Saturday, August 11, 2012

Identify Mites on Citrus Plants and How to operationalize

Pest on is something that can not be taken for granted. For farmers, the presence of mites on the crop will result in poor harvest that they get. If that happens, of course, the farmers will get a big loss. So, how to measure these farmers in controlize insects? On occasion this time, the authors will provide information about pest control in crops, especially in citrus crops. For that, the authors will present all sorts of common pests that attack citrus crops. If farmers have known this pest, respectively, then the method of handling or controling it could be would be easier. Here is the explanation.

Identify Mites on Citrus Crop

Citrus crop cultivation is a very nice store potential. Total demand for oranges in the market never endless. To do so, to meet the market demand, farmers should always produce citrus orange with large quantity and good quality. This will have constraints if orange have started to attack pests. As much as possible farmers should be able to control this pest so as not to interfere with crop production of the orange.

Here the author served a number of pests that often interfere with orange the best way to deal with it.

1. Phyllocnistis citrella Staint or orange leaf borer

This mite is a kind of adult insects that shape the form of a small moth, about 2 mm, but has a very detrimental effect on citrus crops. Hama is always laying under the young leaves and their larvae into the leaves and bore at the bottom of the epidermis. Insect attack on the young leaves cause wrinkling and curling of leaves will elongate and could not grow well.

2. Diaphorina citri Kuw. Or Lice Jump Pickles

Hama is a type of adult insects in the form of small locust. The female will usually lay their eggs on young browse. Nymphs of this pest can be found on the leaves or young twigs. These mites can cause the citrus crop growth terhambatnya, but it often can result Ironically orange leaves.

3. Pseudococcus citri or lice Wool / Lice Dompolan

Wool lice pest on citrus is very small, white look like covered with worsted, and his crowded. These mites can be found on the surface of the bottom leaves, orange flower stalks or boiled, and the other crops. This wool lice attack the young leaves, petioles, and flower stalk or stem of the fruit. Part of this pest attacked crops easily detected because usually the part will be covered by a white lice. This will remove the lice liquid honey to be swarming with ants. This is the medium of liquid honey dew growing disease that covers leaves and black.

4. Lice Leaves

Aphids in the form of a colony of mites lice black, brown or green. These ticks have relatively small size of 1-2 mm long. In addition to a role as mites, aphids also an intermediate vector or a viral illness. These aphids attack plants by sucking fluids plants. Symptoms of aphids attack can be seen from the number of leaves or buds of young shoots of the spiral-or scroll, even if this bug attack flowers, and fruiting will be failed. Aphids also produce liquid honey ants invite and allow the growth of black soot mold that covers leaves.

5. Tetanychus sp. Or red mites

Red mites are very small size of dust mites, which is about 0.5 mm. Red mites do not have wings, the body is bright red, while the mouth is white. These mites attacking citrus fruit from young to old from that by cooking.
This red mites will interfere with the growth of fruit by sucking fluids, causing the skin cells of the fruit is dry and damaged. This damage will be more visible on the skin of lime cooking ahead. In addition to attacking the fruit, these mites also attack leaves causing the leaves look dull and filled with spot-biontik.

6. Scirtothrips citri or thrips

Thrips is a pest on small-sized orange and yellow orange black brown. Chrips usually attacked during the dry season by means of liquid plants. Thrips attack on the leaves cause the leaves become thickened to the side and roll and abnormal leaf growth. In addition to the leaf, the thrips also attack the fruit. Thrips attack on the fruit causes the leaf to fruit has a scar that makes the fruit look bad. The attack on the fruit is done at the time of thrips are young.

7. Mr. sagittiferella Citipestris. or fruit borer

This mite be a small-sized insects and winged. These mites contain the larvae and pupae are tinted green. Larval stadium lasted for 13-17 days, while the pupa stadium at a depth of 1-2 cm below the soil surface. Stadium mites that attack citrus fruit is nearly mature larvae. These larvae will usually bore orange peel and flesh of the fruit ..

Symptoms of insect damage was seen with the brown to black spots on the surface of citrus fruit. Attacks on this fruit is mature citrus fruit causing visible defects, holes, spottings, but not seldom also citrus fruit flesh is nearly empty, wrinkled, and is not smooth. This attack will cause the fruit to rot or even rintok. Well, that's seventh pest on citrus. Having discovered the seventh most common mites attacking citrus crops, the next step you need to know the farmers are operating at the right lime to combat pests that had not resulted in a loss. As for handling measures farmers can do is the following.

Way Pest Control in Citrus Plants

Here's how pest control in citrus crops.

1. Phyllocnistis citrella Staint pest or orange leaf borer

These mites can be controlled by means of member patronage and care for citrus nursery is in a moist condition. We do this by making insecticide spraying and giving regularly. Effective insecticide to kill pests is Gisonthion Cidial 50 EC and 50 L.

2. Diaphorina citri Kuw pest. Or Lice Jump Pickles

To handle the development of orange jump lice, farmers can use natural enemies that can nimfa parasite, ie Diaphorencytrus Tamarixia alligarhensis and radiate. Or can be carried out by chemical means, ie by spraying insecticide Rogor Perfekthion or 40 EC.

3. Pest Control Pseudococcus citri or lice Wool / Lice Dompolan

These mites can be controlled by trimming the weight of attacked plants. In addition, farmers also can do the spraying with chemicals. Common material used is an effective contact insecticide, such as Curacron 500 EC or Confidor 200 SL.

4. Leaf Bug Pest Control

As was done during the plague of orange wool lice, aphids attacked plants can also be operated with the road bug ditempeli trim sections. In addition, the operation of this bug can be done by destroying by spraying Decis 2.5 EC insecticide application or Curacron 500 EC.

5. Pest Tetanychus sp. Or red mites

Controling peacock mite pests can be done by spraying a liquid insecticide can kill directly, but will not enter into the skin tissue of the fruit. As for the types of insecticides, organized, among Akarasida Kelthane or mitac or omite.

6. Pest thrips Scirtothrips citri or

Operation of thrips attack the easiest to overcome this is to do a range of sanitation, crop plants exposed to very severe attack, and make spraying with insecticide applications, such as Agrimec 18 EC or 50 EC Bestoc.

7. Mr. sagittiferella Pest Citipestris. or fruit borer.

This pest can be done by conducting a sanitation fruit, packing fruit is ripe, and provide an effective pesticide spraying with aplication perfekthion 400 EC or Confidor 200 SL.

Well, that's a glance information on all sorts of citrus pest on how to complete the operation. Hopefully this information useful to the reader.

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