Sunday, August 12, 2012

Could there be life on Mars ?

Been a long time astronomers say that there is life on Mars. Although not yet certain even further but has many characteristics of the Planet Mars which shows similarities with the planet we live on, Earth. The planet Mars is also called by the name of the red planet visible from afar as if the color will look reddish. The red color is caused by the presence of iron oxide on the surface.

Examples of some signs of life on Mars is a crater, deserts, canyons, volcanoes and ice cover also the rotation period is also the season cycle that is almost like the earth. Besides Mars has the highest mountain in the solar array is the name of Mount Olympus. Environment of Mars is more friendly to life, maybe even Mars will someday serve as the second Earth? Who knows. But whoa, it was before, even though there are many signs that approximates how life on Earth, but the situation is less ideal for human life because of temperature and low air pressure.

And also most of the composition of Mars is carbon dioxide in the air instead of oxygen. If you want to live there and start a life, man must use a respirator. Although many features of life, but traces of the real life certainly has not been found. There are many series of studies to be done to get the final conclusion. There is a unique feature in the hills of Mars, ie if there is a hill that will be viewed much like a human face.

The structure of Mars

Well, this is the complete structures of the Planet Mars.

1. Ground

Martian soil consists of various elements such as magnesium, potassium, sodium chloride as well. And the elements can also be found on earth and are important in plant growth.


Because the atmosphere of Mars is low, the water can not survive on this planet. However, at the lowest height the water is still there and can survive even if only for a short time. Mars has a layer of ice consisting of water and if the ice is melted the water volume contained in the southern polar ice sheets will coat the surface of the planet as a whole and will reach a depth of 11 meters.

Ice found on Mars with a large number trapped in the layers of the cryosphere. Judging from the appearance of the surface of Mars that water flowed on the surface of the planet. One feature of life on Mars are signs of erosion by the discovery of a large flood channels are found in 25 places on Mars.

The youngest according to the channel of the allegations made a few million years ago. Then in other places there are branching valley networks and spread along the stretch of landscape. According to investigators, the valley is the result of snow also caused by the rain which occurred at the start of the Planet Mars.

2. Polar Ice

Just as on Earth one example of the possibility of life on Mars are the two poles of a permanent ice sheet that is owned by Mars. At one pole of this layer is enveloped by the darkness and make the Martian winter. Because the incident would make the Martian atmosphere by 25 percent to thirty percent will condense and make a dry ice.

Then after the winter, when the sun is shining on this planet again, it sublimes the frozen ice and high winds came with a speed of about 400 km / h. Freezing of ice on Mars is or seasonal freezing in the ice near the south pole would make the occurrence of freezing ice with a thickness of one meter above the surface. Then when spring comes the pressure of CO2 will solve that layer. and resulted in the eruption of CO2 gas which is then mixed with the gas with dark basalt sand dust as well.

3. Climate

One sign that refers to life on Mars is also the season on Mars compared to other planets in the solar system most similar to Earth. This is likely due to the tilt axis of the planet is similar. And if the orbit of Mars like the Earth, its season will also be similar to Earth. Mars also has the largest dust storms in the Solar System. Hurricanes in Mars this variety, there is a storm that occurred in a small area, there is also a major storm or giant. The largest storm that would normally occur when Mars is close to the sun, the hurricane will also create an increase in global temperatures.

About Life on Mars

Of all kinds place an understanding of the planet, each planet is a planet that has water with eligibility for habitation. However, for the other planets must have orbits that are eligible for occupancy in the zone. However, there is other evidence that makes the idea that water is too salty Mars and acidic, so it was not possible to live a human.

In addition, the thin Martian atmosphere and less magnosferm, so it will be a challenge for Mars. And on the surface of the planet is not only a transfer of heat, but also the insulation of low solar wind and atmospheric pressure are not sufficient in maintaining the water. So the planet may wholly geologically dead. There has been evidence that Mars today is not like the old days that deserve to live. But still can not conclude whether living organisms ever existed on Mars or not. So signs of life on Mars is still a lot of opposition from some scientists got.

Several experiments have also been carried out by subordinates Phoenix, that is in the Mars soil has a pH of highly alkaline and elements in the soil could support life, but life must be protected from ultraviolet rays sting.

Evidence of Mars Life

An amateur astronomer from California David Marties find an object with a cylindrical shape which has a white blur on the surface of Mars is. When David discovered an object he's using a feature called Explorer's browser Google Mars in Google Earth. However, these findings have not been convincing.

But the amateur astronomer claimed that he believed his invention and called it a "Bio Station alpha" and it is evidence of life on Mars. He said that there was something alive in parts of the fuzzy white object. He then upload video to Youtube site and mentioned that the object was unusual because it has a large size of approximately 700 feet long and 150 feet wide. Shaped like a cylinder and a cylinder composed ataas building.

He said also that there must be a goal of the people who put these things on Mars and he also wondered why there are people living on Mars. But according to a spokesperson from a company saying that anything that results from a google earth it comes from many sources and locations, so many distractions that will happen.

That is some possibility of life on Mars, but even so the actual life can not be ascertained with precision. There is still much speculation about this. Besides there is a resemblance and the same possibility to live like the Earth, there are also things that are still far from conclusion can be expected to be inhabited by humans.

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