Monday, April 1, 2013

Learning for Candidates dictator

Small Business School - Learning for Candidates dictator. Every thing human experience that would be one thing that can be learned. The lesson is sometimes easy, sometimes too hard. The liver plays an important role when learning. History repeated can also be one thing that should be observed carefully. So even with what happened to the world's dictators. Fall Husni Mubarak in Egypt and what is happening in Syria, is the idea that when a rule last very long but it does provide usefulness to citizens, government must be destroyed. This is the lesson that should not be taken lightly by those who wish to gain power and to taste the throne of power in a given time.

Earth's Cry, Heaven Mourning

So many lessons learned for future dictators. Hatred on both new dictators ruled for 30 years and who has been in power for more than 40 years as Libya's ruler, could be a mirror. Aung San Suu Kyi's struggle against dictatorship in his country for decades could also be something that should be seen as something that is very good. How dictatorship in any form will not be able to fight for more democracy elegant look of its own people. Lust ruling is devastating life aspects.

The little dictators who are in a household will also cause uncomfortable household. The wife or husband who dictator whose word is like a law, will only make the home atmosphere like in hell. There was no one else in this world willing each breath governed by others. Infants who do not know anything about to cry while always wrapped in a blanket. He will try to rebel and remove small hands from under the blanket wrap. Moreover, adult humans who already know what and how he should act for the sake of a better life.

Thousands of lives lost, hundreds of torn skin, thousands of liters of blood spilled. Is that what you want by dictators? Are there still a candidate a dictator who wants heartbreaking thing happen again ? Are there still people who want power at the expense of others ? Is it to be there for the casualties of a power that is not going to bring prosperity to the people and all elements of statehood ?

The desire to be the master for ever and if possible offspring became the ruler is not ideal to be implanted with a deep heart. When you intend to be a ruler, the ruler who does not want to be praised too much. Rulers who devotes himself to his country without expecting anything. The ruler who makes himself as casualties of development of the country and for the welfare of his people. Ruler who handed the mind, soul, and body to see home the same height and parallel to a safe and prosperous country that is other parts of the world.

Otherwise, a very expensive lesson to be paid with tears and blood spills. It's been so many examples of how people who do not have anything to fight against the dictator's own country. They want better leader. Leaders who think about people. Leaders who not only enrich themselves with the wealth their own country. Leaders who do not want to be naive, self thief does not know that he stole millions of people belong within the protection.

Leaders who do not want the router power is the offspring who did not know anything about constitutional. Leaders who do not make the rule as an empire that allowed many positions occupied by their own children and relatives. Democratization does not exist or is not worth it and balanced, it will make people a lot of frustration. This frustration can make people do desperate.

Committed suicide by burning himself often carried by protestors from Tibet, is one form of action is quite extreme. They want to let go of Tibet and the Chinese government does not arbitrarily against their sacred homeland. China's dictatorship was not only in Tibet. Uighurs are widely embraced Islam was bullied enumerated by the Chinese government. The Government of China is quite dictator was trying to block the Uighur people to fast. They were given gifts of food and school children were given free food.

Every effort is carried out in order to get what they want. Although it has had to spend more or even breaking a sweat, they do not care about as long to reach the goal. Although the work does not interfere with other people's useful, for a dictator, it's got a sense of excitement when seeing others succeed is difficult. This is one thing that makes the dictator was often an unpleasant experience when he fell.

Reply was definitely there. Over the years a dictator feared and respected had. But when it started to loose power, not a few people are starting to move and try to launch an attack that had they not been able to do because they are not ready. No one ever thought of the people dictator. They seemed happy to live alone and do not care whether other people can be happy or even miserable.

Social Revolution
The social revolution of social networking begins. Virtual communication faucets turned out to have made a lot of people think that it would be nice to live without confinement and without the pressure of a dictator who has been in power nearly a third of the age of the dictator himself. Events overthrow of Suharto in 1998, is an event that many open eyes and hearts of many people both inside and outside the country. However, the incident did not take lessons by dictators who are in some African countries such as Egypt and Middle East countries.

Husni Mubarak, Moammar Khadaffi, and Ben Ali, now have to deal with their own people who used to love them enough. Now there's no more love for the dictator. Destruction and fallen reign of the dictator was more desirable than the presence on the reins of government throne.

What's the fun of life in a war ? What comfort many people hated ? There can be no more light in the soul happy when prayer-prayer from the lips tortured strands sentence is asking God to destroy and take away the life of the dictator.

Many of blood in order to achieve more freedom essential to a better sense of justice has made the earth weep. Screams and moans when life was about to be separated from the body as carbon copies bullets, have made the heavens mourn. Heart and soul are determined to finish the fight with the aim of overthrowing the powers that have been too long, has made death is not a scary thing. The martyrs were willing to die in order to give happiness to his successor later.

Nurdin Khalid
Indonesian football stories do not want to miss this social revolution in the car. A Nurdin Khalid had become 'rulers' PSSI for years, are now being hit by the tsunami of protest from among the football lovers Indonesia. Compassion and a sense of optimism that Indonesian football will be better if there was no Nurdin and his friends in the management of PSSI has made thousands of football fans from all over Indonesia exert all efforts in order to reach a goal, "NURDIN DOWN!"

If only there was nothing other than a sincere intention to raise football PSSI and Indonesia, Nurdin who still have a heart and the heart was touched and would definitely be willing to go down. But, if there is a great scenario to be covered, it will Nurdin forcefully protects the ulcer trying to hide.

Financial reporting and the issue of gambling is the greatest public suspicion towards stewardship Nurdin football lovers. This extraordinary fund was still not able to make a team of stars that can presented victory after victory, so there is a trophy that can be brought to this country.

Candidates Dictator
Learning in the hope you can make yourself aware of potential dictators and ruling out the attack for more than 5 years anywhere. Give a chance at a better and more aggressive, and that his heart is still clean to realize the ideals of the welfare of all the people of Indonesia.

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