Monday, June 17, 2013

Tea cups sundries

Tea cups sundries - Your one tea connoisseur ? Steaming hot tea or tea with the addition of small beams es ? However your favorite tea served in a cup of tea, would leave fresh effects after drinking it. The connoisseur drink derived from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant this right know how to enjoy drinking this is a natural source of caffeine.

Dried tea leaves should be brewed with boiling water or boiled before drinking. This process is intended that wither tea, then remove the brown color and feels particularly bitter. New after the tea can be poured into the cup. Then, add sugar to taste. Do not forget, also provide snacks for your friends and drink tea. You connoisseur for tea or drinks other suitable served warm, cup ubiquitous become inseparable part. Selection of the right cup of tea can add your sensation.

Tea cup

Small platform that has a stake in one of its sides is becoming an important tool when drinking tea. A cup of English called this cup, usually made of porcelain and some cups made of clay. According to the Japanese tea ceremony or cha no yu, equipment that supports the ritual way as the cup is one of the be appreciated. Cup is thought to represent the characteristics and ways of thinking that invites people to drink tea cups and serving tea to guests. What about you ? What are you including that take an interest in buying home furnishings such as tea sets ? Cups are usually equipped with a color placemat or Saucer synch with the cup. Formerly, cup shaped like a small bowl without holding.

In line with developments in the ceramic or porcelain, cups also experienced a slight change in the shape or color and motif. Cups were found at this time generally have a grip on one side so as not to heat when handling hot cup newly poured. However, the bowl-shaped cup can still be found, especially in Asian countries such as Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies recognize. A set of tea equipment consisted of two to three cups with place, a fruit teapot, cream jug, Slop bowl, and closed sugar bowl. In Indonesia, especially Slawi district, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes know teapot tea, that is served with a cup of tea and a teapot or a small pot of clay and rock sugar.

When you can easily get a set of tea paraphernalia made of porcelain in the great shops of the capital, the other is the case with tea teapot. A cup and teapot set made of clay You can only buy around the region Brebes, Slawi, Pemalang, or Tegal. You can feel the sensation of a different tea cups clay.

Around the tea cups facts

Cup is a cup and placing make commonly used for tea or coffee. This cup is a form of global culture, almost all states have a cup; despite divergent forms. Not only used as a meal (drink), a unique cup-cup and antiques are also often used as a high-priced collection of things. Western society supposedly before using the cup, drink tea directly from small teapot. Long before that, the Chinese already know using a cup of tea drinking culture. Some time later, the inter-continental trade from happening. Cup of tea has become a popular in the West and since then use the cup of tea drinking has become more common there.

There are many designs and types of cups of tea available for tea enthusiasts and collectors. Cups can be bought in packets (consisting of 6 pairs of cups and place similar design, sometimes equipped with a small teapot and sugar bowl or cream). But there are also ones cup of tea sold. In addition to the cup comes with a mat, some cups that just stand without the mat. Most cups of tea made from porcelain or ceramic, but some are made from other materials such as glass, plastic, or stainless steel.

Cup of tea is generally made of a brittle material, so it must be treated and stored properly. When storing or cleaning the cup to tea, the cup can not be placed mutually overlap each other, it is easy to break or crack. If you can wash cutlery with a dishwasher, do not do that on cups for tea. Wash the cup by hand (manually). Activities become a sort of tea ceremony performed in various cultures, from England until the Chinese. This tea drinking habit as unify the world with different cultures and customs are different. However, each culture has its own special tea drinking; including the shape and design of her cup. For example, in English, to tea cups formed from fragile porcelain decoration and given flowers. Meanwhile in Japan, does not have a cup of tea and simply decorated holding traditional Japanese symbols.

Besides soft drink, tea also often used tool to predict a person's luck. This is a habit that is owned by some of the world's cultures. There was also a reading habit through a cup of tea profitability. The shape and design of the cup reputedly used may affect the profitability of its users.

Antique tea cups collection

Cup of tea there are already hundreds of years in a variety of designs and shapes. Beautiful cup-with-placing can be a valuable collection of beautiful items. Price cups are sold in antique shops can be very expensive, depending on the original cup, the material manufacturer, to the uniqueness of its design. If you want to be a collector of antique cup of tea, here are the steps :
  1. Determine the cup like what you have collection. For example, you may be collection cup from a particular era or a cup with a certain design. You can even design collection cup of any kind and from any era as long as you consider it beautiful and rapidly collected. Before buying, do research and find out cups like what you really want to buy.
  2. Learn a lot of things about the cup of tea. Do not just collection because of its beauty, learn the history, philosophy, and uniqueness of each cup design from the books of the cup or the vagaries of information on the internet. Find out why one type of cups and cups easy to find others difficult, and why a cup can be more expensive than other cups.
  3. Beginning buy. You can buy antique cup in antique shops, thrift stores, auctions, or even a garage sale near you. If you find a cup that does not have a partner (there is only one fruit, when in fact there are 4, or any cup without placing), do not hesitate to buy it. You might instead not able to find another cup very similar to what you buy until your collection is complete.
  4. Keep your collection with caution. Because tea cup made of fragile porcelain, antique cup you should keep them in a safe and confidential reach. Avoid also put in place that direct sunlight so that the color does not quickly fade.
  5. Treat your collection cup. Once purchased, lest you just saved cup. Treat it well. To do so, wipe the cup with wipe-fueled sock gently to remove dust and dirt. This should be done regularly. If should be washed, wash it manually.
  6. Community gathered with antique cup lovers. This is useful so that your vision of the types of antique cup and widened its treatment. You can also do barter with the community if we find a cup that you like.

That information around a cup of tea. Hopefully useful !

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