Saturday, June 23, 2012

Askep Hypertension - Herbal Medicine Center

Askep hypertension is the nursing care of patients with hypertension. Hypertension is intended as a disease of high blood pressure, blood pressure above the normal or average others. If the average blood pressure in the range of 120-140/90 mmHg the patients with hypertension have blood pressure above 160/95 mmHg. This causes some of the symptoms experienced by some patients, is as bellow.
  • Dizziness is unbearable, especially on the back of the head.
  • Chills and a heavy neck.
  • Heart pounding and emotions are out of control.
  • Pengihatan began to blur.
  • Feel nauseous and want to vomit.
  • Pain in the chest and shortness of breath.

Askep Hypertension - Causes of Disease Clinical Hypertension

Before starting askep hypertension, then we should know about some of the clinical causes of this disease. Hypertension is rarely complained of by sufferers than just a mild headache. But if not addressed, the result is fatal stroke and can impact the paralysis and death. Some of the clinical causes of hypertension are as follows.


Majority of hypertensive patients based on the thought of many things. Stress triggers an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, askep hypertension should include how to control emotions and tendencies so gracefully is not easy to stress.


 For obese, it's time for dieting. It is not just for the sake of a more ideal body shape, but rather to anticipate the arrival of various diseases caused by obesity include hypertension. A hypertension patient should undergo hypertension askep integrally includes addressing the problem of obesity is going through.


An action that should be avoided. Both active smokers and passive smokers have a tendency to equally develop hypertension. Therefore, if there is a husband-smokers who often smoked in front of his wife, then around the age of 40 years are both likely to be affected by hypertension. Askep treatment of hypertension include smoking addiction, making them easier anticipated.

Too often eating a good meal

Nothing wrong with a good meal and delicious, but we need to realize that good food is consumed too frequently, will cause hypertension. Like other types of satay, Gule, rawon, soup, and some red meat based foods and their fat. Askep hypertension will also need to adjust your diet so that people can come loose from the symptoms of hypertension.

Water and salt retention that is not normal

Someone who has a tendency developing hypertension often have water and salt retention that is not normal. This could be due to eating habits since early childhood. Therefore reasonable and bland meal with one of the ways to avoid hypertension.

High Cholesterol

High cholesterol in the blood will cause a patient vulnerable to hypertension. Therefore, askep hypertension need to notice the excess cholesterol is to be anticipated.

Adrenal gland disease

This disease is one disease that results in sufferers also suffer from hypertension.

Kidney disease

Just as the adrenal gland disease that resulted in patients developing hypertension.

A tumor in the brain

This makes the sufferer to increase blood pressure or hypertension.

Influence of certain drugs such as oral contraceptives

Therefore, hypertension askep these factors need to pay attention and divert patients to use other contraceptives.

Lack of exercise

It is a source of various diseases. Once in a two-day exercise by walking around the housing is one of the best ways to overcome hypertension and inexpensive to do.

Genetic factors

These factors can not be rejected by the children inherit from their parents. However, it can be prevented from getting into the diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Herbs as One Askep Hypertension

In addition to western medical care, then askep hypertension may account for medical care in the east who often use herbal ingredients. Lots of herbal ingredients that are all around us and have benefits for lowering blood pressure and prevent hypertension as well as the complexity of other accompanying diseases. Here are some herbal remedies can be tried as a hypertension drug.


Noni or pace in the Java language has long been renowned as one of the herbs that lower blood pressure. This is because Noni contains xeronin and pro xeronin which has the function of lowering blood pressure.

How to use herbal noni noni fruit is ripe wash, can be eaten directly or salad made with brown sugar. It could also be a small cut, and then blended into juice. The second way is usually added honey and lime juice to neutralize the stinging smell of noni. Drink noni juice 2-3 times a day each one drink to lower blood pressure.

Carambola fruit is good for people with hypertension. This fruit contains pectin which can prevent the bad cholesterol. Rich in vitamin C also make people with hypertension to blood pressure down. Therefore, it is often provided as fruit star fruit on the cover made from goat meat dishes that often lead to hypertension. Can be eaten plain, prepared salad, or made juice.

Do I take half a ripe star fruit, cut into pieces, add honey and water in a blender and process. Carambola can also be prepared as a mixture of ice and candied fruit can be eaten immediately when needed. Than useful in the prevention and treatment of hypertension, star fruit is also rich in antioxidants work to prevent cancer and neutralize the blood sugar levels.


Cucumber is a vegetable that is also capable of lowering blood pressure. Potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus in the cucumber very well to prevent and treat hypertension. The use of a cucumber is not only a drug can treat hypertension but also some other diseases, namely diabetes, laxative toxins in the body, treating diarrhea, thrush, and thypus.

Cucumber as a way of taking hypertension medication is be eaten immediately, made of fresh vegetables, fruit or as a mixture of ice like a yellow cucumber is often referred to as a cucumber mas.


Clear-skinned fruit is soft red spiny very well used as a herbal medicine for hypertension. Lychee contains potassium and vitamin C levels are very high so as to prevent and treat hypertension. In addition, lychees are also known as a healer of disease coughs and stomach wounds. This sweet fruit has long been used in ancient Chinese medicine.

Way of eating lychees is eaten directly or made ice as long as not too sweet fruit syrup. Can also be blended together with star fruit or cucumber and added with a little honey to get a fresh taste.

Various Other Fruits

Many other fruits are beneficial for the prevention and cure of hypertension. Fruits include avocado, melon, watermelon, orange, guava, and vegetables such as bitter melon. All fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamin C and natural antioxidants that are able to prevent and treat hypertension.

With consumption of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis every day or twice that of meat consumption is expected that hypertension will soon disappear from the body of the patient. Consumption of fruits and vegetables can be eaten immediately or cooked way. Sour and bitter melon stir-fry vegetables for example to prevent and treat hypertension. Similarly, the ice pieces or a variety of fruit juices are also able to prevent the blood pressure increase.

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