Saturday, June 23, 2012

Know VoIP alias Voice over IP

Voice over Internet Protocol or Voice over IP or VoIP is one form of advances in information technology that allows us to make long-distance communication of voice conversations over the internet as a medium. In summary, Voice over IP is voice converted into digital code and transferred over internet protocol. One computer program that utilizes this technology is Skype.

History of VoIP

The discovery of Voice over IP can not be separated from Graham Bell's invention of the phone earlier in the year 1876. The working principle of a conventional telephone was developed into the form of Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is still growing today.

The discovery of computers and especially the PC and internet connection was also influenced by the discovery of Voice over IP. Science discoveries in other fields, such as the various communication systems and the discovery of cellular phones also affect the discovery of Voice over IP. In 1995, when Internet connections developed and widely used to send messages as text and images (in email), it is developing a technology called Voice over IP. Initially, VoIP is just a simple experiment carried out by individuals and some small companies like Vocaltech.

Once the principle works began to be understood, Microsoft created the first application of supporting Voice over IP, called NetMeeting. Internet connection in the 1990's still very slow. Therefore, voice conversations are difficult. Over time, increasingly sophisticated and internet connection working principle of the modern Voice over IP.

Principles of VoIP

Internet Protocol is the main thing needed in the work of Voice over IP. Some examples of Internet network protocols that are commonly used in Voice over IP applications is the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP), H.323, and too Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), Session Initiation Protocol or (SIP), Inter-Asterisk eXchange (IAX), and Session Description Protocol (SDP).

Of the many networking protocols, H.323 is one which is often used as a Voice over IP protocol. However, as the development of information technology, H.323 becomes increasingly rarely used and is replaced by the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Voice conversations over the two computers are connected to the internet connection is a simple example application of Voice over IP. To start a voice conversation, hardware such as microphones and speakers (or earphones) is absolutely necessary. Software must be installed on your computer is a program that supports Voice over IP connections be attached, such as Skype and Yahoo Messenger.

Such programs not only supports file transfer in the form of sound, but also in the form of text and images. However, the emphasis in the use of Voice over IP is in the form of a voice conversation. Voice over IP communications can be a cheap option compared to long distance or international calling. As the development in IT technology, Voice over IP experience a variety of evolution. Not just rely on a set of computers connected through the Internet, Voice over IP now also be applied through other electronic equipment such as phone or smartphone.

The principle of digital data networks Voice over IP can be connected to a conventional analog telephone network. One application is a form of communication between extension telephones and computers in an office. Furthermore, the form of Voice over IP communications are becoming more sophisticated. Not only in the form of a voice conversation, the conversation is now in the form of video conferencing can also be done. This is the development of communication technology called Voice over IP with IP Telephony. Ease and cost effectiveness led to VoIP is increasingly being used by the public.

Now, communication relies on a single computer network connectivity with other computers is considered as a form of Voice over IP is the most simple and conventional. Voice over IP networks are now widely used is the merger with PABX network.

How to Use VoIP

Using Voice over IP to contact friends and relatives is a wonderful thing. Before deciding to converse with Voice over IP, make sure you and your friends or relatives using Voice over IP provider is the same. However, this requirement is not absolute because some provider Voice over IP has been connected to each other. Voice over IP does allow you to dial phone numbers, cell phone, or SLI. However, it should be remembered that having a phone conversation to require an additional fee. These costs are different in each provider.

Well, to communicate from one provider Voice over IP Voice over IP provider to another you do not need to spend in deeply. The only cost that you should consider is the cost of Internet connection. To carry on a conversation via Voice over conventional IP, you need the following things:

Internet connection

Computer set, complete with a microphone (internal or external) and speakers or headset. The existence of a webcam is a plus that allows you to do video conferencing. Before you start a conversation, make sure all components are running smoothly. Computer program that supports Voice over IP. May be Skype, Yahoo Messenger, or another program that suits your provider Voice over IP.

Register your phone number to the service provider Voice over IP. Choose a provider of Voice over IP service for free. In Indonesia, there VoMa (VoIP Marsinah) in or VoIP in

Follow the instructions of Voice over IP service provider you use. Advantages of Using VoIP. Here are some advantages in using Voice over IP. Cheap. With minimal cost, you can communicate with relatives or friends anywhere in the world. Ii can do it as long as he is also using VoIP and good for your internet connection. Can communicate with the network infrastructure to utilize the data available for voice. This point is useful when a user enterprise Voice over IP is a network. Existing network can be modified and made a Voice over IP networks. The process is easy and requires no additional monthly fee.

Requires only small amounts of bandwidth than conventional telephone. Advances in technology that allows voice communications to minimize bandwidth usage. Currently, only voice communication requires a bandwidth of 8Kbps. Voice over IP network can be coupled with existing conventional telephone network (PABX), thus allowing inter-office communications with Voice over IP network through a conventional telephone. Networks Voice over IP can be combined and used as a large network of integrated, such as VoIP.

Variations of flexible media. Communication from the PC can be connected to the telephone, for example.

Disadvantages of Using VoIP

Voice over IP networks have some drawbacks that should be a consideration when you decide to communicate through this network. These weaknesses include Voice over IP :

The resulting sound quality is not as good as the conventional telephone network. The low quality of sound is the result of the compression process with emphasis on minimizing noise bandwidth usage. Clear whether or not the sound is also influenced by the internet connection is used. If you use a broadband connection, the sound will be good enough and not broken.

There are empty during the communication gap. The process of converting sound into digital code and transfer it takes a few seconds. This gives rise to a lag time during the conversation. However, this gap can be reduced if using a broadband connection to speed up the process of transformation and transfer of data (voice).

Particularly in Indonesia, the government limits the use of the network. Voice over IP network must be connected to a network owned by Telkom. There needs to be confirmed prior to the listener, so both sides turned on internet connection and activate the application program supporting Voice over IP simultaneously.
Although it can be used free of, you must consider supporting Voice over IP equipment is relatively expensive. The good news, the day the equipment is getting down in price and easier to find.

There is the potential for blocked network. When many people use. VoIP at the same time, the data network will be hampered because the full and not well managed. Therefore, the application of Voice over IP within the company need to consider both the bandwidth management for enterprise networks is rapidly saturated.


  1. Many thanks for the exciting blog posting........voip phone rochester ny

  2. Before, VoIP technology come into vision, people used land line connections to make calls. But nowadays people prefer VoIP services to make calls to their near and dear ones anywhere across the globe. Thus, old ways of communication have been replaced by the new technologies.


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