Saturday, July 7, 2012

Manulife Insurance - The Complete Insurance Services and Benefits

Manulife Indonesia as a partner you can make for you and your family insurance needs. You do not have insurance ? Or you want to add insurance services ? Manulife Indonesia can be your choice. At present the need for insurance is very important, as well as the need for investment. Insurance we need to anticipate the things that we do not want all of a sudden.

By having an insurance policy, if there is one thing to us, then we need not worry about it because the insurance company can help you. Manulife Indonesia provides a diverse range of insurance products for you and your family. Insurance products are offered to suit your needs. So, you just choose which insurance products are suitable for your needs today and in the future. Manulife Indonesia has a guarantee on your insurance, especially if something bad happened, namely in the form of compensation. Have insurance you like saving to anticipate your needs in the future.

Manulife Indonesia - Reliable Insurance Options for Protection

There are many insurance companies operating in Indonesia, Manulife Indonesia one of them. The presence of insurance companies in Indonesia provides an opportunity for communities to use the services of the existing insurance and create a conducive competition in the insurance market. Are you currently still have problems deciding which insurance you can choose to protect ? You do not have to wonder anymore because there is Manulife Indonesia. Manulife Indonesia is a life insurance company that offers comprehensive products and services in the financial services industry in Indonesia. This insurance company offers insurance products through a mutual fund services and asset management affiliate of the insurance services company.

This insurance company based in Jakarta and operates through a network of marketing offices spread across 24 cities in Indonesia. This insurance company has the motivation to be a company that has a high standard of professionalism, particularly in life insurance. In carrying out the professional standards, the insurance company is supported by personnel employees and agents who have the knowledge and high skills to provide services to its customers. All services are conducted honestly and fairly, and uphold the code of ethics that has been set.

These insurance companies have an obligation to fulfill its promises to the customer-related financial problems. Efforts are made to optimize the ability to pay claims of customers with a stable financial condition and healthy, and the maximum investment. The existence of this insurance company to provide satisfaction to customers through the Provision of quality products, and ensure all customers can get the best solution to meet their needs.

Insurance companies are in business is always based on the philosophy of management that have been set by the company. All employees of insurance companies is a key to the success of the running of the company. It is also supported by the development of qualified human resources, so it can offer good performance. In running his business, Manulife Indonesia adhered to the vision and mission as follows.

This insurance company has the vision to become the best provider of financial services professionals in the world by providing appropriate solutions, reliable, trustworthy, and leading to important decisions of our customers' financial planning. Its mission statement of this insurance company is to host the service at the forefront of financial security for the people of Indonesia.

Manulife Indonesia - Various Performance Achieved

As an insurance company that provides comprehensive services and insurance products in Indonesia, of course, Manulife Indonesia has a myriad of proud achievement. That way, it could increase public confidence in Indonesia to continue using the services of insurance companies as the best insurance companies. You want to know what accomplishments have been achieved by this insurance company ? Here are some of the achievements that have been etched by Manulife Indonesia.

In October 2002, the insurance company was awarded a Life Insurance Company of the Year 2002 in Asia by the Asia Insurance review in Tokyo, Japan. In April 2003, the insurance company was ranked as the second company with the Rest Fund has the largest investment in Indonesia.

In January 2005, the insurance company is listed in the list of The Best Life Insurance Compainies 10, 2005 which is in the order of the top three best life insurance in 2005. In June 2007, the insurance company is getting an award from the Insurance Investors Media magazine award in 2007 with the title as the best life insurance for the insurance category with equity in excess of 250 billion. In July of 2009, this insurance company was ranked first as the best life insurance in 2009 than in the Indonesia daily businnes, Indonesia Award.

Achievements that have been achieved are still patches of course. There are many other awards and achievements that have been given to this insurance company. Thus, a myriad of achievements that could be recommendations for you who want to join this insurance company.

Manulife Indonesia Insurance product offerings

Manulife Indonesia provides the best insurance products to the people of Indonesia. This is a proof of this insurance company promises to remain consistent with what they said in the company's vision and mission for the people of Indonesia. You want to know what insurance products are provided by this insurance company to the public? Here are some of the best selling products offered from this insurance company.
  1. Health Insurance products. Health insurance products consist of insurance ProHealth. ProHealth is an insurance product to personal insurance, including medical expenses for you until you are 99 years of age.
  2. Protection of Life Insurance Products and Families. Insurance products are composed of several variants of ProActive insurance, insurance ProActive Plus, Family and Estate Protection insurance. All types of insurance is designed to protect you and your family at home.
  3. Protection of Life Insurance Products and Children's Education Fund. These insurance products consist of insurance and insurance ProGraduate StudyLink. Insurance products are not only used as a protective spirit as well as education for your child's beloved.
  4. Insurance Protection Products Work Full Time. These insurance products consist of insurance and insurance RetireLink Golden Protector. This insurance product will protect you and your partner in the old days later.
  5. Protection of Life Insurance Products and Investment. Insurance products are composed of several variants, ie insurer Manulife Investment Protector, Prolife Plus insurance, insurance Invest Protect Plus, Investa Manulife insurance, and insurance Max Protection Plan.

Additional insurance products. These insurance products are in addition to products that have been there before to satisfy the public. Products in this program include Safe Health insurance, Insurance Waiver of Premium, Payor Benefit insurance, your insurance Accidental Death Benefit Disability, Hospital Insurance Benefit Plus, Advanced Life Protector insurance, Yearly Renewable Term Insurance and Critical Illness Protection Insurance.

Of all the insurance products offered by Manulife Indonesia is you can choose according to your needs and your family. Insurance products that could give an idea to us how the investment opportunities provided by the insurance company can be trusted. That way, we can see a picture of how the client's cash flow from all the insurance products.

It would be many advantages that you will achieve with the use of insurance products, insurance services company. That way, you and your family will be able to live this life with a sense of calm and full planning. Are you interested to have insurance from this insurance company ? If so what are you waiting, do not want to miss. You just contact the office of Manulife Indonesia insurance services in your town.

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