Tuesday, October 25, 2016

2 side of blogger in the world

2 side of blogger in the world, google adsense blogger, adsense blogger, picture of mas dian tegal.
smallbusinesswithbestmarketing.blogspot.com - 2 side of blogger in the world. During this time, it looks like the two bloggers 'split' into two sides. The first blogger tha is very focus to creating in content writing, photos, and videos. And the second side is blogger who focus in internet marketing. There is some word fro describes about the two side of blogger that's we known it.

The first side is a blogger content focus on creating good content writing, photos and video. Blogger kind of average, aspires to at least publish a book. Even though there are also those who simply just sharing a good story, like any reportage opinions. Sometimes groups of this type are not too concerned about 'revenue' from his blogging. Personal branding side dominates.

The second side is a blogger who focuses on internet marketing. Although more accurately described as an adsense publisher but is often also referred to as a blogger adsense. Blogger this type, somewhat reversed with bloggers content. They are masters of SEO (search engine optimizer) with tools and algorithms. In fact, more conceal his identity. If even know each other, usually only fellow members of the forum. Eg similar forum to discuss the tips and tricks Google Adsense.

Well, in the last few weeks are excited about the success of one of the internet marketer in the realm of social media. Dian, her name.

Original figure from Tegal who claimed "unemployment 'and children from village, this turned out to earn revenue or payroll fantastic from GA (Google Adsense). Photos of his uploaded on his facebook account private will indeed chilling beholder. Much money rupiah denomination looks piled on his desk. May already billions of rupiah. And incredibly, all was accomplished in just a short time. From approximately mid-2013.

The more interesting is the secret behind this success. That is evident is how humble blogger on this one. He did not hesitate to share his stance.

From simple computer that no casing, vegetables pete who accompanied him (seriously!) As well as some of the SEO tools such as the GSA SER, GSA SEO Indexer, GSA Captcha Breaker, SSD Windows VPS, 1K email accounts, 10 Private Proxy, Content Scraper + Spinner, 100K -800K verified links list For GSA SER and others..

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