Thursday, May 2, 2013

The points Caution When Will Renovate Home

The points Caution When Will Renovate Home - Home renovation is probably the thing that often comes to mind housewife. Because, giving the home a comfortable place to move is an important thing needed by the women, especially housewives. With a beautiful, comfortable, and well-organized in accordance with what is aspired also add to the motivation of women to work better in taking care of his home life, from taking care of her husband and children, to take care of all the furniture in the house.

Therefore, very often a man willing to pay for an expensive architect though in order to give comfort to their wives in order to allow the house to be very conducive conditions. However, renovating a house is not an easy thing. Needed some renovations in order to run smoothly and not experience troublesome obstacles.

It is important to be aware of when they want to renovate the house is a letter or document Building Permit  that you have. When the renovations that will be done to make the house very different from the original, do not forget to ask first to the developer to how far you can renovate it. It's about living in the housing. If not, is still consider the establishment of regulations in your area. Do not let the house has been renovated with expensive, it must be forcibly dismantled by law enforcement officers. Hurt, not.

Some Points External When Will Home Renovation

When they want to renovate the house, there are two important things to note. The first thing is an external point is concerned with the social system and the things outside the home renovation, but still affect the renovation of the plan. The key points are as follows.

1. Permission Neighbors

Whatever home renovation activity is certainly cause interference, both disruption and inconvenience other sounds. So, before doing home renovations, it's worth the minimal neighbor meet front, rear, left, right. Tell me how long the renovations will take place and what about the inconvenience that might occur. With the existence of this visit, it is not uncommon neighbors or even offer help if needed to buy building materials to neighbors who happen to do business in building materials. In addition to strengthening the brotherhood also to better facilitate home renovations done. If not, it will also provide comfort to you so that renovation of the house can be done smoothly without any anxiety in case the neighbors are disturbed by the renovation of activity.

2. Need to Move Or Not ?

Things that should be considered carefully is that such forms of remodeling what is desired. When complete, it means having to move temporarily. If it moved while, had to rent or return to the parental home. Lobbying and negotiations should be conducted in such a way that parents understand especially if you stay at home parents are also other relatives. These considerations need to be made so comfortable with not too disturb. If I had to hire, should be explained as well as possible to the home owner if he could rent only for a few months.

If you have to rent for a year, what about the rest of the lease ? Is there a possibility over the lease? This possibility needs to be thought of apart from getting too much out costs as well as to train the reasoning power of your business. However, if the renovation of the house can be done without having to move house first, just use space that could still be used so it does not need to spend a budget to rent a house while renovation of progress.

3. Wear Architect Services or Not ?

If you have any design skills, knowledge of building materials and where to buy it and have any friends who could tell where to find a great handyman with the appropriate fee, it is okay if do not want to use the services of an architect or a contractor. But, if you do not have the time and do not have any designing flair, you should prepare enough funds and architects who can be trusted contact who is an old acquaintance or a friend or acquaintance of someone's recommendation.

However, try as much as possible in order to renovate the house can run smoothly without the need to pay for the services of architects are too expensive. Use only acquaintances which could be paid in accordance with the budget so the rest of the budget could be used for anything else that is needed when renovating a home.

Some Points Internal When Will Home Renovation

The next point to consider when they want to renovate the house renovation with attention to detail is desired, from start to shape the interior and furniture to be installed to complement the needs of your household. For more details, consider the internal points that must be considered when renovating houses below.

1. Determine which form of house keeping with tastes and needs

To avoid assembly and regret, make renovations desired shape description carefully. Want level or just an elevated platform. Rooms will be made new or enlarging existing rooms. Form to your liking will make homes more comfortable when occupied. Therefore, you should communicate the exact form of renovations to your home with your spouse and architects who believe. With good communication, then the form of dream house will feel comfortable so that the entire interior and exterior of the house can be shaped in harmony.

All the slightest thing including paints, patterns and motifs ceramics, furniture that may be purchased, must be adapted to the renovation plans. Architect who has great artistic talent usually does not stingy to share knowledge of interior design. Consider carefully when replacing or buying new furniture. If the house is not too large, it is better to sell old furniture even though the price is rather cheap. Garden front and back of the house also should get equal attention. Small house as long as the state should not fenced area where the house is safe tranquil. But if it was not safe, the fence will be made should not use massive concrete. Paints or shades of the fence must conform to the exterior of the house so that the house still looks beautiful.

2. Determine the Main Room of Your Home

To determine how widespread the existing space in your home, it first needs to be determined what the room became the primary area in the family. For example, the master bedroom, family room, den, bathroom, and kitchen. The fifth room has a particular concern that the breadth was adjusted to the needs of the household so that there will be no mistakes in designing the size of the room.

3. Define Your Home Theme

Theme here is the thing or concept that what would be the attraction of your home. Is the concept of minimalism, the concept of glamor, traditional, or mixed. With this concept, you can adjust the shape of household furniture in accordance with the concept. If the concept of minimalism, the furniture and the color of the paint will be adjusted to the concept.

Tips on Choosing Furniture According to Budget

To fill your home renovation have, certainly not a difficult thing. Were taken into consideration is the amount of funds that must be spent to complete the requirements of your home. If the budget is held very large, you certainly do not need to worry about the furniture that suits your budget. Just choose furniture that suits your taste, the feel of the house will be very comfortable. However, it is different if your financial situation is not too strong so you have to be very clever to choose the right furniture to fill the house is newly renovated. The following are tips that you can use to choose furniture that fits with the taste, but in accordance with the budget you have.
  1. Choose furniture models are consistent with the concept and your taste.
  2. Look at the price offered on weight so you can make sure your money is enough to buy the household furniture.
  3. If the budget is not enough, you should choose another model that is still one type, but smaller. Do not choose other models of the same size because no matter what the price determines quality.
  4. If you still have not found a model of furniture that fits your taste and your pocket, choose the second way to fill your new home: make their own furniture with materials readily available.
  5. Welcome to renovate the house!

Home renovation can sometimes be a confusing thing. Because often, appears deviations from plans that were previously considered mature. Both in terms of cost, and in terms of the desired results. It happened because many consider the home renovation process is not as complex as the activities of building a new home. Though this assumption is not always correct. Not infrequently, this dismissive attitude actually result in messy activities that seemingly simple, but actually requires serious thought. Because basically, someone who does home remodeling would want better conditions before doing renovations on their homes. Not vice versa, post-renovation condition is better than it was before the renovation period.

Home Renovation Tips

Therefore, in order to prevent things that are less desirable in the process of remodeling the house to note a few things. Among the things that must be considered are :
  1. Determine the available budget. Budget is the life of a home renovation activity. Do not be, the process of renovating the house in the future will suck up the cost exceeds the available budget. If this happens, there are two possibilities that will emerge. First, the renovation process will stop in the middle of the road and both budget for other family activities that could lead to the creation of a family debt.
  2. Prioritize part of the house to be renovated. The aim is that renovation work could focus on the important things first. Thus, parts of which are urgently in need of renovation are not forgotten. Moreover, it is to reduce the possibility of inefficiencies in the process.
  3. Determine the system work. In the process of remodeling, we must determine whether to use the services of contract workers, or use a non-permanent workers. If using a wholesale service, we will be more relaxed but the risk is higher cost. Whereas if you use casual labor, the cost could be slightly reduced, but we will be bothered by a few matters such as the purchase of materials.

Handling Permit

Learn the rules of construction permits. What will we do renovations must attach a statement of changes in shape of the building or not. This needs to be done rather than emerging problem in the future.

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