Monday, June 11, 2012

Know the Types of Computer Networks

The types of computer networks would have you know, especially if you are wrestling in the world are struggling on a network problem. The reason is, the types of computer networks is usually one of the lessons if you enter a study at the Tissue Engineering. Indeed in the world of computers, types of computer networks is one of the knowledge base, where you will be introduced to a system of interrelated and networked in a space that collected in an object named a computer. We know if this is a performance in which computer networks can facilitate human work and because it provides maximum efficiency in a mechanical activity.

Types of Computer Networks - Five Types of Computer Networks

Indeed, the world's computer networks, we know some types of computer networks. Surely this has been familiar for those who are concerned to learn what and how other types of computer networks during college. So here you will get some interesting facts about what is actually available on the types of computer networks.

Discussion on the types of computer networks actually be something easy to remember. However, how do I then put it into practice yourself into a form of computer network in a circle, is a difficult thing. Will be discussed here are only five types of computer networks that are usually used. What are the five types of computer networks ?

1. LAN (Local Area Network)

First, in the types of computer networks we are familiar with terms that really are not strangers in the world of computers. For the first type is called here is a Local Area Network, or commonly abbreviated to LAN. What exactly is this LAN ? Local Area Network or LAN is a network type that is usually owned by private, for example in an office or campus building with a range that can reach several kilometers. In addition, the LAN itself is usually also used to connect computers in the company of a personal nature, such as the factory with the use of resource with printer, scanner, and others. And is also commonly used to exchange information with each other.

Associated with the LAN as one of the types of computer networks, then the LAN actually be distinguished according to three characteristics that exist in itself, the size, transmission technology, as well as topology. In the meantime, if viewed from its size alone, it is true LAN has a limited size. Which means that in conditions of limited transmission time could have known well in advance.

Well, if you then have managed to find out what are its the limitations, and then you could be wearing a certain type of design that is better. In other words, the condition is aimed to get the ease of maintence of a network. Other information, this type of LAN networks often use technology that is single-cable transmission. On the type of LAN that is traditional, he usually operates at a speed range starting from 10 up to 100 Mbps (mega bits / second). With lower status or simply delay the recounts of tens of micro second course.

In addition, the LAN also has a relatively small error factor because its not complicated. However, in the types of LAN computer networks that are often found in the modern era such as this, and the operation speed can be very high. In fact, the hundreds of megabits per second.

2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

Second, is a computer network called the MAN or Metropolitan Area Network. These types of computer networks is a true MAN LAN version, but has a larger size and are technically often use technology that is not much different from the LAN. In fact, the same as LAN.

Because it is a wider scale, then the computer network of this type MAN, MAN is able to reach the corporate offices are in very close distance. But, it can be used for personal purposes. For example, the region also are private or public.

In addition, MAN capable of supporting data and also can accommodate the sound. Even if one is required, MAN computer networks are able to make contact with the cable television network, as is already widely practiced by many people.

While from its own kind, MAN has only one or two wires. MAN and the drawback is it has no element named switching. Where the benefits from the existence of this switching is to regulate the output packets over multiple wires on the network. In other words, the existence of this switching element can make a design on the computer network becomes much simpler and easier.

3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

The third type is a WAN or Wide Area Network. On the WAN network is distant enough to have differences with the network already in the initial dibahasa. Because the Wide Area Network or WAN is unable to reach or geographic regions that are more extensive. In fact, the use of the WAN is also usually reach in a country or even continent. This is because the WAN is a network whose existence consists of a collection of machines in order to carry out the application programs that are needed and prepared.

In traditional usage, usually we call it the host name of the circuitry. However, in recent literature have described the use of the term End System. As for how it works, this host alone or connected to use subnet communication is then commonly known or referred to the subnet only.

So what is its own subnet assignment in this WAN network ? The answer is, to carry messages from one host to another host. Which, when equated, then the exact same with the use of the telephone system. In which the speaker will talk delivered to the far penedengar location.

Obviously with the separation of pure communication aspects of a network or subnet, of those aspects of the application or that we are familiar with the term host, it will make a draft on the network to be complete. And other advantages are that it can provide something much simpler.

4. Wireless Network

The fourth type of network is the network without wires. The types of mobile computer networks, such as computers, laptops, netbooks, personal digital assistant (PDA), etc. are the obstruction phenomenon that goes in the computer industry with a fairly rapid growth. Mobility that allows a person to be faster in doing something because it can be done anywhere. This makes the wireless network of choice.

In other words, wireless networks allow people to perform activities, such as the phone call, fax, e-mail read, read file for long or short distance, even able to login on a machine even in remote public or personal areas. Anytime, everywhere, and anywhere.

5. Internet

In this section other types of computer networks, the network of the latter is the internet. As we all know, is interconnected with the network hardware and software is what makes us connect with people.

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