Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Popularity of the line Hand Reading

World of fortune-telling and palm reading can not be separated from life. Although with increasingly sophisticated technology that allows people to switch from traditional ways to modern ways, but can not eliminate belief in divination. Forecast itself there are various types that develop in certain areas other than palm reading. Predictions derived from the 1800's called Famimancy. Famimancy word itself comes from the word meaning faba bean. Predictions derived from predicting Russian twist peas in a way, to then examine the pattern of a pea when it crashed.

Predictions derived from the Italian is the tarot. If the forecast Famimancy not known by many people, different tarot divination. In Indonesia, tarot cards are already widely used, some even selling tarot cards, complete with readings. Tarot first appeared in Italy in the mid-15th century. Own tarot cards, formerly known as trionfi carted, which means the cards wins. After knowing the predictions coming from Russia and Italy, are now turning to the method of divination that originated from the Greek, namely Pyromancy.

Forecasting methods derived from the Greek, the use of fire to be read not only from bentu fire, but from the pattern of smoke or burning objects. Moving to China with ramalnya method called the I Ching. In China predictor method over using picture book lines that form hexagram. Hexagram is not without significance, but represents something in life. If coming from the Italian tarot cards that each person is allowed to use it and have it, unlike the way to predict which originated in Egypt.

Cartomancy is a divination method that beasal of Egypt. Use of this cartomancy in the 14th century. Although a form of cartomancy is similar to tarot cards that is intangible, but to use more complicated. Cartomancy only be issued when it will be used to predict, the rest should be stored in a special place and should only be touched by their owners.

Reading Lines fame Hand and Other Techniques

Predictions of the methods above, it is known that the fortune had been there all the time, which are in some countries in the continent. In addition to the other continents, in fact in Indonesia itself there are also a variety of forecasting methods.

Forecasting method is not globalize the whole of Indonesia. Predictor method is a method that is in the area or certain ethnic groups in Indonesia. For example, in Java is famous for its method of reading Weton to read a line of one's life. With this method, it is believed a future life, career, character, fortune, and a mate can be read by someone weton. Weton include pound, wage, Kliwon, and Pahing. In addition, there are other methods that are known by many people, namely by means of palm reading.

This method is very different from other methods. If other methods such as Famimancy, Pyromancy, tarot, and the method is a method used weton without direct contact with people who are predictable. Famimancy using nuts, tarot and cartomancy cards, while weton use today was born.

Method to use your own palm reading hands of the revelations. If the method weton, without the presence of any one who predicted it could be predicted. If the technique of palm reading, people who want predictable must be in place. Palm reading itself is a science that has existed since 3000 years ago. This knowledge is derived dar India and China with a different name. In India this method is known as the Ocean hast Samudrika or knowledge.

This means that line the ocean of knowledge that can read information such as dating, nature, character, finances, and romance. There are different ways of palm reading and fortune-telling in other ways above. The difference lies in the underlying science. Line is believed to be the hands of a few centers of the brain condition. That way, in the hands line seemed a reflection of one's mind. Therefore, palm reading is a method of reading a person with a different outcome. It all depends on the mind and the pattern of life.

Hand line reading techniques

There are some lines that are in line with the hand there is to know how to read it. The lines are the lifeline, the heart line, fate line, head line, the line of march, line of love and marriage, the line of the sun and Venus line. Venus line in the form of a small semi-circular arch beneath the middle finger and ring finger. This line can be read one line at the time of her marriage relationship or living with a partner.

By considering this line is unknown whether the line will consist of several lines, or just one line. If this line consists of several lines, it means having more than one relationship. If you be concerned and obtained a straight line, then the marriage or relationship with a partner will be happy. If broken, then there is a divorce or a loss will occur.

Next is the line of the sun. If everyone could have the venus line in his hand, in contrast to the sun line. Not everyone has a line of sun. Sun line lies below the little finger, which is a vertical line. When reading a line of people who turned out to have his hands these lines, he usually lucky in life, successful, well-known and respected. The line of love and marriage are two lines that lie just below the pinkie.

These lines form a horizontal line, and only a few centimeters in length only. This line indicates the amount of one's relationship. The closer the lines on the little finger, it also means people will soon find a life partner. Head lines are lines that can be obtained when palm reading. This line is a line that lies in the hand between the thumb and forefinger. This line is long and sloping lines from under the thumb and little finger, right down to the split hand.

The line is related to mental ability, intelligence, concentration, aptitude, and also ideas. All people have this line, and of course everyone has a different line. If this line looks deep and clear, it means that intelligence is quite high. Lines tend to be more upright and not to deviate downward, indicating the existence of creativity and imagination. Conversely, if the line is visible as a line of palm reading is lighter, thinner, lighter, and shorter, meaning the person has a low intellectual power.

The thicker the line, the better memory, so that the person has the advantage in the recall or memorize something. The next line is a line that can also be seen when read palms, which line the liver.

Popoler this line more than the other lines, due to problems concerning the problem heart is always interesting. This line is located on the long lines and firm under the index finger. This line is also the most out of line when the line is long and the other firm. If you be concerned and obtained a thick line when reading, this indicates that the person is unlucky in love. He also has a wonderful love affair. Long line is indicative of the relationship without interruption, and the faithful spouse.

The longer the lines of this hand, the more often people were carried away by emotion. Conversely, if the line is dotted or thin then thickened and thinned again, or an irregular line, indicating that many people experience love story, and often fail when live. More palm reading was interesting, because everyone can do it. All people can learn to use this method. In addition, this method certainly does not cost, in addition to the ability to read lines.

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