Friday, June 29, 2012

How to be a good writer - Tips Being a Writer

Writing for the people of Indonesia may be one activity that can be done by everyone. Therefore, Indonesia has launched a free society from illiteracy since several decades ago. However, not everyone can become a writer, even though they have the ability to write. Between writing and writers are two words that come from the same root word, but have different meanings. From the definition, writing is an activity associated with coupling the letters into a word. Meanwhile, the author means an adverb that indicates one's own profession. A writer, not only in charge of arranging the letters or words. But further, they should be able to create a meaning that could have a new understanding of a series of letters or words they do.

Not everyone has the ability to become a writer, even though they can write. For some people, stringing words into a sentence that has meaning in itself, is a pretty difficult thing. Similarly, when they have to retell what happened to them in writing. It was not to be an easy job. However, being a writer is actually not a difficult job. In addition, the choice of this profession was at this time began to be a job that is promising in terms of money. Not infrequently, the income derived from activities of writing is actually much greater than working in an office with a fancy building.

Being a writer, we are not obliged to work on a specific agency. The author has the freedom to choose which side they want to cooperate. In addition, the income that can be obtained from the work of writing is also different from the office worker. Where to be an office worker, a person will only receive a fixed salary every month, the amount could have known. While being a writer, we can decide how much income you want.

From the condition of working time, there is liberty itself owned by an author. They can choose to work at any time, without being limited by the hours worked. The only limitation is usually obtained by the author is called the time limit deadline. This period is the end of the writing activity in which a writer must be able to finish their work before the deadline expires. That is why, a writer who does not have the same working time between the author and other writers. They can choose based on the needs of working time, taste or even the opportunity and when the ideas started to emerge in the brain. Thus, a writer can work in the morning, afternoon or evening without circumscribed by the constraints of working time as if working in the office.

Thus, when a writer must do other activities outside activities, such as having to go out of town for the benefit of the family, no need to have permission to another party. Similarly, when they are being lazy with the activities of the writer, able to rest without having to submit leave as is to be done by people working in the office.

Good Writing Tips

Many people who find it difficult when I have to string words into a sentence writing that has meaning. Quite often, when someone started trying to write a sentence, they will usually stop after writing a few words because they feel that dirangkainya wording is not that great. Moreover, with increasing ease of communication technology that makes a person prefer verbal communication over the phone instead of using written communication. At the time of the phone has not been owned by the public, remote communication systems still rely on the system writes a letter. So it makes a person will inevitably be forced to get used to string words into sentences in the letter as a way of communicating.

However, the presence of more advanced communication technologies, as now, that does not mean we do not need to master writing skills. Because, in some cases a written communication system is also used as to write a cover letter or create a report in the scientific world of education. There are several ways you can do to foster good writing skills. So in the future we can create a masterpiece of writing, which can be useful for other people when they read it.

Ways you can do to become a writer include
  • Read
This is because the reading, we can have a new knowledge. And writing is a process to deliver the knowledge we have with the viewpoint that we are able to develop. Without reading, then we can never become a good writer, because the skills and knowledge we have will never have evolved.
  • Bold ideas flow
The idea is the foundation of a post, so with the idea we will have a basis to create a text. No need to wonder whether the idea we have had other people think. The most important thing is, we begin to write down all the ideas in our heads into a post. Thus, people will know about the idea that we might be able to provide new benefits.
  • Writing to completion
We do not need to think about vocabulary, punctuation, or anything else that is semantically when writing. Pour it in our heads into a paper until all ideas are completely exhausted or are incompressible. It was only after it exhausted all the ideas contained, we begin to think of problems as do the editing editorial writing. If we are preoccupied with the problem when a new editor began writing a few sentences, we will run out of time to do the editing. Even more fatal is, we can not forget the original idea of writing what we want to make it.
  • Make a paper in an easily understood
Many writers who are stuck on a sophisticated use of the term that is considered so difficult to understand by others. By using terms that are rarely heard and seen scientifically, many writers want to look good because it has a lot of vocabulary vocabulary. In fact, writing is a way to teach others a thing in a simple manner. So we do not have to feel like to look smart by using scientific vocabulary that looks or smells familiar. Should use language that down to earth and is often used by others.

Thus, our paper will be easily understood. Remember, good writing is not determined by how much we use scientific language or foreign language. Good writing is writing that is able to provide the reader with an enlightening and easily understood by everyone.

Spread your writing, either via internet or print media. By sending a text to print media, you could potentially benefit financially if your writing published. While writing on the internet, simply used as a way for you to share the confidence and training in the field of writing.

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