Friday, August 3, 2012

Potential Social and Economic of Coconut

Coconut is one of the important commodities in the economy in Indonesia. Can be ascertained, all the oil has economic value and social value is very high. If the coconut crop is managed in an environmentally friendly agro-minded, of course, is the potential to increase farmers' income and welfare, as well as local and state revenues. The statement was not just a mere puff. If there are any who doubt that statement should you read this article. Because in this article, the author will review what kind of social and economic potential of oil crops for farmers and for society at large. You curious? Consider the following description.

Social potential Coconut

As we know, coconut is one of the versatile plant or tree of life. Each piece of coconut can be used for a variety of human needs. Social value of oil has an important role in world health. Some of the benefits of coconut for Health Care, including the following.

1. Coconut meat

Coconut meat contains a variety of enzymes that are useful for health, especially in the human digestive tract. For example, we take the coconut meat mixed with softened banana and milk. Results is one of the highly nutritious food supplements for children and efficacious drug for patients with gastrointestinal disorders, spastic colon, ulcers, diarrhea, jaundice, and hemorrhoids. Then there are the young coconut meat mixed with coconut water which is a good food for people who are elderly. In addition, chewing a piece of fresh coconut along with a little brown sugar to strengthen gums and prevent tooth pain in children up to a certain age.

Fresh coconut meat is ground, then add one glass of coconut water, sugar, cardamom and a dry sense of efficacious as a remedy in the chest, hiccup, peptic ulcers, and insomnia. In addition, young coconut meat that is made of flour can be used as an important food for people with diabetes. So if you have ulcers and wish a speedy recovery, can be done with young coconut meat paste on the surface of these ulcers.

2. Coconut milk

Coconut milk from young coconuts is one of the valuable food for children who suffer from protein deficiency and vitamin D, as well as patients with abdominal tuberculosis. Also, by drinking a glass of milk in the morning, followed by drinking as much as 25 grams of castor oil proved to be very useful to destroy tapeworms in the abdomen.

3. Coconut Water

Coconut water is sterile water, natural, and contain high levels of potassium and chlorine are very high. Young coconut water is efficacious as a diuretic or useful to expedite expenditure of urine. Young coconut water mixed with milk is very good to eat for children, in there are efficacious to prevent clotting of milk in the stomach, causing nausea, vomiting, constipation, indigestion and prevent illness. Then there is the coconut water mixed with a banana can help overcome the effects of toxins in drugs, sulfa and antibiotic, making the drugs more easily absorbed by the blood. If you are diligent in washing your face with coconut water every day, so acne and black spots on the face will disappear. Another function of coconut water is to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face, skin drying and makes it radiant face all day.

Economic potential of Coconut

In addition to potentially beneficial to the health social, coconut also has potential in the economic field that can help meet human needs. Like what he said? Here is the description.

1. Coconut trunks

Palm trunks consist of vascular tissue surrounded by a network parenchime. It is made of coconut wood has high artistic value. An old coconut tree volume average of 0.9 cubic meters of wood can produce 20-30% and 40-60% medium softwood. Palm trunks can be use for firewood because it consists of 50% carbon, 43.2% oxygen, and hydrogen 6.2%, so if used as firewood can generate heat like other wood. In addition, coconut wood is also excellent for charcoal. The harder the wood oil, the better the quality of the charcoal produced. The best part of the stem to the base of the trunk is made of charcoal is that it has a very strong structure. Coconut charcoal can then be used as activated charcoal and charcoal briquettes.

Coconut logs can also be processed into building materials such as blocks or boards, then can be variety of building construction. In addition, coconut wood can also be used to make fences, guard houses and electric poles. In general, the old coconut wood is easier to do than the young. To obtain a smooth coconut wood, required the use of sand paper before lacquered or painted.

2. Flowers and Fruit Coconut

Of the flower stalk can produce sap of coconut palm. Coconut sap taken by intercepted a refreshing and nutritious drink as a medicine. In addition, the sap can also be processed into coconut palm sugar or sugar bowl. Currently palm sugar has become one of the very high export commodity. The structure consists of coconut husk, shell,, coconut meat and coconut water. Leather or fiber heads can be processed into coco fiber (cocofibre), coconut fiber pulp (cocodust), airfilter, matting, rugs, ropes, nets pot, concrete construction, and others. Coconut fiber can also be processed into the planting medium. Processing of coconut fiber will produce fiber for filler materials and the mattresses and car seats, and can be a doormat.

Coconut meat can be made coconut milk, shredded coconut, and oil tick. Coconut milk is widely used as a flavoring ingredient in millions of households cooking has now become a commodity export to Europe, Malaysia, and Singapore. While the dried shredded coconut has become a commodity export to Europe, America, Canada, Japan, and Australia. Not only that, coconut milk can be processed into a variety of refreshing drinks and can also be processed into nata de coco, a kind of fro highly favored by the people of the world.

While shell shell can be processed into coconut shell charcoal, activated charcoal, and mosquito coils. Coconut shell charcoal are needed by the iron foundry industry, shrimp industry, textile industry, activated carbon, and cooking oil industries. Needed to produce 1kg 4 kg of charcoal or coconut shell.

3. Coconut leaves

Coconut leaves are often used by rural communities as the roof of the house, broom stick, woven materials, wrapping up a diamond. Even in eastern Indonesia are predominantly fishermen, dry coconut leaves around the stem leaves are widely used as marine FADs are very useful to facilitate the activity of catching fish, tuna fish, tuna, and reef fish.

4. Coconut roots

Plant roots consist of coconut fibers roots. Combination of the roots of each entry into the soil to suck nutrients. The roots of this palm can be used as medicines and dyes. Well, that's some of the potential social and economic potential of coconut trees. Social and economic potential of any plant oil can be enhanced by strategies of agribusiness and agro-industry activities. For this purpose, presumably it is necessary to develop a package of appropriate processing technology. Thus, the final goal of the cultivation of the crop to increase farmers' income and welfare, community, regional, and state can be achieved.

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