Monday, June 11, 2012

Declining Body Condition When Low Blood Pressure

Low blood or hypotension is usually called a state where a person's blood under normal pressure, reaching 90/60 mmHg. Usually people with low blood pressure characterized by a complaint. Normal blood pressure is a person who is not too old, size, height and have normal health is usually between 120/80 mmHg. Even so, there were people who had blood pressure 110/90 and 100/80 mmHg, but they do not have any complaints about his blood pressure. In such circumstances the person could be said to have a normal blood pressure.

People who have normal blood pressure is usually indicated by height. The initial number in a blood pressure of 120.110, 100 and its surroundings is called the systolic blood pressure, whereas the final number in blood pressure such as 90, 80, 60 and so indicates the diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure experienced by the walls of blood vessels when the heart pumps blood throughout the conical body. Whereas diastolic blood pressure tends to stress experienced by the vessel walls when the heart receives blood returning from the entire body.

Why do people get exposed to low blood pressure? This can be caused by several things, one of the causes of the fatigue that is not offset by healthy diet and regular. Usually, people are experiencing a low blood pressure that occurs mostly in women. Why are the women? Because usually women sometimes do not care about their diet when they're busy. In contrast to the men how busy it is, they will never forget to eat a portion of the lot.

Actually, low blood pressure can occur at any age, whether young or old. Low blood pressure can be indicated with a dizzy head are ready to faint. Some of the causes and prevention of low blood pressure will be discussed here. For those of you who have symptoms of low blood pressure, should pay attention to sleep and eating patterns are available. Usually people who have low blood pressure are less people eat. But, whether the person has a body fat may have low blood pressure too?

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Symptoms of low blood pressure can be started with our frequent yawning, dizziness, vision is not clear, especially when often sit a long time and then suddenly be standing or walking. Frequent cold sweat and get tired also is one of the symptoms. 

Low blood pressure can be caused by stroke volume. Stroke volume is the strength of the heart muscle to contract the blood issuing from the cavity of the heart muscle throughout the body. The more heart muscle to pump more the volume of blood pumped. If the function of the heart muscle is not good heart pumping, there is less volume of blood pumped.

Low blood pressure can also be caused due to a lack of heart rate. Heart rate is the number of times the heart beats for one minute. When heart rate is high, then high blood pressure and vice versa. It also can be caused by blood vessels soft. The more molusc our blood vessels, lower blood pressure as well. Conversely, if blood vessels are rigid, then the blood pressure to normal.

Diarrhea can also cause low blood pressure. Diarrhea usually causes people to lack of fluids and not powered to make a weak heart muscle in pumping blood throughout the body. If you are a very busy and not enough for breakfast, it is something that can make low blood pressure. Go to the office or job that requires standing for longer with an empty stomach will make you dizzy with no breakfast, and there was a low blood pressure.

Not often morning breakfast will make us less energy. The shortage will reduce forward blood flow to the head, therefore, will head feels dizzy. Dizziness in people who have low blood pressure due to lack of oxygen supply to the head area. Because blood is a nutrient and oxygen are also nutrients in the body, so if all the important elements is less pressure to lower levels of blood will appear. Blood pressure can also be caused by bleeding in the wound or wounds on the outside. Weak heart and blood vessel dilation and also make our blood pressure is low.

Differences Between Lack of Blood and Blood Low

Typically, anemia and low blood has always been considered something similar but with different pronunciations. But, in fact those two things is something different. Less blood and symptoms of low blood rather than something which is less blood in the body.

The symptoms of anemia, the actual content of hemoglobin in the blood less, not his own. In a state of low blood, his blood pressure is less, not his lack of symptoms that occur in the blood is the head dizzy dizzy and easy because of lack of hemoglobin.

While the symptoms of low blood headaches and dizzy because of the spontaneous movement of the squat stand that makes darak flow from the brain down due to gravity. The cause of anemia due to iron deficiency, while the cause of low blood volume is about blood. Less blood and low blood did something similar when heard and understood, but after the second study it was something different.

Means of prevention for low blood pressure

People who already have a history of low blood pressure or who do not have low blood pressure should always maintain health by making healthier lifestyle. Prevention in people who have low blood pressure can be done. If you see someone passed out from low blood should also know the solution. The best solution to people who fainted from low blood pressure is a lay person who can draw blood to the brain. If the blood pressure that could interfere with the activity, give medication for blood booster.

Some precautions to avoid low blood pressure are as follows :
  1. Eat nutritious foods such as healthy food 4 5 perfectly. If we eat a nutritious diet will not automatically disease. If the body is not getting the nutrients it body be attacked by various diseases.
  2. Do not forget breakfast before starting the activity. Because breakfast will provide energy for us that will make the blood can be pushed up to the brain.
  3. If the blood was able to brain due to the energy from breakfast, we will not be affected by low blood pressure.
  4. Avoid staying up late and sleep late. Ideally sleep 6 hours a night. If less, state agencies and there were decreases in blood pressure will continue to fall until it reaches the lowest limit.
  5. Plenty of foods with adequate levels of salt. Salt can increase blood pressure.
  6. But, do not get too ssering consume salt. And that's not good because it can lead to hypertension or low blood pressure. Try to consume enough not to overdo it.
  7. Drink water at least 8-10 glasses per day. Also try the taste of coffee because coffee increases the heartbeat that can make blood pressure rise.
  8. Do exercise like jogging for at least 30 minutes per day. Exercise will keep blood pressure stable.
  9. Make a habit of taking vitamins, such as vitamin C. Vitamins will make our immune system is stable. If the resistance is stable. Blood pressure is stable.
  10. If you want to avoid or to eliminate low blood pressure, we can also make a traditional herb medicine. Traditional medicine is made from turmeric, egg yolks and honey.
  11. Combine it with the wine (if any). This traditional herb drinks should be taken regularly and discipline. Because, if you want to recover, all suggestions must be disciplined.
  12. Avoid eating heavy oil because it will make cholesterol plaque and blood vessels will constrict. Constriction of blood vessels that can make our blood pressure low.
  13. Some of the causes and prevention for the disease pressureLow blood was promising enough to be listened to. Therefore, we must continue to maintain the health of all diseases can not be lodged in our bodies, including low blood pressure. 
May be useful. Thanksyou.

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