Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Keeping Young Pregnancy Tips

Young pregnancy are the most vulnerable period. Because, at that time the fetus is still very unstable conditions so easily influenced by several factors that could be dangerous. That is why, it is very important in maintaining pregnancy in order to later gestation process can run smoothly until the delivery arrives. However, not all pregnant women know these things for what they must do to maintain the pregnancy. This condition usually afflicts the young mother who first experienced during pregnancy.

Under these conditions, there is usually some young mothers are mentally unstable. When he heard the advice of some people who sometimes opposing each other, they will be confused to follow the advice which is which. Especially if the advice was given by people who have no medical background or medical. They only give advice to the basic habits of something without any firm foundation. Faced with such people, an expectant mother should have a firm stance.

No need to hear the advice or opinions of any person who may actually be causing confusion in itself. Simply take the advice of the party has about the capability and capacity in the field of pregnancy. For example, by asking advice from a midwife or obstetrician. By requesting advice from the competent authorities about the health of the womb, is expected to remove all doubts we can maintain the pregnancy. Thus, if there are those who commented and asked us to do something that he said could boost the health of the pregnancy, we can find out whether the advice is correct or just talk with no basis.

As such, when in young pregnancy is usually a period of expectant mothers will experience nausea and vomiting. For those who do not have the medical understanding, it will only look for anti-nausea drugs. In fact, the presence of nausea and vomiting shows the development of new hormones in the womb. And this will only strengthen the status of the fetus in the womb. Conversely, if a pregnant woman in the early trimester did not experience nausea or vomiting should be beware. Therefore, the condition may be due to the absence of growth hormone in the uterus that affect the poor fetus.

Young Pregnant Woman Needs

The easiest way to maintain pregnancy is to meet the needs of the expectant mother. Requirement is meant here is related to nutritional needs, nutritional and psychological needs are also some that can help the process of pregnancy to stay healthy. Associated with nutritional intake as well as pregnant women, basically this can be obtained from the food consumed each day. In fact it is far better than to meet the nutritional needs and nutrizi using drugs that already contains the chemical elements.

In food, we can choose the type of food that is organic. That is, during the food cultivated use any material which is natural, such as using natural fertilizers and no chemicals. But of course, a pregnant woman should not be arbitrary in consuming food or drink menu. Avoid intake of some kind that could have an adverse effect on pregnancy outcomes such as alcohol or coffee is also excessive. Tea is a beverage that is also not recommended for consumption by pregnant women, especially when the pregnancy is still young. Indirectly because there are substances in the tea will reduce the need for iron is needed by the fetus.

So any food substance that is said to be able to meet the nutritional adequacy of a pregnant woman ? There are several types of food substances that must be present in food intake of pregnant women. For example, calories, which is needed to assist the growth and development of the fetus. Substance calories may come from some of the foods that mengandun carbohydrates and fats. Examples are rice, potatoes or milk.

In addition to calories, the diet of pregnant women should have to contain protein. This substance is required for the development of substances that will be needed in the process of development of the fetus. This protein is very much contained in the meat, fish, eggs or nuts also. Iron into one of the substances that should not be abandoned. Because the iron will prevent the occurrence of anemia in pregnant women. Therefore, this iron will also help make red blood cells or hemoglobin to carry oxygen in the body. Iron is commonly found in meat, fish or liver and spinach.

Folic acid is also needed by pregnant women for help fetal development and prevent disability in the brain and spinal cord. Adequacy of folic acid will prevent the occurrence of preterm births in the condition of the fetus. To obtain folic acid, a pregnant woman should consume green vegetables, orange juice, nuts and foods made from wheat. The need for calcium is also absolutely required by a pregnant woman. Because calcium will help the process of formation of fetal bones and teeth. This much calcium obtained rom milk, cheese, yoghurt or fish as well.

A pregnant woman should also be provided for the needs of vitamin C, vitamin A and the needs of B. Vitaminn where C is a pregnant woman would be necessary because the vitamin is plentiful antioxidants. These antioxidants may help protect body tissue from damage and send chemical signals to the brain of the fetus. A pregnant woman has a nutritional requirement of vitamin C is about 85 mg per day. Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits and other acid-containing flavors.

While vitamin A is needed to meet the nutritional completeness of pregnant women. Therefore, vitamin A has a function to enhance immunity and resistance of the disease, strengthen the vision and assist in the development of the fetus. Vitamin A can be found naturally in vegetables that are yellow, green or yellow egg too. Similarly, vitamin A found in many tomato or papaya fruit.

The need for vitamin B for a pregnant woman is also very important. Vitamin B is needed is a very complex ranging from vitamins B1, B2, pantothenic acid, vitamin b3 niacin which is soluble in water. In addition How to Keeping Young Pregnancy Tips, pregnant women also need vitamin B 6 and B 12 to help form red blood cells in the body and the fetus, fetal sera amplify DNA helps metabolize amino acids.

Additional food

In addition, a pregnant woman should also get extra food to help the adequacy of nutrition and nutrients. Thus the pregnant mother and the fetus can grow healthy and normal. If a pregnant woman is malnourished, it could cause some problems of pregnancy. Including increased risk of miscarriage and premature birth. In addition, it can cause nervous system disorders in infants and the lack of normal development. The most frightening is the lack of nutrition a mother can affect the fetus died from lack of food intake required by the fetus.

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