Thursday, October 20, 2016

How to Measure Amount Water Membranes Tips

Measuring Dissolved Oxygen, How to Measure Amount Water Membranes Tips, How to Measure Amount Water Membranes, A Guide to pH Measurement . - How to Measure Amount Water Membranes Tips. Importance mengatahui required health of the fetus in the womb, one of which is a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid fetal needs. This is the way to measure the amount of amniotic fluid you should know. Amniotic fluid is one of the most important things that must be considered in the body of pregnant women. During the fetus in the womb swam in a thin sac containing a white liquid, slightly cloudy and foul-smelling, known as amniotic fluid.

The function of the amniotic fluid to the fetus is very important. Not only function but also the amount of amniotic fluid from the amniotic fluid must be considered as very influential on the condition of the fetus in the womb.

Function Air Membranes To Fetus

The essential role of the amniotic fluid is a protector that will hold the fetus of a collision or trauma.Kondisi can also help to prevent and protect the umbilical cord of a drought so the amount of amniotic fluid is very important. Last but not least important of the functions of membranes is the delivery of oxygen through the blood of the mother to the whole body of the fetus.

Even the amniotic fluid that sometimes escape the attention of pregnant women have a role as a backup source of fluid fetal nutrition while. In addition to the amniotic fluid, the fetus will move freely, and can help the digestive system of the fetus as well as muscular and skeletal systems. This is what makes a good developing fetal respiratory system.

Amniotic fluid is very important to keep the warmth of the fetus as an incubator, then membranes with retaining fluid as a fetus and uterus against the possibility of infection in the body. Besides the amniotic fluid that has a role in preparation for childbirth. Amniotic fluid will make the pressure leveled or contractions in the uterus that cause the cervix to encourage open.

In saar water breaks the amniotic fluid would be cleaning you out of the birth canal. The importance of knowing the health of amniotic fluid during pregnancy is the amniotic fluid can detect abnormalities experienced by the fetus. Particularly those associated with abnormalities rely on chromosome condition.

The last to know is the fat content didala amniotic fluid may be a sign that the fetus has expired or overcooked. As the pregnancy progresses, the amount of fluid continues to rise. This is what causes the condition of normal amniotic fluid can be measured. At the age of 10-20 weeks of pregnancy then the amount is about 50-250 ml, while at the age of 30-40 weeks of pregnancy, it amounted to 500-150 ml.

How to Measure Air Membranes On Pregnant Women

Knowing the function of amniotic fluid on maternal health is essential to support fetal development. At first the mother's pregnancy is essential to health conditions, one of which is pay attention to the condition of the amniotic fluid. The amniotic fluid that serves to protect the fetus in the stomach turned out to be mebahayakan if the numbers are declining, how can I tell reduced amniotic fluid ?

Some ways can be done to determine the water ketunan reduced. The first is to use ultrasound. This examination in addition to accurately determine the gestational age, fetal growth with age can also determine the size of the amount of amniotic according to gestational age. First is to use amniotic fluid index. This process uses a point uterus is divided into 4. Where in this area there are areas of the amniotic sac of the greatest measured.

Next up is the amount of amniotic fluid in area 4 will be compared with the index. In conclusion then, if the amniotic fluid is less than 5 cm, amniotic fluid revealed little. As for the second way is to measure the amount of amniotic sac. When the amniotic sac is less than 2-1 cm then the condition is found problematic with amniotic fluid.

Only a medical expert would have difficulty in measuring accurately the amount of amniotic fluid. It is triggered because the difficulty of ultrasound to detect the amount of fluid and also to determine the accuracy when the position of the fetus does not support.

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