Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Culinary tourism in Jakarta

Culinary tourism today has become a trend among the people. Taste different foods from different regions, provide sensation for some people. As long as money is available, you try to taste a variety of snacks to make a culinary tour Jakarta. Jakarta as the capital of the country, with people from diverse ethnic groups in Indonesia, making this great city has a tremendous wealth of culinary. Starting from the original cuisine Betawi, until processed snacks from eastern Indonesia. Therefore, it is worth it if you do a culinary tour of Jakarta, to fill the holiday and leisure time.

For you the nomads, sometimes there is a sense of longing to taste the food from the region. No need to worry, from Jakarta to the southern end or edge, you may encounter a variety of restaurants serving a variety of culinary attractions of Jakarta province in the archipelago. This article will provide information on places to eat from various regions in Indonesia, from restaurants to street vendors.
  • Jakarta Culinary, Food Typical Betawi

If you like the Betawi traditional foods and a very distinctive culture, the Situ Babakan is the place. Cultural heritage in the Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta offers a variety of specialties betawi super complete. Starting from the gado-gado, ketoprak, crust eggs, bread crocodiles, lunkhead, a kind of beer to drink or ice pletok Mayang scarf. While enjoying a meal, you can enjoy the show like dance masks, ondel-ondel, or martial arts performances. This type of entertainment is usually shown on Saturday and Sunday or national holidays. Another of Betawi traditional foods that many devotees are typical soto Betawi. Blend of spices that is inserted into the broth, making this food demand. You are interested want to taste? Pay a visit to the Tanah Abang. Almost along the road near the center of the wholesale Tanah Abang, lined stalls selling a soto Betawi.

  • Jakarta Culinary, Food Typical Sunda

In addition to stir-fry and Pepes, satay maranggi is the most popular foods of the realm of Sunda. Young mutton-flavored herbs and baked until cooked, very tempting us. In addition to the Purwakarta, there are few places in the Jakarta area which presents particular maranggi satay. Have you been to Satay Maranggi mother Yayah Laboratory located at No Way. 3, Complex PLN Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. Places to eat is quite recommended as it presents a fairly soft maranggi skewers with spices that perfectly.

Want to eat in a more spacious with views of the cool? Come to the restaurant Talaga Sampireun in the seven sector Bintaro, South Jakarta. In this restaurant you and your family can enjoy specialties of sundanese in the corner directly into the lake. In addition to delicious food, the place is also very comfortable. There is also another restaurant that serves typical Sundanese, Riung named Sari. Address at Juanda Street, precisely front of the Secretariat of State. Carp flagship menu is grilled, grilled squid, and a variety of delicious sauce typical Riung Sari. As an added bonus, you can free photo opportunities with the artist owner of this restaurant, Titi Kamal.
  • Culinary Jakarta, East Java Typical Food

Indonesia's population is heterogeneous and ethnically diverse, make paradise Jakarta hawker specialties including East Java. For you newcomers from East Java, East Java visit Eating Sukapura. Which is a favorite food of the East Java include rawon and paste salad. You seemed to surround the cities in East Java, because so much variety of food presented in this restaurant. Starting from the city of Surabaya is famous for its salad cingur, clover, rice cake race, sate shells, and rice cake Kupang.

Available from the city of Madison pecel rice, also attended the special food Malang and bakwan cwie noodles. Sego tempong, soup salad, and pecel rawon available also as a typical meal Banyuwangi city. In addition to the food menu, the restaurant also serves a menu mainstay Sukapura other, like a duck penyet, noodle soup Java, soto eldest, and much more.
  • Culinary Jakarta, Bali Typical Food

You foodies Bali. Certainly menu betutu duck, rice mixed with urapnya Bali, will become an easy target that slides into your stomach. Did not have far to go to the island resort that just want to taste the cuisine of Bali. In Jakarta there is a restaurant called Warung Ayu Park, located in Rawamangun, East Jakarta. Restaurant is uniquely shaped like a temple, also provides a variety of grilled meat served whole, Balinese cakes and red lawar. Telengis, or Pepes blondo, raw chicken chili, vegetable soup jackfruit, and broil the fish wrap.

Want to enjoy Balinese food with a modern minimalist atmosphere? Come to the restaurant Le Seminyak is located on the 5th floor of Pacific Place. Seminyak Bali brings the feel of the restaurant. It appears from the ornaments, ornaments are on display every corner of the restaurant. Restaurant menu mainstay among other Seminyak Bali rice mix, rice mix betutu chicken, and rice mix seggara. Special, guests can request yellow rice instead of white rice. In addition, Seminyak also offers a satay wrap fish and seafood barbeqiu many varied menu that is delicious.

  • Culinary Jakarta, Sumatra Typical Food

Sumatra is a typical restaurant has its own trade mark. If people have a stall Tegal Tegal or more popular with warteg term, then the Simple Padang Sumatra have a restaurant with their respective styles. Suppose that a simple field Minangkabau restaurants, Restaurants Pariaman, Restaurant Leopold, and many more. Padang food is very well known, even to foreign countries. Rendang, big fish head curry, chicken pop, and other menus ready to "shake up" your tongue. Compared with food from other regions, Padang cuisine most commonly encountered.
  • Culinary Jakarta, Sulawesi Typical Food

Sulawesai typical food is very popular in Jakarta is Coto Makassar, ice green bananas, grilled fish rica-rica, palumara fish, soup konro. If you cross the road Commander Polim No. IX. 19, Melawai, a time to enjoy the specialties at Restaurant Sulawesi Sulawesi. Eating in Sulawesi, you can enjoy fish Sukang Bakar, coto Makassar, Ice Palubutung, durian cake, various chili sauce, and tofu fried crispy. Do not forget, tasty grilled nan tasty ribs can also be enjoyed in this restaurant.

In addition to the area of South Jakarta, there is also a typical restaurant Laris Restaurant Sulawesi in Rawamangun, East Jakarta. If you miss Sulawesi with special food, just come to Sulawesi Restaurant Rawamangun this region. Typical dishes such as Coto Makassar Sulawesi, konro soup, grilled fish with sambal typical Sulawesi, palubutung ice, ice green banana, will be ready to be presented in front of you.

Similarly, some information about the culinary tourism in Jakarta. Very easy to find restaurants that provide cuisine archipelago, but it is very difficult to find services and the quality of the food is delicious and addictive. By reading this article, hopefully you got the reference of good food around Jakarta. Welcome culinary tour!

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