Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Can Pregnant Women Eat Squid Food ?

Can Pregnant Women Eat Squid Food ? Is it safe to eat seafood during pregnancy ? Can You Eat Calamari When You're Pregnant ? Can pregnant women eat calamari ? Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy.
smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - Can Pregnant Women Eat Squid Food ? In fact squid contain high omega-3. The content is extremely beneficial in the fetal brain that triggers it smarter in the womb. However, these benefits are not comparable to the impact or effect of which will be received by pregnant women and health of the fetus in the womb. Therefore before taking calamari squid, make sure no mercury or bacteria in it.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Squid Food ?

In pregnancy, a woman is highly vulnerable to health problems.

It is generally influenced by hormonal changes that churned inside a pregnant woman. But basically this condition is a natural thing and most of the pregnant women feel the same. No need treatment by a physician or use drugs in order to relieve this condition. Because by itself the conditions that you are facing complaints of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy may disappear by itself. Your body is now adjusting to the new conditions, namely pregnancy you live. Thus, all the hormones including pregnancy hormones amid mutual change and adjust to your condition. So therefore, it is reasonable for you to experience common pregnancy complaints like nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness and more.

Unfortunately, nausea and vomiting experienced during pregnancy often make a pregnant woman feel overwhelmed when it comes to meeting the needs of nutrition and nutrition through the consumption of food. The feeling of making a reduced appetite or even disappear. In fact, your body still needs a number of nutrients and nutrient intake to support fetal growth and development in your womb. Non-fulfillment of the intake of two important substances in the body of nutrients and nutrition of pregnant women will probably make infant growth be constrained. In the end, this condition will probably increase the risk of having a child with low body weight or even birth defects.

Every parent would want that the candidates who were unborn baby could be born into this world healthy and perfect. For this reason, support and maintain a quality pregnancy is a wise way to be done to avoid the problems above. Strive that you live a healthy pregnancy and inadequate nutritional needs and nutrition throughout your body either through consumption of healthy foods. However, not all of the food available is allowed and safe food consumed by pregnant women. Pregnant women need to be selective in choosing the type of food that will be eaten. This is because today there are so many variants of foods that contain harmful when eaten then it will be able to affect the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Well, aside from merely eating healthy fruit and vegetable intake of other foods pregnant women also need to watch carefully. In addition to fiber from fruits and vegetables, protein, minerals, nutrients and other nutrients can be obtained from a variety of foods such as fish and meat. Unfortunately, not all of the consumption of these foods can be done with any expectant mother.

As we know that what is happening in our society today on the issues during pregnancy are more focused primarily on food consumption. Consumption of food, both in the number, type, or completeness of nutrition becomes vital in maintaining the health of the fetus and the mother. This may be reasonable because what is consumed by pregnant women is what they will be and that is what will affect the baby in the womb of the mother.

Well, in order to provide quality obstetric care is better, then supan high nutrient essential to do every day. In essence, pregnant women need to maintain and pay attention to the intake of the foods they eat every time. Not only that, the activities of pregnant women should be restricted and considered properly. This of course enabled in order to maintain the health of the fetus in pregnant belly.

Meanwhile, talk about the food of pregnant women, it's been so many myths and facts scattered about the expectant mother's diet. Unfortunately, sometimes alone pregnant women ignore the intake of nutrients in the body by consuming a variety of foods in vain. Though not necessarily if the food they ate healthy foods that are good for health. It is feared that pregnant women eat the kind of food that is not good, so the result will be very dangerous for the fetus.

Can Pregnant Women Eat Squid Food ?

Well, one type of food that is currently widely debated as the type of food for pregnant women is the calamari. Many people say that the consumption of squid in pregnant women is prohibited because of the material that one can represent a danger to the fetus in the womb of pregnant women. This condition is also ditabah with the myth that consumption of squid will probably make your head look peyang baby at birth. Hearing this ban you will certainly feel worried and think many times before eating a meal of this one. So is it so? Can pregnant women consume the food on this one?

Actual consumption of seafood this one does have content and good benefits. The content of the fish squid and even a baby's brain associated with intelligence. However, the worry of squid consumption is located on the quality of meat squid itself. This is because the type of seafood, as well as other marine fish. The calamari is forbidden for pregnant women because it feared to contain high levels of mercury. As we know, the consumption of fish or foods containing mercury would be harmful to the body. In addition, the most frightening impact of this is the effect on the fetus.

Moreover, the fact that squid have omega-3 tiggi. The content is extremely beneficial in the fetal brain that triggers it smarter in the womb. However, these benefits tdak comparable to the impact or effect of which will be received by pregnant women and health of the fetus in the womb. As for some of the reasons behind the calamari was not well taken by pregnant women, among others :

Reasons Why calamari Consumption Not Good For Pregnant Women

There are several reasons beberpa thing or the background why the consumption of seafood of this type should not be done during pregnancy. Some of them are :

  • There is a Mercury Content

The first reason we certainly know that mercury is a hazardous substance and should not be consumed by humans even in large quantities or less. Mercury is seuatu chemical substances that can not be digested by the body properly. The adverse effects of mercury into the body among is able to inhibit the development of the fetus in pregnant women. If you consume too much calamari, then mercury mixed in the blood and affect fetal development is not perfect. Even in certain cases this condition can result in babies born with the condition who are disabled or even experience down Syndrome.
  • Squid Vulnerable With Bacteria

The type of food that one could be vulnerable to exposure to harmful bacteria such as salmonella bacterium Vibro Parahemolyticus and so do not be consumed by pregnant women. The impact of pregnant women eat squid are exposed to these bacteria is the effect on the fetus that can cause inflammation of the brain and inhibit the development of the fetus.

Such things may I be delivered from pregnant women eat squid. May be useful.

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