Thursday, May 2, 2013

Creator Forms planning Ideal Home Alone Design

Creator Forms planning Ideal Home Alone - The house is one of the basic needs, in addition to food and clothing. Unfortunately, the high price of land and the house makes it more difficult to get. Moreover, for most of us who only have a mediocre income or even erratic. Consequently, any form of dream home away from the shadows. As a necessity, the house has a very important function for everyone. Besides as a shelter from heat and rain, the house was also very instrumental in the growth and development of children and family members. In the home, parents can exercise the functions and role in educating their children. Through the house anyway, social values and civic can be kept and maintained properly.

Therefore, planning the appropriate form of home design itself is said to dream up your own creations can be started early. It can bring a positive impetus to begin to seek maximal happen. Naturally, if a lot of ways to do it is also a separate consideration. For example through a mortgage or other steps are carried out in stages from the beginning. Hopefully this review provides an overview as well as the impetus to plan future dream especially have a suitable home. Home will be a dream every member of his family. The house can be planned to the fullest through their own creations which can be designed from now.

Installment house

Government through the credit program (mortgage) that has been providing services to facilitate the public has a home. By installments, we were able to choose the form of a dream house that we wanted. Moreover, the type or form of home mortgages provided through the program is to lower middle class people. That does not mean the shows differences in social status in society, but to motivate people to plan their income increasingly mature. All the activities of life, including one with the house including each person's dream. So it was natural that personal income also increased to the maximum in order to materialize his dream well.

But owning a home on credit is not necessarily beneficial. Although only a down payment we now living in the home mortgage, but the amount of interest payments that we have to pay would have to be well thought out. Moreover, we can not plan their own homes we buy. Well, we just had to choose the type of form or an existing home, whether to types 21, 36, 45, or type in the top 60. The size of the type of course adapted to the ability of our budget. Therefore, if the installments are planned carefully, it can do a maximum effort. Conversely, if there is no ability to make payments with interest, please seek that without use of the flower when the installment process. Is there such a thing ? Usually there and you can look for it carefully.

Another way to get a no-interest mortgage that is adding information from a variety of sources including friends and relatives to the house being sold. Do not hesitate to buy even from their own family or friends. This will greatly help relieve your obligation to pay in the absence of payment of installments with interest.


Actually there is another way of owning a home, but with the design or shape dream home according to our wishes. The trick, yes you certainly built themselves houses in stages. Here are tips on planning a home of his own creations that hopefully can help you to prepare. Some of these ways can be done directly if there is careful planning of prospective homeowners. Do not hesitate to discuss with the experts to build homes on various issues before deciding to build.

The preparation that can be done include :

1. Savings plan

Surely the kind of savings that you try is to buy the land. Buying land in cash is much more favorable than on credit. Moreover, we can choose the location of the land on the outskirts of the city which is much cheaper. How do I get the ground like that ? You should always seek a variety of information from the media. Including asking relatives or neighbors whether left-or right-other. Location land at will also affect the sense of comfort every person who will occupy the house.

2. Close to town

In addition to determining the location of the candidate of your home, consider a variety of other things. Such as access to infrastructure and proximity to the city. For that you can look for information about town planning in local government. The closer the location of the prospective homes with a variety of city infrastructure, then your daily affairs pertaining to it can be done well.

3. Design concept of home

While saving, you can start preparing the house design or picture will you wake up. Both related to the breadth of the building, house plans, number of rooms, the position of each space, and shape your dream home later. Create a home grown concept where the foundation is made strong enough for 2 or 3 levels. So when you have a lot of luck, not a hard thing to add to the building. Save in accordance with the plan. Do not be easily tempted by other needs if it is a priority list of your savings to buy a house as a first order. Save himself, yet not in a way that allowed banks include and can be maximized. Provided that the owner of the discipline of saving and not saving native took the money to other needs of the non-urgent nature.

4. Looking for contractors

When the land was bought, build a house with the concept of 'no money no building'. For that look for individual contractors or building power which you are familiar. This way you will not be burdened with a variety of miscellaneous fee. Moreover, this kind of power can be stopped and resumed whenever you want as your financial condition. Thus, the existence of land owned, the house according to the plan form his own creations, as well as other things to do affect each other in sequence and do not push yourself to compete with others. The house is a soothing place for its inhabitants until they include people who are comfortable in it. Not vice versa.

5. Choosing a store building

To meet the needs of your building materials, looking for their own shop which you are familiar. Or stores that are close to your house up. Convey that you are going to take building materials from the shop for all the needs of the construction of their own creations home. For large purchases or continuous course there is a pretty good discount. Such a way as to minimize swelling fund expenditures. Homes built to suit your own creations are ideal for use. In addition, the funds saved for so long, could give the rest can then be used to meet other needs. Hopefully this is not forgotten with the benefit in it.

6. Strictly in family finances

Because the implementation of housing construction is done in stages, you should have a high discipline in managing family finances. Also buy building materials based on development priorities. In this way also can change the shape of your dream house in the middle of the road in order to better suit your needs. Good luck doing it this way if there is a plan to have a home of his own creations. Of course that would be the dream homes of our residents and it is possible for others.

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