Sunday, April 21, 2013

Some Possible to Have a Free House ?

Some Possible to Have a Free House ? We all wish could have a free house, right ? Hmm .. Maybe that is what many dream of someone today. Getting home for Free. But, what is the reason ? Naturally, because the house is one of the primary needs for the people of Indonesia in addition to food and clothing. Especially for those who are married. One of the functions of the house itself is in addition to shelter, as a meeting place for all family members so interwoven communication and intimacy. The house is also an embodiment of lifestyle or personal to its owner.

Not a few people who set aside part of their income to the needs of the house itself. Because according to some home can also be very profitable investment in the future. For those who have sufficient financial, maybe they have a right to your own home. But, for some people who have not strong financially, maybe they will choose to hire or rent a home.

How to Get a Free House ?

Well, the question is, will there still be home free now ? Dream ? Not really. Because some of the things that can cause us to have it. Here are a few ways that allow us have a free house.

1. Getting Sweepstakes

One way to have a free home without spending personal money which won one of the raffle. Although chances are small, but who knows fortune us apart Merciful. On one occasion we could have won the lottery. Either of the Bank where we save money or our phone cards and other products. We can also participate in a media event held to TV, radio, newspaper, tabloid or the other. The lottery process is virtually as chancy. But it could not hurt to try. Because, things are very likely to occur. Moreover, if we really want to have a home, so sometimes it can be a gift to be one way.

2. Getting Office Facilities

Working in a state-owned company that provides a bonafide or provide welfare for employees to be one sniper shot for us. Usually these companies will provide housing facilities, whether it be an apartment, home office, home loans or cash substitutes. So, do not ever stuck in a career. Although the house is not given into private property, but as long as an employee we can use the house. Indeed, the house is usually provided by the company is not as big as that is in a residential complex. The size of the rooms there are at most two rooms, with a living room too small. However, if the marriage is still new. Free house provided by the company generally is a favor. Because, you no longer think about the cost of renting the house. You just think of the cost of electricity and water, if using tap water.

3. Getting a Home Loan Without Collateral from Work Place

Some large companies will offer home loans which are coordinated by the bank to the payment of salary system. And may not be felt our personal spending money for the mortgage. Indeed, it can not be claimed to be one hundred percent as a free house. Because there are installments to be paid despite deducted from monthly salary earned. But sometimes, there is a kind-hearted leader of the company stating that the home is free of charge provided. This means that no longer is due to be paid in company performance.

Hence, if there are unsecured home loan program from the company, then maximize the job done. The way to do this is to instill in ourselves that we love the work because the work is, not because of the company and head of the company. Because, in addition to motivation, learning also for us that the company could have been closed, but the ability and expertise to the job will never be lost. With this capability we will also be looking for a similar job when the company is currently working has been closed.

Well, this way of thinking really brings two advantages. First, it could be a way to get the free because of the success or achievement. Achievement that can make proud leader of the company. Second, build morale never broken. That is, if there is any sense of saturation but can be eliminated by considering the mindset back to work because it is so like his job, not because of the leadership of the company.

4. Get Inherited from Parents

Getting home from heritage is fortune. Because we do not need to struggle desperately to get home. Maybe we can get a little renovating when we occupied the house from the estate. Free home based legacy divides into two. There are indeed prepared the parents for their children. And there is also because she is the youngest child to be a must for him to occupy the house occupied by his parents. This is true in some customs in Indonesia. One is custom Mandailing. Therefore, for the smallest child or the youngest always feel happy. Since it was no guarantee of his parents to get home without any payment whatsoever. And generally, siblings always accept decisions that determined the parents that the youngest child who occupied the house when her parents are gone.

5. Gift / Reward

For professionals, particularly in the field of marketing or sales, usually if the specified target is reached will be awarded prizes / rewards, one of which is realized in the form of home. So, we ought to work hard in every thing we do. Having a free house is not merely a dream if we are willing to work hard. Do not forget to always keep and care for the house to preserve its beauty and bring comfort to the occupants. My house is my castle. Take care of well. Do not forget to keep trying and praying to Allah. Reward here is different from what is described in the beginning. If the reward is given really was new. While the above is to assume the leadership of the company paid off the mortgage payment that has been done. Equally reward, just different types and ways of administration.

How to LOA Free Calling Home

Sometimes coming home for a quick free way quite easily. Do a lot of affirmation through the mind. Consider carefully the type of home you want to come for free, then day by day accompanied with notes in the diary of the activities undertaken. Are there signs show will get one have a home without pay as mentioned above. By doing affirmations often with full concentrated, usually what is desired will be obtained. Including having a home without any money out. If necessary, try to create an image of the desired home. Or, if you really want a house that is in one of the housing complex but did not have the funds to have it, then by way of affirmation and picture shape of the house. Believe me, God will bring your way without knowing it.

But remember, you can not only affirming it. You also have to keep working with passion and if you have the good fortune gift bit of what you have. This is how the Law of Attraction. Affirm what is desired, continue to pray and share the fortune owned to others. Eventually the law of prosperity which invoked your mind will help to make it happen. This method proved successful. Because almost everything that happens in the world is due to the law of attraction. Pleasure and pain caused by our minds. Just like what was said Robert Collier, "People who are very successful in the world utilizing their minds. They are thought to dapan and create mental images in detail, filling in here, adding a little there, a little change here and there, but it continues to build, with a steady. "

That is, Robert Collier taught that by changing the way we think it will be able to change lives. In fact there are even more powerful in realizing his dream, he imagined early on that he has had what he wanted. If we really want a free house, then get yourself to imagine already have it early. Then prepare what will be charged at home, then by the law of the arrival of the desired will happen.

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