Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Blood Clotting Process

Blood is an essential element for human body. One element that must exist in humans. The absence of blood or blood loss in a significant number would be fatal to humans, namely the lack aka death. Various diseases that contribute to change or alter the function, shape, and number too, is a matter that does not happen anyway desired. Blood is a part of the human body that would be useful if he still is the situation. During his stay in the human body.

To that end, a process related to the so-called blood clotting process, is an important process. This process contributes to the maintenance of blood remain so in shape, number, and place in the body. Before discussing about the blood clotting process, we will first try to understand the blood and its relation to human metabolism and survival.

Blood and Functions for the Human Body

Blood is a liquid that is served to bring important substances the body needs, through a pathway called the blood vessels, and from part or all of the outposts and part or tissue. Performance is governed by blood or central control station, the heart. These substances can be anything, including oxygen, minerals, proteins, vitamins, hormones from the endocrine circle, and manymore.

Chemicals or drugs from a foreign or external human body is about to be recycled by the liver as well as the processed and refined the rest of the body's metabolism also transported or transported by the blood. In addition, it too served as a security guard or a unit of the body's defense against viruses or bacteria.

Complete blood functions, among others, as follows.
  • Respiration: the transport of O2 and CO2.
  • Nutrition: the transport of nutrients.
  • Excretion. For example, the transport of urea to be excreted.
  • Play a role in maintaining acid-base balance of the body (the buffer system in the blood).
  • Regulate the water balance between plasma and tissue fluid.
  • Regulation of body temperature: the heat formed by metabolism in the tissues of
  • blood brought to the surface of the body to be emitted to the outside.
  • Protection against infection: it contains antibodies and leukocytes.
  • Transport for hormones, enzymes, and so forth.
  • Broadly speaking, the blood consists of two main parts, namely red blood cells or kospuskula solid and fluid or blood plasma. Red blood cell itself is divided into three parts, as follows.
  • Red blood cells or erythrocytes, which contain the hemoglobin that serves to bind and distribute oxygen.
  • Bits of blood or platelets that plays a role in blood clotting process.
  • White blood cells or leukocytes, which has a respectable position to keep the body against foreign substances and dangerous enemies, such as viruses and bacteria that come from outside the body.
  • While the fluid or blood serum or plasma consists of water, proteins (such as albumin, globulin, prothrombin, and fibrinogen), minerals (sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, salt, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, nitrogen, etc.) as well as various types of salt.
  • Based on the parts of blood, we know that the bits of blood or platelets and the blood plasma a role in blood clotting process. Both of these sections will be discussed further in the next.

Blood Clotting Process

We already know that blood is a liquid. When we refer to the term blood clotting, the blood that was not necessarily a liquid and then transformed into an ice frozen blood. The word here used for freezing as well as we have seen, the blood consists of substances that are useful to form a network of blood that the body of the liquid is as if frozen into the body tissues.

However, this process occurs only if the relevant tissue damage. If not, blood will only be circulated to deposit the substances to be processed by each organ or body part, like the case of foreign substances that had been shipped to domesticated by the liver.

See the connection with the early explanations of the important functions of blood, the blood clotting process is an effort to keep the blood in the body fixed. If no blood clotting process is, undoubtedly will come out and the volume of blood in the body decreases rapidly and eventually the organism in question will die.

This explains why people who had an accident and suffered severe bleeding the blood coming out of the body so much that not enough blood left in the body for blood clotting process itself. Jka not fast enough help and enough new blood supply, will soon die.

In the process, clotting of blood or the formation of new tissue by blood whose names involve pieces of blood or platelets and fibrinogen, and protein substances and hormones of the body, such as prothrombin, calcium, and vitamin K.

All the components work together to help each other in the process of blood clotting so that the absence or deficiency of one or abnormalities in any one of them, will lead to blood clotting process to be imperfect. This process is indeed a complex process.

The mechanism will occur in chronological order, are as follows.
  1. When there is injury or damage to body tissue, the liver cells will increase production of a component in the platelets and blood plasma called fibrinogen.
  2. Fibrinogen is a plasma glycoprotein that is the blood in solution and in the platelets in the form of granules, which are synthesized by the liver.
  3. Fibrinogen is then will make the process of blood coagulation and increased blood viscosity or viscosity, as well as the process of thrombosis in the blood clotting process.
  4. The process of blood coagulation by fibrinogen was going to produce the final result of thrombin from prothrombin with the help of the CA2 + and Vitamin K.
  5. Thrombin formed would then be split fibrinogen into fibrin threads.

Simultaneously, the increase in blood viscosity by fibrinogen before, coincided well with the deposition of cholesterol, LDL (low density lipoproteins, lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the liver and peripheral tissue cells, so that cholesterol can be used for the benefit of such cells), stimulate the formation process ateromatous plaque and subsequent platelet aggregation triggered by platelet rupture and release of hormones that trigger the process of change trombokinase protein prothrombin to thrombin, from here the process again as in the second stage (number 2).

After all of this process, like the threads of fibrin threads for clothing, to re-establish the body's tissues that had been wound up to form a new back. This is because the fibrinogen molecules act like a bridge in the interaction between cells when it reacts to inflammation or injury or inflammation.

Thus the chronological occurrence of the blood clotting process is fairly complicated. It should be noted and remembered that the process involves not just one component of the human body, but many. Because of lack or absence of one component will affect even hinder the performance of other components and interfere with this process.

Several other factors also affect this process are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, infection, genetic, condition and performance of the heart, smoking, hormonal status, age, physical exercise, and drugs that reduce levels of fibrinogen. In addition, levels of vitamins and other substances in the body are also affected.

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