Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Listening and Giving Prudential Insurance Solutions

Prudential Insurance is one company that has a lot of insurance products that you can use. One of the global insurance product that is already well known in various parts of the world, including in Indonesia. As well as insurance products, Prudential Insurance is also known for his tag line is "Always Always Listening Understanding" which always exist in almost every variety of media advertising or promotion of insurance products. A brief sentence that appears to have a very deep meaning for all employees as well as for its clients.

Yes, the "ears" is one that needs it is definitely owned by almost everyone. Only weird people who do not want to be heard if you're talking, express opinions or to express her wishes. Heard here means listening to what the wants and needs of its clients in the use

Prudential Insurance

From listening to the insurance company that is creating insurance products that are needed by the client or their customers. That way, insurance is used by customers to be appropriate and directly on Its targets.

Prudential Insurance Products for Life Insurance - These products are issued by insurance companies for life insurance.
  1. PRUuniversal Life. This is one of the Prudential Insurance products to insure your life. The surplus in addition to being PRUuniversal Life insurance is also to manage your funds with investment risk profile is low yan. The system is purposely designed for those who want to meet your needs in every stage of your life's journey.
  2. PRUlife Cover. Prudential Insurance is another product that you can use to insure your life is PRUlife Cover. Asurani life gives you life insurance protection when the insured party dies before the closing PRUlife cover coverage ends. Can also karenapihak insured total and permanent disability before the age of 60 years.
Prudential Insurance Products for Health and Accident Insurance - These products are issued by insurance companies for health insurance and safety.
  • PRUhospital Care. PRUhospital Care is one of health insurance products from insurance companies. Health insurance gives you some benefits which are as follows :
  1. If the insured to be admitted to hospital because of certain illnesses suffered.
  2. If the insured is undergoing emergency treatment at the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) at the Hospital.
  3. If the insured, if following surgery.
  4. If the insured should be treated in hospital because of his accident when he travels abroad.
  • PRUaccident Plus. This is a special insurance for accident insurance provided by Prudential. In answer to your specific wants accident insurance. A large insurance company usually requires you to participate to a life insurance product in advance to get this accident. 
With PRUaccident Plus, you have easy to just have a special insurance for accidents only. That way, the premium you pay is not too burdensome you. By following the Prudential Insurance PRUaccident Plus of this you are entitled to comprehensive protection of various kinds of accidents. Including accidents that may make disability or even gave you makes you dead.

Another advantage is you can also get a bonus of as much as 10% of the sum insured in the first 3 years of your participation. Not only that, you also get an extension of a policy that is done automatically in each year.

Prudential Insurance Products for Financial and Investment Insurance

In the economic situation which is too difficult and uncertain that occur in our country right now to make financial and investment insurance is quite important. You never know what will happen yag in the future. Have you suddenly laid off, your business out of business, or it could be an investment that you do lose money while you have spent large sums of money for investment.

This makes the importance of insurance can guarantee your financial life in the long run. All you need to do this not only for yourself, but also for the future of your children. But you need not worry because the Prudential Insurance listen to your wishes with some financial insurance and investment products.
  • PRUprotector Plan. Prudential Insurance provides insurance products to ensure you and your family in financial protection. Protection from unwanted things that you and your family could be experienced in your life. Insurance program is in addition to giving your life insurance protection, you also have a savings whose value is always increasing during your participation in this Plan PRUprotector.
Whenever you need fresh funds, the Prudential Insurance will provide it for you and your family. The other advantage is you just simply pay a premium for 10 years, while you and your family get insurance protection for 20 years.
  • PRUlink Rupiah Managed Fund. One of these insurance funds can maximize your long-term growth through investments using cash dollars. The investments can include stocks, bonds, or other form of money market instruments.
Your asset allocation will be determined by the fund manager can be changed to your liking, of course, in certain times. This insurance product is suitable for investors who want your investment earnings over the long term interest.

You also can choose the investment risk, ranging from a low risk, medium or varied. Everything can be adjusted to your liking. If you are ready for middle to high risk investment, then you can select PRUlink Rupiah Managed Fund Plus.
  • PRUlink Rupiah Equity Fund. Types of insurance offered by insurance companies is very suitable for you who want to invest long-term or medium term through investment in shares. However, the selected stocks are stocks that are qualified and Indonesia has been listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange. That way, most likely you will get more results. But also must be willing to bear the investment risk is high value in the implementation.
  • PRUlink Rupiah Fixed Income. FundProduk Insurance provided by this insurance the main objective is that you can get an attractive return on investment by putting your dollars funds through fixed income instruments. Insrumen could take the form of bonds or other types of money market instruments. The result for the medium and long term investment. But certainly the level of investment with high stability and security. Certainly very fitting for you who want a long term stable income to a record high investment risks or the risk is not too high.
  • PRUlink Rupah Cash Fund. This is a selection of other products of the Prudential Insurance for your conservative investors who want a stable investment goal should however only be willing to risk that is not too high or medium. The trick is to put your dollars fund through money markets insrumen such as time deposits or SBI. The aim is nothing ntuk get an optimal return on investment.
  • PRUlink USD Fixed Income Fund. For those of you who have a lot of dollars, could make one of these insurance products of your choice. Especially if you do want to maintain your dollar investment to protect them from fluctuations in the Rupiah. That way, you can maximize the growth of your funds in long-term time. How can your dollar investment in bonds and other money market instruments suggested by the Prudential Insurance.

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