Thursday, June 28, 2012

Know the Causes of Cervical Cancer

Know the Causes of Cervical Cancer that very important for us, especially for women. One type of disease that is dreaded by women for cervical cancer. From research conducted by experts note that the root cause of cervical cancer is the virus. The virus known as human papilloma virus oncogenic. Parts of the body is attacked by this virus, is part of the cervix which is a special organ of women. Through this body part, serve as the entrance to filtrate virus into the human body. And when it was in the body, the virus will spread throughout the body of cervical cancer.

The virus that causes cervical cancer is human papilloma virus itself has a type that very much. Of the various studies mentioned there are over 100 types of virus that became a variant of the virus that causes cervical cancer. However, although there are many kinds, not all of these viruses have a harmful nature. That is why, not everyone who was attacked by the human papilloma virus will undergo cervical cancer disease.

When a virus that attacks, coming from a harmless species, the sufferer will recover by itself without the need to be treated. This virus will die despite intensive treatment is not performed. Type of virus that needs to watch out and shunned. For birus that does not harm this will usually disappear by themselves or die. The most dangerous type of virus that causes cervical cancer and which can be fatal is the kind of virus type 16 and type 18.

In addition to virus Human papilloma virus or HPV, the cervical cancer can also arise from other causes. The cause of this comes from the environment outside the human body and not because of the virus. The cause of this is that there is faktro external radiation or chemical contamination. Where a person is exposed to radiation and chemical pollution in the long term impact could cause the cells on the cervix grow abnormally.

About Cancer Cervics

In addition to knowing the cause of cervical cancer, we must also determine whether the so-called about cervical cancer itself. Therefore, the type of the disease among women and haunt many to be one source of cause of death is quite high for women. That is why, women are expected to understand the depth of this cervical cancer. Thus, in the future they can avoid the attack of a disease that can cause death. In addition, by knowing in depth about cervical cancer, women were not expected soon to panic when faced symptoms that resemble those of cervical cancer.

On the other hand, when faced with a condition that resembles the symptoms of cervical cancer, women are also advised not for shrugged. Therefore, cervical cancer is one type of disease that can cause death. Moreover, a person suffering from cervical cancer is usually realized he suffered from the disease when already in an advanced stage. That is why, many people are then exposed to a new disease out when the disease has spread to other body parts.

Given these facts, it seems prevention is the best thing to do to women. The goal, so they are not exposed to viruses that can harm women and a special attack that's all. Moreover, if you look at the fact that this disease will strike a vital part of the female reproductive organs which constitute it. The process of early prevention can be reached by the medical examination conducted by the routine. Examination process is called by the name of the pap smear test, in which a woman should do this test every two years.

This test is expected to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer before it spread to other organs. In addition, through early detection is then one can determine the next ledge in order to treat the disease. Another step that can be selected by women to prevent the adverse effects of cervical cancer is to characterize the disease. This as well as continued efforts by doing the pap smear test regularly. By combining these two steps, hopefully someone can make the best move as early as possible before the cervical cancer reaches an advanced stage.

Some characteristics of cervical cancer that often arises in women who contracted the disease include :
  • The emergence of pain accompanied by bleeding. This condition arises when they have sex with their partner. This condition is called by the name of contact bleeding.
  • Onset of symptoms such as vaginal discharge on a scale that no reasonable or excessive.
  • The emergence of bleeding, while not having menstrual periods.
  • Weight decline suddenly and sharply.
  • The emergence of pain in the back. This condition becomes a sign that the disease suffered cervical cancer has spread to the pelvis.
  • Urination is not smooth and as there is a problem
  • Swelling of the kidneys, which become larger than normal conditions.

In Indonesia

In Indonesia, cervical cancer is one frequently encountered in the community. Based on data released by government health agencies, the number of patients with cervical cancer has reached 15 thousand cases per year. This finding, of course, not including in some cases unknown to the government agencies that are not included in the data recording.

In the world, known to many as 8000 patients with cervical cancer who experienced death. From the numbers that much, Indonesia is a country that contributed the highest mortality rate in patients with cervical cancer is. Many factors led to Indonesia topped the cervical cancer patients. One is because of the knowledge society that is still low against the cervical cancer. This is supported as well as the still low level of public education and also their economic capabilities. So as to perform routine medical test, they do not have enough money.

And geographical conditions of Indonesia shows that most people living in rural Indonesia. In that region, many women who lack an understanding of cervical cancer in depth. Environmental factors that influence the high rate of cervical cancer is also important. The number of women working in the factory environment, making the increased risk of disease attack. This is because the factory environment, many of these harmful particles are scattered freely and unnoticed into the body of the workers.

This coupled with the low rate of health services in areas with high risk of cervical cancer is the spread of disease. As such, they do not have a chance to see her, when it began to contract the disease is cervical cancer. In fact, not infrequently many women who consider what they are experiencing is a common symptom that affects many other women. With the fact that cervical cancer is a type of disease that can not be seen with the eye, causing frequent delays in handling. This is what causes the growth of cervical cancer patients is increasing rapidly every time.

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