Monday, April 1, 2013

Tips Articles Topic About Education

Small Business School - Tips Articles Topic About Education. Articles about education becoming loved by the people. Especially, when the national exam polemic erupted. Public instantly reacted angrily questioning the system that is not fair. It is increasingly lure the attention of learners to seek more comprehensive UN happenings. Indeed, education is an article about popular articles. Various forms of info scholarships, educational value, and so on.

Article Writing Tips About Education

You are creative with educational articles often fraught subject matter. Content and context what is appropriate for the load. Education has a wide scale. So, sorting the elements topic be an important factor. Here are tips on writing articles on education.
  • Trending. Bad news is good news. This principle applies in journalism. However, writing articles is not all bad news. Topics are chosen try being so warm conversation. Talked about in public. So it does not mean that are trending that bad, right ?
  • Helpful. Writing articles, opinions and reportage especially, must have value to the readers. Educational articles should also have educational elements. So, meaning full value to the reader.
  • Relevant. Writing articles about education must be relevant (contextual). Content and context must be disconnected (match). For example, when you write an article about education for primary school children did not need to wear a tricky word diction.
  • Popular languages. The use of popular language in education article aims to facilitate the reader catch the message.

Variety of Topics

Writing articles on the topic of education should be smart sort. Education world covering many topics. Here are interesting issue that can be considered to be a topic of educational articles.
  1. BOS. BOS policy controversy in some schools because the students are still free of charge. In fact, some teachers were arrested by the police because of corruption caught.
  2. Chicken Cages school. The book was issued one of his professors was made Jusuf Kalla was angry. JK did not receive school in Indonesia like a chicken coop. However, the facts on the ground often show such things.
  3. Education budget. After the decision of the Constitutional Court of the hammer knock the mandatory 20 per cent of the education budget, the coffers for agencies soared. It should be observed where the money flows as in the field of education inequality persists.
  4. Teacher certification. Being a teacher now a promising profession. Benefits teacher would suffice, especially in big cities sorts Jakarta. However, terms of absolute competence. Namely, teacher certification, teachers must follow such a fit and proper. However, some of these so the indicated fee and property.

Articles About Religious Education
Creating an interesting article on education should pay attention to issues that are warm and are of public concern. With the erosion of the moral value, Articles about religious education so fishing attention. In a country like our country is have many religion with each God, when Pancasila became the basis of life and the value of the divine into the stand base, an issue of religious education be a tricky thing.

Media and public attention for this is still lacking on the issue of religious education in Indonesia. But with the critics moral decline and deterioration of ethical, religious education is perceived as a problem cause, so inevitably leads to everyone getting this problem.

In an article on religious education, a problem that can be highlighted are also very spacious and plenty of interest for the subject of discussion. Simultaneously writing to serve as a form of devotion to religious values commanded by God. Preaching about the goodness that is recommended by all the religions that exist in Indinesia so, this article about education can photograph anything that has the benefit of religious communities in Indonesia.

The issue of religion is a crucial issue, especially for our nation godless. All the people of Indonesia was of the belief in God, religion undertaken. As the material for example an article about religious education, the following new problems regarding the many Islamic religious education makes people shake their heads, the problem of corruption Koran sticking out lately.

Sample Content Articles About Education Religion: Corruption Quran

First we discuss the culture of corruption in this country who have become enemies of the people. Corruption is getting oldest, gripping poverty and ignorance of Indonesian society. The roots of corruption are as grounded in our bureaucracy, and difficult to break into. Corruption to be the culprit of poverty is yet to get a settlement even after a special commission set up to handle it.

KPK as an institution instead reap corruption eradication of much controversy, and the performance is still less convincing people of Indonesia. Allegations of fraud and unclean always color trip this institution, after the death of Anta Sari Ashar ketuan KPK disabled with legal engineering. Since then the problem KPK kept rolling and disappoint the expectations of the people.

Anti-corruption measures that should soon be completed in order to carry out prevention activities afterwards, even protracted political entanglement with political officials. End the problem of corruption is not a lightweight, in fact just the increasingly sophisticated tactics to hide the more cunning practiced by the perpetrators. Tactics to get out and play this well is currently being developed by the suspects and those involved. People increasingly exasperated and worried because many criminals actually acquitted.

The seeds of corruption thrives in this country, not only breed in taxes and social assistance sector alone, last even caught of corruption have come to the holy book. Apparently there is no sacred place for corruption, seems also not picky because, proven corruption can happen everywhere. Strangely corruption itself is also fairly religious person, even the religion (the term for religious scholars)

The Qur'an is the holy book desecrated by corrupt behavior by those who claim donate Quran. Written large as the title of the talk on TV Metro TV "Astaghfirullah Qur'an was corrupted". It's very exciting to be a matter of articles on education, and should be a serious lesson of all parties, not just the government.

Project doubling the Qur'an into private finance projects, if the scriptures only valid for those corrupted by the corrupt, let alone an ordinary book, such as school books and other types of printed matter. Such funds were never excited about the making of the calendar House of Representatives. A fertile country like our country is corrupt, anything can be a source of corruption to enrich themselves or the group.

Project word of God in a way against the Lord. Guise to defile the sanctity of the sacred ministry. It was so outrageous, it may have no other holes that can be leaked, so that goods good also engulfed with corruption. Allah which can be avoided if despotism is getting not know limits. Is not the country also bear the risk of Allah, if our repentance is not allowed by God.

Perpetrators religious department officials, who should be an example straight and true, even teaching moral turpitude in the good. They not only know about the halal-haram, maybe they had a preacher for the moral matters of religion, at least so for people who have important positions in the department of religion.

What will become of the mouth that spoke were his own against what was said. What will become depraved mind reciting the holy verses of God. What will become of those who are morally insane lead people to draw closer to God. Sorry no verbal abuse, only his chest so that the reader, like the problem is getting serious and immediate attention ayng mass repentance before God's wrath on us all.

Perhaps it's the money they corrupt they used to buy gloves or kopyah to prayer, to pay zakat or hajj fare. Perhaps it uga illicit money has been flowing in the form of cash to the charity haram mosques, madrassas, and other holy places, but to fatten my wife and kids. Subhaanallah what the country of Indonesia, which raised such officials without selection.

Sample Articles about education really makes us very doubts about. Naturally, when the difficulty of the nation had never subsided, tempests and disasters never disappear. Reasonable and must be willing to be accepted, even misery constantly overwrite. Is not that a reply in kind to a country full of rogue officials?

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