Monday, June 17, 2013

Tracing the Story of the Fork

Tracing the Story of the Fork. We may know a wide variety of household items. Especially with the second item of cutlery you can encounter while feeding. Spoon and fork has a price from a few thousand dollars to millions most. Price was not a difference of function in terms of ingredients alone. Function remains one that is, as the equipment used at meals Cutlery has a hollow oval shape and oval on one end and a handle at the other end is the notion of a spoon. How to use a spoon generally when in Indonesia is by way of the right hand is held in order to take food from the plate and popped bowl or directly into the mouth, while the fork is held in the left hand part of its function to put food into the spoon.

For some people, spoons and fork not only used because of its functionality, but also can be used as souvenirs for the specific needs of different materials in general with the usual. Basic used also varied ranging from the cheapest which is made of silver up to much your wallet that is made of pure gold. If according to the dangers that could be used to make cutlery them of zinc, aluminum, silver, iron and plastic. But over time with a variety of changes that occur cause ideas and creative ideas from the artists who are involved in making spoons and forks, there now made of wood with all the models and variants, ie starting from the crystal, a mixture of tin, even also of ivory.

Origin of Spoon

Paleolithic is the early discovery of spoon and fork judging based on existing historical records At the time the materials used to make the spoon and the fork is made from foliage leaves, shells also of wood. However the same function of both there is different materials to make it. Despite having the same function as a household appliance that is used when eating but for some countries, spoon and fork is adjusted to the given name it is called the material used performance manufacturing process.

Spoon called the cochlea is derived from the Greek language has a meaning that is spiral-shaped shells. Whereas, for the Anglo-Saxons called it with a sponge spoon means that less wood chunks or chips. With explanations that emphasize again that was used in making them the scoop on wood and seashells.Look carefully compare spoon held between forms in contemporary times with a spoon that exist in ancient times. If the spoon is in the form of old, there are concave on the front and on the back straight handles that function to handle. The history existing record shows that, with a spoon shape as we now know, the design comes from the Romans from the first century AD.

Since the Romans discovered this design, there are two kinds of spoons. The first is with the front of the spoon-shaped concave bowl. Functions like this are spoon to scoop up soup or foods. Meanwhile, the second form is more rounded at the front and tapered handle, which is generally used to eating eggs or shellfish.

Fork, the Old Friends

There are couples who thought the flatware's timeless recently born young friend aka spoon. However, it is said Domenico Salvo, heir to the Empire Doge of Venice, when it comes to the Byzantine Emperor to marry the princess, in the trunk got two forks. Meanwhile, in the Middle East have used a five pronged fork since the seventh century. Fork is used mainly in official state occasions. In the tenth century, forks spoons not stored as a friend on a table next to a spoon as we know it today. At that time, the cutlery was given directly to the guests who had been sitting. Usefulness of this tool in the past to hold the meat cut. If that piece of meat now pierced with a fork and put in the mouth, well, at that time the fork actually serves as a retainer when cutting meat and chunks of meat were put directly into the mouth with the hand.

Fork started to go to Italy around the XVI century, and taken to France by Catherine and Medicis who married King Henry II around 1533. Then, fork began to be known in the UK, after Thomas Corryate buy such a device in Italy and brought to England as a souvenir. Spoon and fork oldest, according to search experts allegedly made from shells. Later evolved into a variety of various materials, including wood, horn, and baked clay. While the Ancient Egyptian society, prefer to use a spoon out of bronze. Another in the Greek and Roman who had been on a round-handled spoon of bronze, silver, and brass kind.

In the sixteenth century, circulated among top-handled spoons are usually long and straight with pointy basin. while the first fork, According to the information, had only one tooth. Later in medieval Roman times, a fork with two teeth begin to be used for serving food. While the three teeth fork, came into use in the late 18th century. Around the 19th century, began the process of plating of nickel and copper tools to the public. In the 20th century, precisely in 1920, stainless tableware has become a popular and widely used.

Types of cutlery

1. Kinds and Types Spoon

- Tablespoon
- Spoon vegetable
- Teaspoon
- Coffee Spoon
- Spoon rice
- Spoon soup
- Spoon syrup
- Spoon ice cream
- Spoon cake

2. Wide and fork type

- Fork eat
- Fork cake
- Fork meat and fish

Caring Spoon and Fork with Right

Generally, each house has a spoon and fork. But if the condition of spoon and fork it dull or shiny ? Although it seems trivial, spoons and forks should be treated specifically. Moreover, both tools that is often go into the mouth. Material for tablespoon, spoon vegetables, tea spoon, fork, spoon and fork and cake is usually made of stainless metal or stainless steel. Many are made of silver, brass, and plastic. But the ingredients it is now less popular. Stainless steel material can also yield 100 percent or only 50 percent, depending on its quality. The most preferred is a combination of stainless steel and colorful plastic materials. Make sure that the materials for this equipment is completely safe for food or food grade.

Stains or white spots, dirt and scratches is most frequently encountered in the food equipment. To clean stains, rub with a little water with baking soda given. Soak a few moments, then scrub with a soft foam and rinse water. For dirt slip decoration or hold strokes, brush with an old toothbrush, wash with soapy water and rinse thoroughly watered. Dry immediately with a clean cloth so that no water stain marks on spoons. This equipment should be stored in sealed containers to eat to keep them clean and dust-free. Sealed plastic box or wooden box lined with clean paper could be an option. Do not put camphor or other fragrance materials because the smell will stick to this equipment.

Although it's been washed and stored in a sealed container, as will be used should rinse cutlery in warm water and wipe it dry. For presentation at the table, put the cutlery in a clean and enclosed so as not exposed to dust or flies. Or wrap each pair of devices with a paper towel. Keep in mind that this tableware will go directly into the mouth.

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