Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Signs Depression After Childbirth

Postpartum Depression: Symptoms, Risks, Types, Signs Depression After Childbirth, Signs of Depression After Birth Mother, Postpartum depression and anxiety, The Symptoms of Postpartum Depression & Anxiety, Depression during and after pregnancy.
smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - Signs Depression After Childbirth. Some mothers who have given birth have a feeling of fear can not be the best mother when the baby is born. Feelings of concern for long makes you become overburdened and cause depression. Are you experiencing the same thing or even completely unaware that you are depressed after giving birth ? This article will help you tell the signs occur after birth and also how to cope.

Signs of Depression After Birth Mother

Postpartum depression is a frequent occurrence but the mother did not realize it. Feeling that makes the mother feel worried because the mother is often not known, sad, anxious or unable to control their emotions after childbirth. Mothers who are depressed after childbirth is often a loss of appetite and even up sleeplessness. Nevertheless this disorder does not cause symptoms that require treatment. In a period of a few days or weeks after birth will improve by itself.

What causes depression after childbirth

Until now the main cause of postpartum depression is not known. Presumably because the mother has not been able to adapt to the conditions after giving birth or caring for baby confusion. There is also suspected that postpartum depression is triggered by physical and hormonal changes after childbirth. For those of you who were depressed before pregnancy, the higher risk of depression after childbirth.

Delivering More Great Depression Disorders of Baby Blues

Surely you know the baby blues.Kondisi where new mothers experiencing mood changing, feeling sad, anxious, crying, loss of concentration and also experience sleep disturbances. While on pregnancy depression more severe symptoms that can interfere with the mother in caring for the baby.

Signs of Depression After Childbirth

Here are some signs you are depressed after childbirth :

  1. New mothers have trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  2. You become discouraged in doing your routine
  3. Often experience changes in mood, experiencing feelings of sadness settled
  4. Loss of concentration, memory loss
  5. Experiencing a feeling of a more sensitive, feeling worried, feeling unappreciated
  6. Change your diet so that more appetite.
  7. Easy despair
  8. Pulling away from the environment
  9. More irritable
  10. Difficulty bonding with baby

If you have a condition such as signs above then you can do some treatment for depressed mothers after childbirth :
  • Counseling. You can do counseling with experts in the field of mental health so that it can cope with feelings and issues being addressed.
  • Treatment. You can do the treatment if the suspect was depressed after giving birth but if you're breastfeeding treatment considered. Some of the content contained in these drugs can cause side effects.
  • Hormone therapy. You in coping with hormonal therapy, ie regulating estrogen levels after childbirth so that it can reducing small risk of postpartum depression.

Can postpartum depression be prevented ?

Postpartum depression can be prevented by performing the monitoring before pregnancy. Pregnant women who were depressed before pregnancy will increase the risk of postpartum depression so recommended to consult a doctor.

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