Monday, July 9, 2012

Definition of Diabetes Mellitus and the danger

In the world of health, one of the many dreaded diseases is diabetes mellitus by humans. Definition of diabetes mellitus in itself is a sugar urine disease characterized by metabolic abnormalities of the body. The cause of the disease itself consists of several factors. For example, a metabolic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Metabolic disorder itself caused the secretion of the hormone insulin deficiency or insulin activity or both. In addition due to deficiency of glucose transporter. But can also be caused by the deficiency.

Understanding of diabetes mellitus, the disease is classified into several groups by the World Health Organization or WHO. Noted there are six classifications of diabetes mellitus that was released by the organization, which is based on the care and sintoma. The six classifications are :

Type 1 diabetes. That type of diabetes that occurs due to ketoacidosis simtoma destruction of beta cells found in the pancreas. This damage is caused or resulted in autoimmunity and idiopathic in nature. Diabetes mellitus with unclear pathogenesis, such as cystic fibrosis or the deficiency mitokondroa not included in this class.

Type 2 diabetes. Understanding this type of diabetes mellitus is a type of diabetes that can result from a deficiency of insulin secretion. Usually accompanied by insulin resistance syndrome, Diabets gestational diabetes which is a type consisting of impaired glucose tolerance or gestational and gestational diabetes mellitus GIGT or GDM. Diabetes requiring insulin for survival, which is a type of diabetes that occurs in the case of deficiency peeptida C. Rewuiring insulin for diabetes control. In this stage insulis endogenous secretion is not sufficient to reach normoglicemia symptoms, if not received hormone intake from outside the body. Not rewuiring insulin diabetes. That type of diabetes that does not require insulin intake from outside the body.

Know Your Diabetes

Understanding the meaning of diabetes mellitus is a thing to be done, especially for those who have a high risk of contracting the disease. Especially when considering that the disease include any kind of diseases that occur because of heredity. Thus, if we have a relative who has a medical history of the disease, should we need to increase vigilance. This is to prevent or reduce the risk of the impact of the disease is incurable.

Diabetes mellitus is commonly known as diabetes. Because it can not be cured, for those who have contracted the disease should be able to keep themselves in order to avoid harmful effects to the body. Control routine is one step that is highly recommended to do the people with the disease. Thus, any unwanted things happen could be addressed and resolved as early as possible.

Another possible step is to recognize the symptoms of diabetes mellitus is early. Thus, we can prevent the negative impacts that may arise as soon as possible. Because, although not physically show the impact, but this diabetes disease is one type of disease that can cause death to the sufferer. In addition, patients with this disease often have suffered invalidasi or amputated body parts in order to prevent the disease spreading to other body parts.

By performing an amputation, the spread of the disease process of diabetes mellitus can be inhibited. Because if not done, it is feared the body would be affected by mainstreaming of exacerbating the disease state of the patient. However, amputation is not a solution that could be taken to cure the patient's disease.

Symptoms of Diabetes

Given such conditions, it is not a mistake from the start if a person has begun to understand the meaning of diabetes mellitus. this as one of the ways that we can have the precautions of the risk of disease. On the other hand, it is becoming a way for us to face the worst possible time when the disease is diabetes mellitus. Some symptoms of diabetes mellitus type that needs to be understood and recognized include:
  • Increase in volume and intensity of urination drastically.
  • Comes a sense of extreme hunger and thirst with.
  • Body weight decreased drastically.
  • Wound healing period, lasts a long time. In fact, there is increased risk of emergence of infection in the wound that resulted in injuries to ulcers.
  • The patient will feel tired easily and the emergence of a sense of dizziness.

However, if you experience symptoms such as the above do not need to worry immediately. Because, in deciding whether a person has diabetes or not, should be tested in the laboratory. That is the way we test the urine sample, to know how many levels of sugar in the body. From the results of urine tests in the future this could be concluded whether a person has diabetes or not.

Diabetes abstinence

A person with diabetes should not be eating in vain. This is because the disease is very sensitive to the type of food that enters the body of the sufferer. So if any of the foods, can have an impact on blood sugar levels increase or otherwise decrease the blood sugar drastically. Keeping the diet of diabetic this was caused by several problems. Partly because diabetes is a type of incurable disease. So it can do is to control blood sugar levels, so that within the normal range. One of them carried out by controlling the types of food that enters the body.

On the other hand, by maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding some particular kind of food, also serves to prevent another outbreak. For, if a patient with diabetes mellitus, other diseases, are very susceptible to the disease that creates complications will endanger the safety of the soul. Even so, maintaining a healthy diet does not mean to leave plenty of food completely. Because at this time has many types of food can be consumed safely. For example sugar, at this time we can get a sugar which is produced for making it safe for diabetics blood sugar.

Caution Foods

Types of food that needs to watch out for people with diabetes are all kinds of foods that contain sugar. However, this does not mean that diabetics should completely abandon the sugar. Because sugar also serves as a source of energy for the body is very important. Noteworthy is looking for an alternative food source, so that the adequacy of energy in the body can still be met. One of them by replacing the conventional sugar with a sugar that is intended for people with diabetes.

Some foods that diabetics need to watch out for this include :

Foods that use raw sugar. This is something that is reasonable, because diabetes is a type of disease caused by elevated levels of blood sugar in the body in excess. To that end, the type of sugar used must be specially made sugar for diabetics.

Rice, who is one of the staple food for most of the people of Indonesia. For the Dalma rice contained a fairly high sugar content. So that the rice is not recommended consumed by diabetics. Foods that are recommended as a substitute for rice is potato or corn as a substitute for rice.

Soft drinks, which usually contained artificial sugar is quite high. That is why, people with diabetes are advised not to consume drinks containing soda.

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