Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Knowing the Kopyor Coconut Cultivation Techniques ?

One of the very bright prospects for agribusiness is Kopyor coconut cultivation. Currently the demand for palm Kopyor number is very high. Market demand for Kopyor coconut not just come from the domestic market, but from the international market. This fact is not immediately able to increase community interest in coconut cultivation Kopyor. Enormous public interest against the cultivation of this, inevitably requires a broad knowledge of good farming techniques. Well, the elementary that, on this occasion the author will present a discussion of coconut cultivation techniques Kopyor good and profitable. How are the steps?

Consider the following description. Terms of Coconut Growing Kopyor

Plant growth and production of palm Kopyor greatly influenced by growing conditions, especially the climate and soil. How the climate and good soil for the growth and cultivation of coconut Kopyor? Here's his review.

1. Climate Situation

Indonesia's tropical climate has an average temperature of 25 degrees Celsius and the temperature minimat not less than 20 degrees Celsius. Temperature must be very suitable for oil palm plants that require optimal temperature for growth of around 25 degrees Celsius with fluktuasis temperatures between 6-7 degrees Celsius. The high temperature cause young plants become dry and reduced fruit production. In addition to temperature or air temperature, other climatic elements to consider before making coconut cultivation is the height of land above sea level, rainfall, and sunshine. Coconut plants will produce well in coastal areas to a height of 600-900 meters above sea level. In addition, coconut plantations also requires rainfall between 10.002.250 mm per month with a uniform distribution throughout the year.

2. State Land

Cultivation of the head does not require a special land for oil crops can be grown on different soil types. Palm can be grown on sandy soil to clay, and even can also grow in marshy soil or loose soil up to the mountains. However, the type of soil is considered best for coconut planting medium is the kind of alluvial soil or rather moist clay and sand soil, particularly of latosol.

Preparation of Seed
Kopyor Oil

Coconut seedlings for cultivation can be obtained in two ways, namely natural breeding and artificial breeding. Coconut fruit for seed should be taken from the mother plant and the growth of good or excellent health. Terms of both the parent tree is between 20-40 years old, its productivity is high, between 80-100 fruits per tree per year, the trunk sturdy and straight, has a number of bunches of bunches of 12-16, and last, of course must be free of pests and disease.

Seedlings of coconuts which either have a characteristic round shape is somewhat oval, of medium size, heavy weight, water enough fruit, the fruit is ripe or old, the skin smooth, no defect and no disease. Fruit is chosen as the first seed is then stored for approximately one month in room air fresh and dry and protected from rain and hot sun. Selected seeds are then cared for about 4-8 months until the coconut bud and ready to be planted.

Land preparation for
Kopyor Coconut Cultivation
Land for oil palm plantation land Kopyor processed by digging as deep as 30 cm until crumbly. The procedure for making the planting hole includes the following steps.
  1. Set the first planting hole as far as half the distance from the edge or boundary planting a garden, which is as far as 5 meters if used spacing of 10 x 10 m.
  2. Pairs of stakes of bamboo as a features point of the planting hole with a distance between 10 x 10 m.
  3. Create a rectangular hole in accordance with the desired hole size, eg size 60 x 60 cm.
  4. Dig the soil in the hole as deep as 30 cm, then ground of the dig was appointed to the left of the hole in the morning sunlight.
  5. Deepened the hole to reach up to 60 cm in size to 60 x 60 x 60 cm. appointed to the ground the right of dig hole san in the morning sunlight in the afternoon. On laterite soil is heavy you can add a handful of salt into a pit of lime to soften the soil.
  6. Drying planting hole for 2-3 weeks for toxic gases in the hole evaporates.
  7. Hole filled with manure or compost as much as 30-50 kg of NPK fertilizer and added to 500 grams per hole.
  8. Re-enter the soil layer from the bottom of the hole to the place had originally.

After the preparatory process is complete, the next step is to do the planting. Here is a way of planting seeds Kopyor head.

Planting of
Kopyor coconut seedlings

In the cultivation of palm Kopyor, time of planting has a relationship with a coconut seedling age and climatic conditions. Before the seed is removed from the nursery to the garden, need to know first age of the seedlings. The transfer can be done when the seedlings are between the ages of 6-7 months and have had three leaves. In order to avoid the death of seedlings due to lack of water, planting should be done in the rainy season. A few days before the seed is planted, the planting hole should be the basis to be friable first, then topsoil mixed with compost, sand, and ashes and then put in a hole 60 cm high. way is to lay the seeds for planting in the middle of the planting hole with the top of the coconut fruit is as deep as 30-40 cm below the soil surface.

After that, the hole in the ground coconut seedlings were closed slowly to strengthen the plants and avoid standing water. Planting on the soil surface resulted in limited growth of stem and roots systems become less good.

Land Use in the Coconut Tree

Land of the coconut tree can be optimally used with various types of crops planted between (intercropping). Land use among coconut trees can increase the output or output and farm diversification. Land use among the palm trees aims to increase farmers' income. Some plants can be planted between among the palm trees, among other food crops such as corn, peanuts, etc.. Can also grow crops such as cloves, coffee, and cocoa. Or it could be planted with spices like cardamom, ginger, and others. Can also be planted with crops of fruit and vegetable crops, such as star fruit, jackfruit, green beans, cucumbers, and so forth.

Maintenance of Coconut

Kopyor coconut cultivation is no different from other crops. Glow in the cultivation of any required maintenance inensif that the results using the earnings did not disappoint. As for some of the maintenance activities performed at the time of cultivation of the crop are as follows.
  1. Fencing, especially in areas that get a lot of disturbance from livestock.
  2. Watering: during the first 2-3 years should be done so that the system remains strong roots. Irrigation is mainly carried out during the dry season.
  3. Mulching ; is closed around the ground near the base of the plant. This was done to dry season so that the soil around the base of the plants remain moist and not hard.
  4. Stitching: performed if there is a dead plant. Embroidered plant age should have the same age with the discarded plants.
  5. Tilling the soil; made around the plant while doing the weeding, the weeds and planting cover crops such as soybeans ayau peanuts.
  6. Fertilization and control of plant pests; done regularly so that the plants free from pests and diseases.
Well, that's the information about the technique or how good Kopyor coconut cultivation. If these steps are done correctly and continuously, then the result of the cultivation of the crop will be maximized. Hope.

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