Saturday, August 4, 2012

The development history of Volly Ball

In addition to football, a sport that uses balls as a medium is a volleyball. Football volleyball is a sport that playing by two teams with each team consisting of six core players. According to the history of volleyball ball, the sport was first played in 1895 in Massachusetts, USA. Volleyball sports are often played on indoor or outdoor court. In addition, exercise also has a variation of volleyball game, beach volleyball is a ball. According to the history of volleyball, volleyball games have a parent who overshadow the sport.

The major of volleyball ball sports in the world scope, the FIVB (Federation International de Volly Ball). Meanwhile, volleyball ball organization in Indonesia which overshadow the sport is Volleyball Association PBVSI or all of Indonesia. Volleyball sport played by teams can be male or female teams. Ball sports including volleyball is not a physical contact sport. According to the history of volleyball, volleyball sport was first played in the Olympic arena in 1964.

History of  Vollyball

According to the history of volleyballl, volleyball games early discovery Mintonette named. This sport was first invented by a physical education instructor. The instructor named William G. Morgan. According to the history of volleyball ball, the game was first discovered on February 9, 1895 at the YMCA (Young Men's Christian York) YMCA is an organization that teach Christian religious teachings.

According to the history of volleyballs, William G. Morgan met James Naismith, a creator of basketball. After meeting with Naismith, Morgan created a sport called Mintnette. Just as James Naismith, William G. Morgan was dedicating his life as a physical education instructor. William G. Morgan is a graduate of Springfield College of the YMCA. William G. Morgan created the sport mintonette 4 years after James Naismith invented the game of basketball. Mintonette game is a game created by combining several kinds of games, namely basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. At the beginning of creation, the game is only played for an elderly member of the YMCA. Therefore, the game is not as active as a basketball gym.

In the history of volleyballl, a game called Mintonette changed its name to the volleyball in 1896. The name change was made during the first demonstration at the YMCA International Training School. In early 1896 Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick as the Director of the Professional School of Physical Education invited William G. Morgan. The invitation was intended that William G. Morgan demonstrated the game that he created at the new YMCA campus stadium. At a conference held at the YMCA which was also attended by the entire physical education instructor, Morgan took two teams, each consisting of 5 persons. On that occasion, Morgan explains that the game of volleyball ball can be played indoors or outdoors freely.On that occasion also explained that the volleyball ball game can be played by many players and there is no limit to the number of players. Meanwhile, the purpose of volleyball ball game is to keep moving to maintain the ball over the net from his own territory to the opponent.

Supporting Facilities Volly Ball Game

In a sport, there are many tools needed to support the sports games can be held properly. The following means of support and tools required in volleyball ball game.

1. Playground

One means of supporting the ball games or volleyball is a very important field. Volleyball ball field has a standard size 9 feet x 18 feet. Meanwhile, the boundary line of attack for player back a distance of 3 meters from the center gari or a line parallel to the net, and upfield line measuring 5 cm.

2. Ball

In addition to the field, volleyball ball games also have an important tool, namely the ball. Volleyball ball has a diameter of 65-67 cm. Volleyball ball weight of about 260 to 280 grams. Meanwhile, pressure has a standard volleyball ball 0:30 kg/cm2.

3. Net

One important tool in the game of volleyball is a net ball. Net became own separate area with the opponent. Net was a standard ball must volleyball over the net. Volleyball net in the ball game has a size of 2.44 meters to 2.24 meters for men and women.

How to Play
Volly Ball ?

According to the history of volleyballl, the game is played by two teams. Each team consists of six core players. In volleyball game, the winner is determined through the achievement of the number 25 on each team. In other words, the first team reaches 25 points, that's what won the game. Ball in a volleyball team, there are 4 positions. The position is tosser, spiker, libero and defender. Tosser or feeder is the player in charge of giving feedback to colleagues. In addition it also functions as a regulator tosser attack and control the tempo of the game. While the spiker is in charge of player hit the ball to fall in the opponent.

Another important role of libero. Libero is a player who served last free exit and entry, but do not smash. One again, the defender. Defender is the player who served as the last player to receive the attack of the opponent

History of
Volly Ball Games in Indonesia

According to the history of volleyball ball, Indonesia began to recognize this game since 1928 in the Dutch colonial period. At that time, physical education teachers were imported from the Netherlands to float sports, especially volleyball ball game. With the advent of the physical education teacher, make a game of volleyball ball was growing in Indonesia. According to the history of volleyball ball, in Indonesia, the game is played on indoor or outdoor volleyball and baseball games were made between the Dutch colonists.

According to the history of volleyball ball, volleyball ball games is growing rapidly in Indonesia. it is characterized by many club volleyball ball is popping. Therefore, to accommodate the aspirations and facilitate the game ball volleyball, formed an organization that houses the ball game volleyball in Indonesia, namely PBVSI. Indonesia volleyball ball the parent organization was formed on 22 January 1955.

Formation of the parent organization volleyball ball is followed by the Indonesia national football championship in Indonesia's first volleyball. Since then, PBVSI began build volleyball championship football game in Indonesia, for example Proliga competition. Proliga volleyball ball is the professional competitions are held yearly in Indonesia. Proliga competition was first held in 2002, precisely starting from February 1 to 7 April 2002. Proliga first competition was held alternately in Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Gresik.

Launch of a professional volleyball ball Proliga competition was initiated by Rita Subowo who was then Chairman of the PBVSI. The launch of professional football competition is based Proliga volleyball volleyball sport setback in Indonesia and especially in terms of coaching, competition, and achievement. Therefore, to increase the popularity of football and volleyball Indonesia achievements, professional competition was organized by the name of Proliga.

That is a brief description of the history of football and volleyball in the world in Indonesia. Good explanation of the history of volleyball can add to your knowledge. So, let's play ball to volleyball became popular in Indonesia and of course produced a scintillating performance.

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