Thursday, June 28, 2012

How to Understanding Children's World ?

Children's world is a world full of joy. At this age, a child will spend half their time for play activities. Therefore, play is a natural thing for a child to spend their time in addition to studying at school. The definition itself is when one child is aged six years to 18 years. At this moment, someone is still classified as children. Although even if viewed from a biological perspective and relationship with parents, then there is no limit someone said as a child. As long as parents are still alive, then one would still be regarded as a child, even though they are married and have children.

With the look of these parameters, it could mean that in childhood, a person has no obligations other than studying. They are not obliged to make a living as their parents who must work to earn money to buy their household needs. This in itself is regulated by the government with some legislation. One is a child protection
laws, which protect the kids to get their lives according to their age.

The protection provided, these include the power to prevent the use of children in various activities that are economic. For example, by hiring them as workers in factories or also told them to make money as a busking or begging on the streets. This is so that children can enjoy a natural life. With children at the age of the world enjoy them fully, it is hoped they can grow and develop naturally according to their age. This development is intended as a whole, both in terms of physical and mental. With the development of natural and gradual, expected to raise a generation of quality and can be expected in carrying the burden of nation building.

Son of Punk

One of the phenomena associated with the child in the world today is the existence of street children who call themselves punk generation. The term itself comes from the punk one stream of music that originated from the western world. This music has a characteristic that is bound to inflame a free life without rules. That's what underlies the later emergence of several groups of street children who refer to themselves as punk.

Lives of these punk kids have no binding rules. They pooled their thoughts in the equation, namely the establishment refused, desiring absolute freedom. They chose to live the way they want, and to move where there is no definite activity on a regular basis. The characteristics of this group include those who wear all black with a wide range of accessories to meet their body. Among other earrings, tattoos and a wide range of other accessories. Quite often they use a haircut like the gangsters in the movies from the west.

In daily life, children who belong to the punk kids are not having a positive routine. For example, study at school or helping a parent activity at home. Instead, they spend time together in a way that one friends with them or earn money by busking on the streets. They also moved home and slept under the overhang of the store or anywhere else. Each time the move, they do by going together and hitchhiked what would lead them to a place.

Member of the punk clubs have a variety of backgrounds. Most of them, the children who come from families that are less harmonious. Such as not getting the attention of parents who are divorced. Or because the parents are busy with activities that do not pay attention to their children. Many of those coming from school dropouts. They decided to get out of school due to several factors. Among other things because they feel the school is a place filled with rules, semetara they want freedom without limits. In addition, the lack of parental concern for education to make them choose to join the punk kids.

This often raises its own concerns in some quarters. Especially in those who have concern for the problems of education and the lives of children. Therefore, the phenomenon of punk kids that have spread to the rural areas is affecting the mindset of a child. Free life without rules, indirectly, is a condition that will captivate children in general. Because they are still old school, usually has some rules that bind.

Start of school rules to the other obligations that accompany it. Such as the obligation to learn, get up early and go to school until the rules that prohibit some activities for some children considered to be the outlet for expression and the search for identity.

Handling Children's Punk

The phenomenon of the existence of these punk kids can not be underestimated. Therefore, it is not a part of the world's children are considered reasonable and proper. For this reason, the existence of these punk kids need to be given the proper attitude, so that they will not be a parasite that can hinder a child's psychological development. Here necessary cooperation between the families, schools and related institutions. Thus, the treatment will be carried out comprehensive and well integrated. so that it can cause effects that can make members of the group's punk deterrent. And the main thing is to prevent children are involved no events belim them to not be tempted to join the group.

For the family, should be more a concern in children. Therefore, the needs of a child not only by meeting the material needs. Eg food, clothing and school fees. They also require attention and communication in the family. So if they have a problem, can be resolved by the family. As such, they do not necessarily have to find a solution to the problem they face on the outside of the family.

In addition, the school must also provide insight to students about the importance of learning and discipline. Personal approach was to be done to students who indicated the group had started hanging out with the punk kids. Thus, do not let them punk groups of children are affected, and that more should be feared lest they influence their friends at school.

On the other hand, the role of the security forces are also necessary in dealing with this phenomenon of punk kids. Security officer is needed, to dispel the existence of punk kids from the streets. For, not infrequently they are at a crossroads keberaadaan or some other public location, cause problems. Started to issue environmental hygiene to safety concerns.

Integrated with the handling, it is expected that many problems teenagers haunt the world today can be overcome together. Therefore, the phenomenon of punk kids these sources are very complex and can not be the responsibility of one party only. It takes the willingness and cooperation of all parties concerned, in order to prevent the bad influence of the culture that is not in harmony with the life of the nation of Indonesia.

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