Monday, August 13, 2012

Synopsis Still Marry Me - Korean Drama

Becoming more and more people are infatuated with the culture of Korea. Ranging from music, fashion and oriented drama from countries in East Asia. One of the drama that attracts attention is the drama series "Still Marry Me" starring cute-faced actor Kim Bum who fell in love with a woman older than him. Still Marry Me drama aired for 16 episodes with a very interesting storyline. This is it Still Marry Me a complete synopsis of the first episode to episode sixteen.

Drama Still Marry Me Episode 1-3

Still Marry Me
Drama is the story of three women who have the age of 30 years. The third woman is Lee Young Shin, Jeong Da Boo Jeong and Kim Ki. But the main character in this drama is Lee Shin Young. Lee Shin Young is a reporter for private television. Shin Young is a successful woman in a career, but unfortunately did not succeed in his love story. Relationship with a boyfriend named Yoon Sang Woo have run aground in the middle of the road.

Synopsis Still Marry Me in the premiere episode opens with scenes of Shin Young was having a romantic dinner with his girlfriend. In the dinner, Shin Young girlfriend applied for, and then finally Shin Young will accept the proposal girlfriend, but she could not go to dinner because they have to go back to work.

When he was in office just for him an assignment to cover the news in the hotel fire. When arrived at the hotel he heard a woman ask for help from a window. Shin Young then suddenly turned to the sound source and that he saw was a woman with a sexy outfit was with his fiancee. Meanwhile in his Shin Young received a wedding invitation from her ex-boyfriend who had been dating him for 5 years, San Yoon Woo. At that time they were planning to get married, but Shin Young instead chose to build his career in America.

Still Marry Me continues to come meet a girl who was alone in her apartment, she stated that Shin-young fiance prefers the girl and asked for the ring given by Shin-young fiance romantic dinner. Shin Young the next day to come to a campus to take a picture before she had a scheduled interview. Then when going to interview someone who plays electric guitar very loudly so disturbing. Then Shin Young came over the sound source and ask students to stop playing the guitar a little while.

Student named Min-jae (played by Kim Bum) does not ignore it. Because of Shin Young felt he lost his patience was tried to find cable cutter and cut the amplifier. Because doing that Shin Young Jae Min Shin Young anger and pursued. Additionally, respectively Shin Young had bad luck as his car burglarized that incorporates the work and the ring to be returned to the ex-fiance.

Still Marry Me continues into episode 3 begins with events that happened to Shin Young as his face becomes tense muscle stress or experiencing disease Bell's palsy he was looking for a variety of relief efforts. When Shin Jae Min Young taking a break to call him but he could not say anything else Jae Min thought him drunk. Time elapsed after treatment on his face Shin Young is better then he returned to work after a leave of absence for some time. Back problems while Shin Young came to the office of his team in danger fired, several members of his team even switch to another team and now Shin Young should not have threatened the team.

Last meeting between Jae Min Shin Young with re-occur at a club. When it was a gig and Min Jae Shin Young came to the club was invited by the theme. And Shin Young was shocked after seeing Jae Min.

Drama Still Marry Me Episode 4-6

Still Marry Me In episode 4, San Woo, a former Shin-young fiance waiting to talk with Shin Shin Young, but Young did not want to see him. Just as Shin Young will go to the store, San Woo immediately approached him and confessed that he was sorry for being cruel to Shin Young. He also told the Shin-young that he had called off the wedding with these cheating Shin Young but still will not together again with San Woo.

On another occasion a student named Min-jae made a bet to anyone who likes to deal with when Shin Young Jae Min Shin Young failed to make love she had to leave his music. Still Marry Me continues into the fifth episode. Again, see San Woo Shin Shin Young, but Young has said that she is dating Min Jae Ha. Because San Woo has always failed to bring Shin Young to return to her she was asking for help from a friend Shin Young to help get it back.

Still Marry Me goes back to episode six. Min-jae and Shin Young came to a party. Participate in the party attended San Woo, he deliberately went to Shin-young and Jae Min. But he introduced himself to the Min-jae as Shin Young and her friends pretended to ask for signatures to Min-jae and said that he was a friend of Shin Young. But Shin Young admitted that he was his exs. That makes the Min Jae angry.

Still Marry Me Episode 7-12

Shin Young have a work plan to investigate a case of prostitution and the "staff" to assist the Min-jae, he was invited by Shin Young to investigate and disguised as a man who will become customers of prostitution but ultimately disguises uncovered and they were running away from that place. Still Marry Me next episode. Shin Young know already know that Min Jae approached him to win the bet, and this makes Shin Young upset because they feel betrayed. Shin Young also knew that the mother of Min Jae is the affair of San Woo who he met at the apartment when the fire occurred. And the poorer the relationship between Young and Min Jae Shin.

Still Marry Me Episode 13-16

Still Marry Me In episode 13 Shin Min Jae Young saw his mother and San Woo was alone and it makes the mood Shin Young chaotic. Briefly in episode 14 there was a Min Jae Young Shin's bed and that made his friends shocked to see Jae Min was wearing only socks in it, but Shin Young assured that not happen.

Mrs. Min Jae has begun to act on Shin Young he too came to the apartment with the intent to Shin Young told him to deliver food to the Min-jae. But what happened to the mother Min Jae see them both back to the apartment together that Min-jae made the mother angry. In episode 15 mother found a letter from Min Jae Shin Min Jae Young to mention that living in an apartment Min Jae Shin Young were given only one week to live there and only then he should stay in the studio. Then after Min Jae's mother was not angry anymore.

Still Marry Me last episode of Shin Young decided to pursue his career abroad and leave Korea for three years. When go Shin Young Jae Min Shin Young prevent but in fact he had an accident, then Shin Young got off the plane and see the state of Min-jae but it was not too severe and ultimately Shin Young is completely gone. Even so Shin Young always saw the news about the Min-jae of the internet. When Min Jae Shin a concert that's when Young returned.

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