual usually travel pretty much suck visitors from both inside and outside the country. To enjoy the beauty and cultural panorama of Mount Bromo, you need not wonder anymore. At present all support facilities can be found at here. Starting from the vehicle, where to eat until the lodging facilities. Want to travel to this beautiful place? Let's follow the prompts.

Enjoy the beauty of Enchantment Departure Preparation of Bromo
  •  Prepare Equipment and Supplies
Prepare all equipment and supplies be brought. Sweater, heavy jacket, gloves, hat, comfortable shoes, masks, goggles, food and beverages, medicines, and other personal equipment.
  •     Make Jam Departure
If you want to enjoy the sunrise, should be set out before dawn. The goal is that when we get there you can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise. However, if you want to relax the morning of the trip is also quite enjoyable.
  •     Determine the route to be Skipped Early
Find the location closest to your residence. Do you want to depart from Probolinggo, Pasuruan, or from Malang. Third place was shared a challenging field.
  •     Bring the Camera
Do not forget if you have a camera to bring it along. As long at the beautiful attractions, there's nothing wrong with narcissists in the middle of the beautiful panorama. Especially if there are other beautiful scenery, you can record it directly.
  •     Determine the Shuttle
Specify the means of transportation to be used toward the place. You will rent a car or use a private car. This time for a trip to Mountain Bromo vehicle or a used car is determined by the manager, that should be used Jeep cars. Jeep car rental rates depend on the length of the journey that is passed. Usually you also need not drive his own car, there will be a private driver in the Jeep. In addition to the driver, they are already trained to guide the direction of your journey. Included also avoid dangerous battlefields during the trip. You can just sit back and enjoy the mountain atmosphere.
  •     Bringing Money Enough
Do not forget to bring enough money for the trip. You will need it for expenses incurred during the trip. If you intend to rent a Jeep car tariffs range between Rp 350,000 - Rp 450,000 for a rental car. However, if you want to join with other travelers guest charge around Rp 125,000 per person. Prices for penginanapan also not too expensive. If lucky, you can get the cheapest accommodation at a price of Rp 50,000, - per room night.

However, if you're full of all, you might be getting offers rooms at a price of Rp 350,000, overnight. For meals, the price is also standard with a permanent bad taste on the tongue. If you want to enjoy the expanse of sea sand, or want to go into the crater of Bromo, many horses are ready to take your rental. The price is negotiable, really. But usually the owners of the horses had to fix the price of Rp 50,000, - for one round. It could also be more expensive if you want to get to the bottom to the Bromo crater.

Hmmm ... looks like fun right? The journey to Bromo is very pleasant indeed. Because these mountains are open to the public, so the road accesses more 'friendly' alias visitors dominated the terrain is enough to visitors. To get there there are several routes that you can pass.

The beauty of Object-Bromo Attraction

The beauty of Bromo mountain attractions there are many, see the following list.
  •     Mount Batok
Not only are the mountains of Bromo exist in this area. Mount Batok also one of the mountains towering proudly in this area. Its form is not as Bromo, but it still looks gorgeous mountains with pine trees around it. With a height of 2440 meters above sea level, Mount Batok including the mountain is safe to visit. This is because the mountain is not an active volcano.
  •     Waterfall Madakaripura
This waterfall is located at the foot of the mountain Bromo. Place with beautiful scenery and cool weather is perfect for relaxation.
  •     Pura Poten
This temple is situated at the foot of Mount Bromo precisely in the middle stretch of the sea of ​​sand. It's very beautiful because it was in the middle of the desert. Usually on certain days for busy praying or religious ceremony.
  •     Tengger tribe village
Tribal villages perched neatly lined up around the mountain area. Their houses look clean and neat. It's keeping the beauty of the house. As a cultural custom for them.
  •     Kesodo ceremony
These ceremonies are usually held on certain days. The purpose of this ceremony is to be kept away from any reinforcements disaster, cured of the disease, and given the abundance of the harvest that much. Ceremonies by presenting offerings are more unique and spiritualists. Come on, who does not 'drool' with a variety of panoramic mountain Bromo tour this? As long as a minute long vacation, it could not hurt long weekend to enjoy the natural beauty of the dish in Bromo. The natural beauty of the bidder will be tired of all the senses after a solid routine of living.

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